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  Belle testbeam at SPS in June 2015, all entries  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Wed Jun 3 10:48:42 2015, Benedikt Würkner, common, Networking, , , , , Unknown 

WLAN Router:

SSID: Hephy

password: 20supersecret14

DHCP Range: to 239

Netmask: /24

DNS Server:


external IP: (für diverse Port Forwardings)


Manuell vergebene IP Adressen bitte unbedingt Benni mitteilen oder/und in der folgenden Tabelle eintragen! 

IP/MAC Zuweisung:

IP Machine/Name intern Port Forwarding (aussen) SVD Kenwood  VNC(5900)  VNC(9000) SVD3 DAQ  VNC(5900)  VNC(9001) TUX DAQ  VNC(5900), VNC(5901), SSH(22)  VNC(9009), VNC(9002), SSH(9003), Belle XY Tisch TUXOA  SSH(22), VNC(5900)  SSH(9004), VNC(9012) JTAG Server alixcool slowcontrol  VNC(5900)  VNC(9005) CAEN Power supply zenpixelwiki  SSH(22), VNC(5900)  SSH(9006), VNC(9008) TLU (pcx25042, XY)  VNC(5900)  VNC(9007) Cooling control PC VNC(5900) VNC(9011) NI GPIB - ENET / 1000 Printserver  VNC(5900)  VNC(9010) Aida PC   vnc(5900)


Admin Zugang Wlan Router:


Username: admin

password: Hephy2014


Entry  Mon Jun 8 11:33:24 2015, Thomas Bergauer, common, beam profile, , , , , Unknown Beamprofile.png

120GeV hadrons, beam config H6A.BELLE.003

Entry  Tue May 12 10:27:39 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Setup information, , , , , Unknown spider-config.jpg

Information concerning the SVD3 setup during a beam test

In the beam area setup the whole crate and the power supply with the usual spider cable and the two Keithly 2410 high voltage supplies. Monitoring of the 2410 happens via a NI MAX interface that connects to the GPIB-Ethernet interface and needs to be configured there. The IP and password are noted on the device. The software can be found on heros in medialib/LONGTERM/longterm R3.1_doubleSided as a normal *.vi file. 

Default adresses 16 and 17 as defined in labview, need to figure out on site which is which, if the voltage selected (e.g. 100V) is applied as +50/-50 or if it is applied as +100/-100 before connecting the cables. 

Take a run without dut as well to check the telescope integrity. Without dut in beamline!!!!!

Entry  Thu Jun 4 18:49:03 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Setup, , , , , Unknown IMG_20150604_184442.jpgIMG_20150604_184451.jpgIMG_20150604_184516.jpg
Entry  Sat Jun 6 16:14:36 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), calibration run and setup information, cal01, , , , Unknown 

Calibration Run with +- 50V Bias with higher compliance since the p-side draws more current than expected (23muA by the MAMBO)


Entry  Sat Jun 6 16:17:52 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run, hw002, 5000, , , Good 

Table: 100:70

Bias: +-50V

Run to confirm trigger delay

Entry  Sat Jun 6 16:18:48 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run, hw003, 50000, , , Unknown 

Table: 100:70

Bias: +-50V

Run to confirm trigger delay

Entry  Sat Jun 6 21:00:15 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), first hardware run with TLU and Telescope, hw004, 117171, , , Unknown 

Table: 100:70

Bias: +-50V

600 pedestal

0 offset (at the beginning)

Started APVDAQ and waited till 600 were taken then started EUDAQ

EUDAQ Run 21

Mimosa Thresholds lvl 6

Entry  Sun Jun 7 00:58:33 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run, hw006, , , , Crap 

Table: 100:70

Bias: +-50V

600 pedestal

0 offset (at the beginning)

Started APVDAQ and waited till 600 were taken then started EUDAQ

EUDAQ Run 24

Mimosa Thresholds lvl 7

Entry  Sun Jun 7 11:38:04 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run with TLU and Telescope, hw007, 15000, , , Good 

