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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS October 2011, Page 2 of 5  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Tue Oct 4 15:16:06 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron, Micron-Baby-Stack p-spray, run bottom left, run003, 200k, 04.10.2011 11:29:19, 04.10.2011 13:57:54, Good 

hit modules in bottom left corner -> Zones wide and half-wide for COMB_IRRAD, Zones narrow and half-narrow for BOMM_IRRAD

Position of HEPHY x-z-table:
x = 336
z = 89

Entry  Tue Oct 4 15:16:45 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron, Micron-Baby-Stack p-spray, run bottom right NOT USABLE, run004, 200k, 4.10.2011 15:28:48, 04.10.2011 19:36:50, Crap 

HAS TO BE REPEATED!!! Before this run there were changes in the trigger line (vetoing the trigger when no spill), and thus the timing is incorrect.

hit modules in bottom right corner -> Zones narrow and half-narrow for COMB_IRRAD, Zones wide and half-wide for COMM_IRRAD

Position of HEPHY x-z-table:
x = 322
z = 89

Entry  Tue Oct 4 21:40:52 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack, cal004, 83800, 04.10.2011 21:18:09, 04.10.2011 21:50:23, Good 

HV=+-40V, no cooling
beam on

longterm files (same files used for cal004 and run005):

currents and temperatures:
04.10.2011  21:50:13  event=83750  rate=50events/s temp/curr=35.2/-26.1 35.2/-28.7 35.2/-31.4 34.6/022.6 34.6/025.0 34.6/060.4

Entry  Tue Oct 4 22:11:12 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack, run005, 330000, 04.10.2011 22:09:37, 05.10.2011 09:11:54, Crap 

HV=+-40V, no cooling
beam on
pos: x=306, y=87 (centered)

longterm files (same files used for cal004 and run005):

currents and temp:
05.10.2011  09:11:21  event=329649  rate=0events/s temp/curr=33.0/-23.9 33.0/-28.9 33.0/-28.9 32.0/020.1 32.0/025.0 32.0/060.0

Entry  Wed Oct 5 12:09:00 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack cooled wrong I2C settings, cal005, 83800, 05.10.2011 12:04:50, 05.10.2011 12:37:11, Crap 

This calibration file can not be used, due to wrong I2C settings!

beam on

CO2 cooling: 
preassure @ P_TT_4 = 18.77 bar
mass flow = 0.9 g/s


longterm files (same files used for cal005 and run006):

currents and temperatures:
05.10.2011  12:05:53  event=2883  rate=37events/s temp/curr=35.0/-05.6 35.0/-06.3 35.0/-06.9 34.2/001.9 34.1/002.5 34.1/022.6
05.10.2011  12:36:53  event=83350  rate=48events/s temp/curr=34.4/-05.5 34.5/-06.1 34.5/-06.9 33.9/001.7 33.9/002.4 33.9/022.5

Entry  Wed Oct 5 13:00:41 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack cooled , run006, 24692, 05.10.2011 12:55:53, 05.10.2011 14:05:49, Crap 

Run stopped after 24692 events, because all n-side APV failed due to a shortcut of a capacitor (C223) on n-side rebo

beam on

CO2 cooling: 
preassure @ P_TT_4 = 18.77 bar
mass flow = 0.9 g/s


longterm files (same files used for cal005 and run006):

currents and temperatures:
05.10.2011  12:56:54  event=985  rate=0events/s temp/curr=35.0/-05.5 35.0/-06.1 34.9/-06.9 34.2/001.7 34.3/002.4 34.3/022.3

Entry  Wed Oct 5 16:43:00 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack cooled, cal006, 83800, 05.10.2011 16:40:18, 05.10.2011 17:12:27, Good 

beam on

CO2 cooling: 
preassure @ P_TT_4 = 18.2 bar
mass flow = 0.9 g/s


longterm files (same files used for cal005 and run006):

currents and temperatures:
05.10.2011  16:41:21  event=2850  rate=50events/s temp/curr=35.4/-05.8 35.3/-06.3 35.4/-07.2 34.9/002.0 34.9/002.5 34.9/021.7
05.10.2011  17:11:20  event=81237  rate=37events/s temp/curr=35.1/-05.8 35.1/-06.1 35.0/-07.1 34.5/002.0 34.5/002.5 34.5/021.4