TLU Run 46

Threshold 8b

Offset 601

Entry  Sun Jun 7 12:10:24 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Telescope Threshold8b test run , 0046, 14399, , , Unknown 

Telescope in combination with SVD3

Entry  Sun Jun 7 12:11:42 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Telescope Threshold7 test run , 0047, 38175, , , Unknown 

Telescope alone

Entry  Sun Jun 7 12:12:00 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Telescope Threshold7 test run , 0048, 53356, , , Unknown 

Telescope alone

Entry  Sun Jun 7 13:18:20 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run with TLU and Telescope, hw008, 53670, 1, No, Good 

FIRST GOOD RUN WITH SVD3 plus telescope

EUDET Run 49

Mimosa Threshold 7

Offset APVDAQ-TLU Event number: 601

Pos 1: x=100 mm, y=79 mm (Hits in APV 3 und 8-9 in p-Seite und 14 und 17 in n-Seite)

Entry  Sun Jun 7 14:44:29 2015, Thomas Bergauer, SVD3 (H6B), XY Stage and DUT Positions, , , , , Unknown FWD-BWD.PNGapv-numbering.jpgFWD-BWD_Bemaßung.PNG

Coordinate system:

pos x-Direction = Jura side

pos y-Direction = Down

Zero-point is in the top right corner in Beam direction


absolute Position of PI Stages:

Pos 1: x=100 mm, y=79 mm (Hits in APV 3 und 8-9 in p-Seite und 14 und 17 in n-Seite )

Pos 2: x=69.3 mm, y=79 mm (Hits in APV 3-4 und 8-9 in p-Seite und 13 und 18 in n-Seite) 

Pos 3: x=38.6 mm, y=84 mm

Pos 4: x=130.7 mm, y=84 mm

Pos 5: x=30.5 mm, y= 99.74 mm (wide side top)

Pos 6: x=136.08 mm, y= 91.49 mm (narrow side top)

Pos 7: x= 30.5 mm, y= 79 mm (wide side center)

Pos 8: x=136.08 mm, y= 79 mm (narrow side center)

Pos 9: x=30.5 mm, y= 60.67 mm (wide side down)

Pos 10: x= 136.08mm, y=68.9 mm (narrow side down)

Entry  Sun Jun 7 15:03:31 2015, Thomas Bergauer, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run with TLU and Telescope, hw050, 50000, 2, No, Good 

RUN WITH SVD3 plus telescope

EUDET Run 50

Mimosa Threshold 7

Pos 2: x=69.3 mm, y=79 mm (Hits in APV 3-4 und 8-9 in p-Seite und 13 und 18 in n-Seite) 

Entry  Sun Jun 7 20:03:09 2015, Thomas Bergauer, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run with TLU and Telescope, hw051, 50000, 3, No, Good 

RUN WITH SVD3 plus telescope

EUDET Run 51

Mimosa Threshold 7

Pos 3: x=38.6 mm, y=84 mm

Entry  Sun Jun 7 20:03:31 2015, Thomas Bergauer, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run with TLU and Telescope, hw052, 50000, 4, No, Good 

RUN WITH SVD3 plus telescope

EUDET Run 52

Mimosa Threshold 7

Pos 4: x=130.7 mm, y=84 mm (hits auf APV 2 und (bisschen) 3, (bisschen) 8 und 9, 15 und 16

Entry  Sun Jun 7 20:37:56 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run with TLU and Telescope, hw053, 50000, 5, , Good 

RUN WITH SVD3 plus telescope

EUDET Run 53

Mimosa Threshold 6

Pos 5: x=30.5 mm, y= 99.74 mm (wide side top)

Entry  Sun Jun 7 23:09:46 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run with TLU and Telescope, hw054, 120000, 6, No, Good 

RUN WITH SVD3 plus telescope

EUDET Run 54

Mimosa Threshold 6

Pos 6: x=136.08 mm, y= 91.49 mm (narrow side top)

Entry  Mon Jun 8 01:28:58 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run with TLU and Telescope, hw055, 410000, 7, No, Good 