Entry  Wed Oct 5 17:54:09 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack cooled, cal007, 83800, 05.10.2011 17:51:57 , , Good 

I2C setting modified to improve the shape of the p-side signal --> shaping time reduced, pulse height still low

beam on

CO2 cooling: 
preassure @ P_TT_4 = 18.2 bar
mass flow = 0.9 g/s


longterm files

currents and temperatures:
05.10.2011  17:53:00  event=2900  rate=47events/s temp/curr=35.3/-05.6 35.3/-06.0 35.3/-06.9 34.6/001.9 34.8/002.2 34.8/020.7

Entry  Wed Oct 5 19:33:40 2011, Markus Friedl, common, Trigger condition, , , 4.10.2011 15:00, ,  trigger_path_with_veto.png

Changed trigger such that off-spill scintillator triggers are vetoed.

Inserted Flip-Flop which is set by begin of spill (WWE) and reset by end of spill signal (EE). Out-bar is put in coincidence with the scintillator trigger.

This also changes the timing, which was unfortunately not detected until 30 hours later. Thus, runs 4-7 have bad (wrong) timing -> UNUSABLE

Entry  Wed Oct 5 19:57:15 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack cooled , run007, 17845, 05.10.2011 18:27:51, 05.10.2011 19:31:43, Crap 

Run stopped after 17845 events, because of bad trigger timing

beam on

CO2 cooling: 
preassure @ P_TT_4 = 18.77 bar
mass flow = 0.9 g/s


longterm files (same files used for cal005 and run006):

currents and temperatures:
05.10.2011  19:30:51  event=17469  rate=0events/s temp/curr=35.6/-05.6 35.6/-06.1 35.6/-07.1 35.1/001.9 35.1/002.4 35.1/020.9

Entry  Wed Oct 5 20:28:00 2011, Markus Friedl, BELLE, Origami stack cooled, run008, 10582, 05.10.2011 20:25:10, 05.10.2011 20:45:10, Good 

CO2 cooling: P_TT_4: 18.2 bar, mf=0.9 g/s
beam on
I=20.5µA; new I2C settings; corrected trigger delay (htr)

New run with cold Origami and new I2C settings (shorter peaking time) and hopefully correct timing.

corresponding cal file: cal007

Entry  Wed Oct 5 20:49:11 2011, Markus Friedl, BELLE, Origami stack cooled, run009, 330k, 05.10.2011 20:46:30, 06.10.2011 09:12:24 , Good 

CO2 cooling: P_TT_4: 18.2 bar, mf=0.9 g/s
beam on; xy table position x=306 y=76.5
I=20.5µA; new I2C settings; corrected trigger delay (htr)

New run with cold Origami and new I2C settings (shorter peaking time) and hopefully correct timing - and centered position in both x and y.

corresponding cal file: cal007

06.10.2011  09:12:12  event=329714  rate=0events/s temp/curr=35.8/-05.5 36.0/-06.0 35.8/-06.9 33.6/001.7 33.5/002.2 33.6/019.3

Entry  Thu Oct 6 09:22:34 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack cooled, run010, 330k, 05.10.2011 20:46:30, 06.10.2011 09:12:24 , Good 

CO2 cooling: P_TT_4: 18.2 bar, mf=0.9 g/s
beam on; xy table position x=306 y=76.5
I=20.5µA; corrected trigger delay (htr)

New run with cold Origami and same I2C setting as used 2010, with longer shaping time for p-side

centered position in both x and y.

corresponding cal file: cal006

06.10.2011  09:20:29  event=988  rate=0events/s temp/curr=35.8/-05.5 36.0/-06.0 35.8/-06.7 33.5/001.7 33.6/002.0 33.6/019.3

Entry  Thu Oct 6 15:57:51 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack cooled, cal008, 83800, 06.10.2011 15:53:20, 06.10.2011 16:25:29 , Good 

CO2 cooling: P_TT_4: 18.2 bar, mf=1 g/s
beam on; xy table position x=306 y=76.5
I=19.5µA; old I2C settings; corrected trigger delay (htr); adjusted front-end voltages

Temp. at pipe inlet (K7) = -14°C
Temp. at pipe outlet (K8) = -17°C

Before this run, the front-end voltages (+2.5 and +1.25) were readjusted so that the nominal values appear on MAMBO. (Previously, both were about 50mV too low.) Not sure if this makes a big difference, let's see.