RUN WITH SVD3 plus telescope

EUDET Run 55

Mimosa Threshold 6

Pos 7: x= 30.5 mm, y= 79 mm (wide side center)

Entry  Mon Jun 8 09:37:30 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run with TLU and Telescope, hw056, 50000, 8, No, Good run000056-fitter-residuals.pdf

RUN WITH SVD3 plus telescope

EUDET Run 56

Mimosa Threshold 6

Pos 8: x=136.08 mm, y= 79 mm (narrow side center)

Entry  Mon Jun 8 10:47:44 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run with TLU and Telescope, hw057, 50000, 9, No, Good run000057-fitter-residuals.pdf

RUN WITH SVD3 plus telescope

EUDET Run 57

Mimosa Threshold 6

Pos 9: x=30.5 mm, y= 60.67 mm (wide side down)

Entry  Mon Jun 8 11:57:14 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run with TLU and Telescope, hw058, 50000, 10, No, Good 

RUN WITH SVD3 plus telescope

EUDET Run 58

Mimosa Threshold 6

Pos 10: x= 136.08mm, y=68.9 mm (narrow side down)

Entry  Mon Jun 8 15:03:53 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), hardware run with TLU and FEI4 WORKING, 59, 19000, , , Unknown 

Testrun with the FEI4 working for the first time. 

Lessons learned about the configuration:

EnableDUTVeto needs to be set for the FEI4 to allow it to work

HandShakeMode needs to be enabled for the FEI4 as well

"Enable RJ45 input during scans" needs to be enabled for the USB-controller

Entry  Mon Jun 8 15:49:23 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Hardware FEI4, 60, 50000, 10, No, Unknown Screenshot_2015-06-08_17.59.50.pngScreenshot_2015-06-08_17.41.03.png

Hardware run with FEI4, Telescope and FW&BW Modules

Pos 10: x= 136.08mm, y=68.9 mm (narrow side down)


Bilder: Hitmap FE-I4 und Correlation zw. Mimosa und FE-I4

Entry  Mon Jun 8 16:53:13 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), EUTelescope Fitter not working investigation, , , , , Unknown nice-alignment.pngbad-alignment.png

Apparently every problem can be attributed to a misalignment problem. The telescope has troubles with heavily misaligned DUTs. Was resolved by creating different gear-files for each run with pretty precise coordinates of the DUT position calculated for the telescope coordinate system. 

Additionally one has to watch out for misaligned planes of the telescope itself. It was required to allow for more than 2mm offset for the telescope planes behind the DUTs. This can be easily checked by looking at the PreAligner plots in the -hitmaker-histo.root file.

It look something like this:

and not like this:


Run number offset value Comment
49 -1  
50 -1 Expected default value. EORE=49401
51 -1 Expected default value. EORE=49400
52 -1 Checked -1 EORE= 49401
53 -1 Checked -1 EORE= 49401
54 -1 Checked -1 EORE= 119401, 
55 -1 Checked -1 EORE= 409388
56 -1 Checked -1 EORE= 49392
57 -1 Checked -1 EORE= 49377
58 -1 Checked -1 EORE= 49397


Run Position x-Table x-telescope FW x-telescope BW
49 1 100 -13,7 -16,7
50 2 69,3 17 14
51 3 38,6 47,7 44,7
52 4 130,7 -44,4 -47,4
53 5 30,5 55,8 52,8
54 6 136,8 -50,5 -53,5
55 7 30,5 55,8 52,8
56 8 136,8 -50,5 -53,5
57 9 30,5 55,8 52,8
58 10 136,8 -50,5 -53,5
Entry  Mon Jun 8 18:00:06 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Hardware FEI4, hw061, 50000, 2, No, Unknown 

RUN WITH SVD3, telescope and FEI4

EUDET Run 61

Mimosa Threshold 6

Pos 2: x=69.3 mm, y=79 mm (Hits in APV 3-4 und 8-9 in p-Seite und 13 und 18 in n-Seite) 

Entry  Mon Jun 8 18:08:49 2015, Thomas Bergauer, SVD3 (H6B), Telescope online monitor, , , , , Unknown 

a working version of the EUDET online monitor (which works also with the FE-I4) is at the following location

~/BELLETEST/eudaq-neu/build/monitors/onlinemon$ ./OnlineMon.exe -sc 0 -f /home/telescope/eudaq/data/run000060.raw

Entry  Mon Jun 8 20:16:41 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Hardware FEI4, 62, 50000, 3, No, Unknown 

RUN WITH SVD3, telescope and FEI4

EUDET Run 62

Mimosa Threshold 6

Pos 3: x=38.6 mm, y=84 mm

Entry  Mon Jun 8 22:11:07 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Hardware FEI4, 63, 490000, 4, No, Unknown 

RUN WITH SVD3, telescope and FEI4

EUDET Run 63

Mimosa Threshold 6

Pos 4: x=130.7 mm, y=84 mm

Entry  Tue Jun 9 09:50:15 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Hardware FEI4, 64, 50000, 5, No, Unknown 

RUN WITH SVD3, telescope and FEI4

EUDET Run 64

Mimosa Threshold 6

Pos 5: x=30.5 mm, y= 99.74 mm (wide side top)

Entry  Tue Jun 9 10:01:03 2015, Lukas Bulla, SVD3 (H6B), TLU setup info, , , , , Unknown upstream.jpgdownstream.jpg


  • Upstream vertical -> channel 0; (bitmask 1)
  • Upstream horizontal -> channel 1; (bitmask 2)
  • Downstream vertical -> channel 2; (bitmask 4)
  • Downstream horizontal ->channel 3; (bitmask 8)


TLU DuT interface:

DUT Interface Bitmask DAQ
1 1 Mimosa (EUDET Telescope)
2 2 leer
3 4 SVD3
4 8 FE-I4


Entry  Tue Jun 9 11:20:25 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Vertical Beam Profile Run, 65, 50000, 2, No, Unknown 

Trying to get a nice plot of the beam profile by only using the vertical PMTs (number 0 and 2) see http://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-SPS2015/66 for details. 

Pos 2: x=69.3 mm, y=79 mm (Hits in APV 3-4 und 8-9 in p-Seite und 13 und 18 in n-Seite) 

Producer.TLU Config Change:

  • AndMask=0x5
Entry  Tue Jun 9 12:34:16 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Horizontal Beam Profile Run, 66, 50000, 2, No, Unknown 

Trying to get a nice plot of the beam profile by only using the PMTs 1 and 3 (horizontal)  see http://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-SPS2015/66 for details. 

Pos 2: x=69.3 mm, y=79 mm (Hits in APV 3-4 und 8-9 in p-Seite und 13 und 18 in n-Seite) 

Producer.TLU Config Change:

  • AndMask=0xa (10 in hex) 
Entry  Tue Jun 9 14:33:50 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Vertical Beam Profile Run, 67, 50000, 2, No, Unknown 

Trying to get a nice plot of the beam profile by only using the vertical PMT 0 (upstream vertical, the long one)  see http://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-SPS2015/66 for details. 

Pos 2: x=69.3 mm, y=79 mm (Hits in APV 3-4 und 8-9 in p-Seite und 13 und 18 in n-Seite) 

Producer.TLU Config Change:

  • AndMask=0x1 
Entry  Tue Jun 9 16:22:59 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Beam Profile Results, 66 und 67, , 2, No, Good HW_066_002_Result.pdfHW_066_003_Result.pdfHW_067_000_Result.pdfHW_067_001_Result.pdf
Entry  Tue Jun 9 20:27:55 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Hardware FEI4, 68, 503505, 8, No, Unknown 

RUN WITH SVD3, telescope and FEI4

EUDET Run 68

Mimosa Threshold 6

Pos 8: x=136.08 mm, y= 79 mm (narrow side center)

Entry  Wed Jun 10 18:05:03 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), FEI4 configuration, , , , No, Unknown 

There are two planes, one fixed upstream and one fixed downstream. 

CIS3WII_6 upstream and CIS2WI_IBL2 downstream.

They are configured using the pc in H6B which can be accessed via microsoft remote desktop from the network 192.168.5.x using the ip 

The configuration files can be found in the folder "E:\ConfigurationCMS\" on the server and are named after the modules. 

Only one of the FEI4 detectors can be used at a time since they are of different generations (FEI4A and FEI4B) which can't be used at the same time with the available USB board. vnc

The configuration for EUDAQ needs to be adapted for the used module by changing the name of the configuration file. 

SkipConfiguration = no
UseSingleBoardConfig = no
boards = 230
modules[230] = 1
config_file = E:\ConfigurationCMS\CIS3_W11_06_thr1600_7to21ke_modified.cfg.root
#config_file = E:\ConfigurationCMS\CIS2_W02_IBL1_thr1600_7to14_modified.cfg.root
fpga_firmware = E:\icwiki_svn\USBPixI4\host\tags\release-5.3\config\usbpixi4.bit
lvl1_delay = 16
tlu_trigger_data_delay = 10

In my experience switching between the planes also requires a restart of the USBPix DAQ because apparently something is not working with the reload of a different config file afterwards. I had the phenomenon that the DAQ responded like it was working but the datastream was empty. Therefore always check the online monitor for hitmaps. 

Entry  Wed Jun 10 19:05:04 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Hardware FEI4, 71, 50000, 1, No, Unknown 

RUN WITH SVD3, telescope and FEI4

EUDET Run 71

Mimosa Threshold 6

Pos 1: x=100 mm, y=79 mm (Hits in APV 3 und 8-9 in p-Seite und 14 und 17 in n-Seite )

Downstream FEI4 used

Entry  Wed Jun 10 20:54:36 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Residuals FE-I4 (Upstream), 59, , 10, No, Good run000059-fitter-residuals.pdf
Entry  Wed Jun 10 21:36:25 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Horizontal Beam Profile Run, 72, 50000, 1, No, Good HW_072_002_Result.pdfHW_072_003_Result.pdfHW_072_000_Result.pdfHW_072_001_Result.pdf

Trying to get a nice plot of the beam profile by only using the and 3 (horizontal)  see http://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-SPS2015/66 for details. 

Pos 1: x=100 mm, y=79 mm (Hits in APV 3 und 8-9 in p-Seite und 14 und 17 in n-Seite )

Producer.TLU Config Change:

  • AndMask=0x8 
Entry  Thu Jun 11 15:56:32 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Hardware FEI4, 73, 20000, 7, No, Unknown 

RUN WITH SVD3, telescope and FEI4

EUDET Run 73

Mimosa Threshold 6

Pos 7: x= 30.5 mm, y= 79 mm (wide side center)

Upstream FEI4 used, checking if alignment change helped

Entry  Thu Jun 11 17:11:40 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Hardware FEI4, 74, 20000, 8, No, Unknown 

RUN WITH SVD3, telescope and FEI4

EUDET Run 74

Mimosa Threshold 6

Pos 8: x=136.08 mm, y= 79 mm (narrow side center)

Upstream FEI4 used

Entry  Fri Jun 12 16:52:52 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Telescope without DUT, 76, ~30k, , No, Good Telescope_without_DUT.png

Threshold 6

Testrun to see how the telescope behaves without a DUT to test if there is an increased amount of multiple scattering after the aluminum planes of the FW and BW module. 


Entry  Fri Jun 12 17:08:23 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Telescope with FEI4, 80, ~30k, , No, Good 

Threshold 6

Testrun to see how the telescope behaves without a DUT to test if there is an increased amount of multiple scattering after the aluminum planes of the FW and BW module. 

This time with the upstream FEI4 plane

Entry  Sat Jun 13 16:47:28 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), Mimosa threshold with FEI4, 82, 12000, , No, Good 

Set mimosa threshold to 5 and recorded with FEI4 upstream

L3 already in sensor but not yet configured. 

Probably to noisy to help much

Entry  Sat Jun 13 17:05:35 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), L3 with FEI4, 84, 30000, 1, No, Good Telescope_with_L3.png

L3 sensor at position x: 105, y: 47 hitting apvs: 2&3 on p-side and apv 3 on n-side

Entry  Sat Jun 13 18:02:04 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), L3 with FEI4, 85, 70000, 2, No, Good 

L3 sensor at position x: 115, y: 47 hitting apvs: 2&3 on p-side and apv 3&4 on n-side

Entry  Sat Jun 13 19:14:41 2015, Benedikt Würkner, SVD3 (H6B), L3 with FEI4, 86, 732000, 3, No, Good 

L3 sensor at position x: 115, y: 57 hitting apvs: 1&2 on p-side and apv 3&4 on n-side

Entry  Wed Jun 3 17:23:07 2015, Thomas Bergauer, Belle II FADC (H6A), XY stage positions, , , , , Unknown L5_Class_B-.PNG

x-Achse: positiv Richtung Saleve (counting room)

y-Achse: positiv Richtung UNTEN!!


position of laddertestbox xy stages:

Rev. Pos (BWD Sensor, BWD, Oben) x= 82.3, y=110.6

Mitte Sensor:

Pos 1: (mitte BWD sensor): x=144.74, y=80.8

Pos 2: (mitte Origami -z): x=269.62, y=80.8

Pos 3: (mitte Origami ce): x=394.42, y=80.8

Pos 4 (mitte FWD Micron Sensor): x=517, y=80.8


Pos 5 (Ecke BWD sensor): x=92.3, y=105.6

Pos 6 (Ecke Origami -z): x=217.18, y=105.6

Pos 7 (Ecke Origami ce): x=342.06, y=105.6

Pos 8 (Ecke FWD sensor): x=467,62, y=56,3 

Pos 9 (Ecke FWD sensor): x=568,33 y=64,48

Entry  Thu Jun 4 14:15:50 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), FIR, 001, , , , Good 

FIR filer and ADC delay with all sensor and telescope.
telescope n-side switched.

Entry  Thu Jun 4 14:16:20 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Pedestal, 001, 10000, , , Good 

FirRun001, room temp
telescope n-side switched.

Entry  Thu Jun 4 15:12:41 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 001, 50000, 1, No, Good 20x

PedestalRun001, FIRRun001, room temp
telescope n-side switched.
In order to correct the position change the

Entry  Thu Jun 4 18:44:50 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 002, 50000, 2, No, Good 19x

room temp, FIRRun001, pedestal run 003

Entry  Thu Jun 4 18:45:42 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Pedestal, 003, 10000, , , Good 

firrun003, room temp

Entry  Thu Jun 4 22:07:16 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 003, 189k, 3, No, Good 21x

CE. pedestal run 003. Fir run 002. Room temp

Entry  Fri Jun 5 08:20:27 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 004, 50000, 4, No, Good 16x

room temp, FIRRun002, pedestalrun003, taget FW

Entry  Fri Jun 5 12:02:29 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Sixlet Calibration, 001, , , , Good 

room temp max subevent at 2. with lat = 96

Entry  Fri Jun 5 12:03:34 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Sixlet Calibration, 002, , , , Good 

lat = 97 to a greater range of lat scan

Entry  Fri Jun 5 19:55:00 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Sixlet Calibration, 003, , , , Unknown 

lat = 98

room temp

pedestalrun 003

Entry  Fri Jun 5 19:59:44 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Pedestal, 004, 10000, , , Good 

update pedestal values for room temp sixlet runs.

Entry  Fri Jun 5 23:38:51 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Pedestal, 005, 10000, , , Unknown 

Readjust after cooling box.

room temp, firrun002

Entry  Fri Jun 5 23:39:49 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 005, ~200k, 5, No, Good 21x

FIRRun002, pedestalrun005, room temp
Target BW: beam spot at ~ (0 p, 0 n)

Entry  Sat Jun 6 12:43:55 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 006, 50000, 6, No, Good 20x

FIRRun002, room temp, pedestalrun005,
layout: same as HW 005
target: -z, pos 6 (strip: p-0, n-0);

NOTE: results shown in the attachments has been evaluated with cmc containing 128 strip

Entry  Sat Jun 6 14:28:28 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Harware, 007, 50000, 7, No, Good 20x

room temp, FIRRun002, PedestalRun005, room temp

target: CE, pos 7 (p-0, n-0)

Entry  Sat Jun 6 16:48:41 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 008, 50000, 8, No, Good 20x

room temp, FIRRun002, PedestalRun005, room temp

target: FW, pos 8 (p-0, n-0)

Entry  Sat Jun 6 23:30:29 2015, Benedikt Würkner, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 009, , , , Good 

room temp, FIRRun002, PedestalRun005, room temp

target: FW, pos 9 (p-0, n-128*4)

Entry  Sun Jun 7 10:36:38 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Pedestal, 006, 10000, , , Unknown Pos1.PNG

Cooled, Temp see attachment

Entry  Sun Jun 7 10:39:56 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Calibration, 002, , , , Good 

FIRRun002, pedestalrun006; temp see attachment in pedestalrun006

Entry  Sun Jun 7 13:19:19 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 010, , , , Good 


FIRRun002, PedestalRun006 (temp enty)

target: BW, pos 1

Entry  Sun Jun 7 13:21:15 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 011, 50000, , , Good Pos2.PNG

cooled (see attachment)

FIRRun002, PedestalRun006

target: -Z, pos 2

Entry  Sun Jun 7 15:59:05 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 012, 50000, , , Unknown Pos3.PNG

cooled (see attachment)

FIRRun002, PedestalRun006

target: CE, pos 2

cooling box emergency break ... ie about the last 1-10 k not useable.

Entry  Sun Jun 7 20:02:40 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Cooling Box Emergency break, , , , , Unknown 

Something triggered a emergency break. HWRun012 only last 1-10k event has to be discarded.

Entry  Sun Jun 7 23:04:06 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 013, 50000, , , Good 

cooled (see attachment)

FIRRun002, PedestalRun006

target: CE, pos 3

cooling box emergency break ... ie about the last 1-10 k not useable.

Entry  Sun Jun 7 23:09:29 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 014, 224k, , , Good Pos4.png

cooled (see attachment) in - 20,5 out -7,8

FIRRun002, PedestalRun006

target: fw, pos 4

Entry  Mon Jun 8 09:21:01 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 015, 70000, 8, Yes, Good Pos8.PNG

cooled (see attachment) in - 21 out -18

FIRRun002, PedestalRun006

target: fw, pos 8

Entry  Mon Jun 8 14:48:27 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 016, ~96k, 9, Yes, Good 

cooled (see attachment) in --21.24 out -18-54

FIRRun002, PedestalRun006

target: fw, pos 9

Entry  Mon Jun 8 20:13:59 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 017, , 5, Yes, Good 

cooled (see attachment) in -21.24 out -18.54

cooling supply emty at ~24:00 ie first 30k is cooled.

FIRRun002, PedestalRun006

target: BW, pos 5

Entry  Tue Jun 9 09:32:41 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Pedestal, 007, 10000, , , Good 

Room temp, fir002

Entry  Tue Jun 9 09:33:33 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Calibration, 003, , , , Good 

room temp

Entry  Tue Jun 9 09:57:56 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 019, 62k, 1, No, Good 

room temp

FIRRun002, PedestalRun007, Calibrationrun003

Entry  Tue Jun 9 20:30:37 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), FIR, 004, , , , Good 

FIR filer and ADC delay with all sensor and telescope.
Telescope alignment

Entry  Tue Jun 9 20:32:46 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Pedestal, 008, 10000, , No, Good 

Room temp, fir004

Entry  Tue Jun 9 20:36:39 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 020, 62k, , No, Good 

room temp

FIRRun004, PedestalRun008
telescope alignment

Entry  Wed Jun 10 10:40:24 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Sixlet Calibration, 004, , , No, Good 

room temp
pedestalrun 008

max frame pos = 0. frame

lvl = 20, 30
lat = 95
sam = 20
grp = 8

Entry  Wed Jun 10 11:19:33 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Sixlet Calibration, 005, , , No, Good 

room temp
pedestalrun 008

max frame pos = 0. frame

lvl = 20, 30
lat = 96
sam = 20
grp = 8

Entry  Wed Jun 10 12:03:53 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Sixlet Calibration, 006, , , No, Good 

room temp
pedestalrun 008

max frame pos = 1-2-3. frame n side still shifted

lvl = 20, 30
lat = 97
sam = 20
grp = 8

Entry  Wed Jun 10 12:04:27 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Sixlet Calibration, 007, , , No, Good 

room temp
pedestalrun 008

max frame pos = 1-2-3. frame n side still shifted

lvl = 20, 30
lat = 98
sam = 20
grp = 8

Entry  Wed Jun 10 13:12:33 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Sixlet Calibration, 010, , , Yes, Good 

pedestalrun 008

max frame pos = 1-2-3. frame n side still shifted

lvl = 15, 35
lat = 96
sam = 50
grp = 8

Entry  Wed Jun 10 18:52:34 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Pedestal, 009, 10000, , Yes, Good temperature.PNG

temp: in -22 out -18,

Entry  Wed Jun 10 19:07:42 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 021, , 5, Yes, Good 

temp: in -23 out -20


taget: BW

Entry  Thu Jun 11 11:41:50 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Sixlet Calibration, 011, , , Yes, Good 

pedestalrun 008

max frame pos = 1-2-3. frame n side still shifted

lvl = 15, 35
lat = 96
sam = 50
grp = 8

Entry  Thu Jun 11 11:42:39 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Sixlet Calibration, 012, , , Yes, Good 

cooled until about 400k after that room temp
pedestalrun 009

sixlet calibration run with only ladders

lvl = 0, 255
lat = 97
sam = 50
grp = 8

Entry  Thu Jun 11 16:35:14 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 022, , 5, Yes, Good 

temp: in -23 out -20


taget: BW, pos 5

Entry  Thu Jun 11 16:38:17 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 023, , 7, Yes, Good Pos7.PNG

temp: attachment (in 1st col, out 2nd col)


taget: CE, pos 7

Entry  Thu Jun 11 18:01:54 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 024, , 6, Yes, Good Pos6.PNG

temp: attachment (in 1st col, out 2nd col)


taget: -z, pos 6

Entry  Thu Jun 11 18:37:11 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 025, , 6, Yes, Good pos3.PNG

temp: attachment (in 1st col, out 2nd col)


taget: ce, pos 3

Entry  Fri Jun 12 09:31:58 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), FIR, 005, , , Yes, Good 

FIR filer and ADC delay for long sixlet cal run.

Entry  Fri Jun 12 17:00:18 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Pedestal, 011, 10000, , No, Good 

cooled pedestal vaules for long sixlet cal

Entry  Fri Jun 12 17:03:02 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Pedestal, 012, 10000, , No, Good 

room temp

Entry  Fri Jun 12 17:11:45 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 026, 50k, 1, No, Good 

room temp


L3 rotated.
taget: bw, pos 1

Entry  Sat Jun 13 09:09:37 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 027, ~200k, 2, No, Good 

room temp


L3 rotated.
taget: CE, pos 1

Entry  Sat Jun 13 10:07:36 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 028, 50k, 4, No, Good 

room temp


L3 rotated.
taget: FW, pos 4

Entry  Sat Jun 13 13:01:39 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 029, , 3, No, Good 

room temp


L3 rotated.
taget: CE, pos 3

Entry  Sat Jun 13 19:26:26 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 030, , 3, No, Good 

room temp


wo L3 and L4
taget: CE, pos 3

Entry  Sat Jun 13 19:29:50 2015, Hao Yin, Belle II FADC (H6A), Hardware, 030, , 1, No, Good 

room temp


wo L3 and L4
taget: bw, pos 1

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b