06.10.2011  15:54:24  event=2901  rate=36events/s temp/curr=35.5/-05.6 35.5/-06.0 35.4/-06.9 34.9/001.9 35.0/002.2 35.0/019.6
06.10.2011  16:24:25  event=81350  rate=50events/s temp/curr=34.9/-05.6 34.9/-06.1 34.9/-06.9 34.3/001.7 34.3/002.2 34.3/019.6

Entry  Thu Oct 6 17:36:47 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack cooled, run011, 180000, 06.10.2011 17:06:38, 07.10.2011 00:04:06, Good 

CO2 cooling: P_TT_4: 18.2 bar, mf=1 g/s
beam on; xy table position x=260.8 y=60.25
I=19.4µA; old I2C settings; corrected trigger delay (htr); adjusted front-end voltages 

beam focused on APV #0 of p- and n-side, respectively

06.10.2011  17:07:41  event=639  rate=3events/s temp/curr=35.2/-05.6 35.2/-06.0 35.2/-06.9 34.5/001.7 34.5/002.2 34.5/019.6

Entry  Fri Oct 7 00:20:15 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack cooled, run012, 250k, 07.10.2011 00:15:54 , 07.10.2011 09:13:55, Good 

CO2 cooling: P_TT_4: 18.2 bar, mf=1 g/s
beam on; xy table position x=352 y=89
I=19.1µA; old I2C settings; corrected trigger delay (htr); adjusted front-end voltages

beam focused on APV #3 of p- and n-side, respectively

07.10.2011  00:16:57  event=987  rate=0events/s temp/curr=34.3/-05.6 34.3/-06.0 34.3/-06.9 33.3/001.7 33.5/002.2 33.3/019.2
07.10.2011  09:13:42  event=249992  rate=0events/s temp/curr=33.6/-05.5 33.5/-06.0 33.6/-06.7 32.5/001.7 32.5/002.0 32.5/018.8

Entry  Fri Oct 7 10:13:12 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack cooled, run013, 185k, 07.10.2011 10:02:20, 07.10.2011 17:17:32, Good 

CO2 cooling: P_TT_4: 18.2 bar, mf=1 g/s
beam on; xy table position x=321 y=99
I=18.6µA; old I2C settings; corrected trigger delay (htr); adjusted front-end voltage

The beam is directly focused onto APV chip #2 of n-side, so that it hits the area underneath chip and cooling pipe.
On p-side this location is attached to chip #4, which currently can not be read out, hence we only get data for the n-side.

07.10.2011  10:03:22  event=979  rate=0events/s temp/curr=33.2/-05.6 33.3/-06.0 33.2/-06.7 32.2/001.6 32.2/002.0 32.2/018.7
07.10.2011  17:17:18  event=184992  rate=0events/s temp/curr=33.8/-05.6 33.8/-06.0 33.8/-06.9 32.7/001.7 32.7/002.0 32.7/018.7

Entry  Fri Oct 7 18:28:53 2011, Christian Irmler, common, run schedule, , , , , Unknown run_schedule.pdfrun_schedule.xlsx
Entry  Fri Oct 7 18:40:07 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack cooled, cal009, 83800, 07.10.2011 18:35:04 , 07.10.2011 19:31:51, Good 

CO2 cooling: P_TT_4: 14.9 bar, mf=0.9 g/s
beam on; xy table position x=306 y=76.5

I=18.6µA; old I2C settings; corrected trigger delay (htr); adjusted front-end voltages 

CO2 pressure reduced to 14.9 bar --> temp is about 4K colder
Temp. at pipe inlet (K7) = -18°C
Temp. at pipe outlet (K8) = -21.8°C

used multi6 config instead of single hit config (cern11_origami_cooled2_multi6.cfg)

07.10.2011  18:36:07  event=1581  rate=31events/s temp/curr=33.9/-05.3 33.9/-05.6 33.9/-06.6 32.8/001.4 32.8/001.9 32.8/018.1

Entry  Fri Oct 7 19:35:14 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack cooled, run014, 90k, 07.10.2011 19:49:26, 07.10.2011 23:26:52, Good 

CO2 cooling: P_TT_4: 14.9 bar, mf=0.9 g/s
beam on; xy table position x=306 y=74.5


I=17.8µA; old I2C settings; corrected trigger delay (htr); adjusted front-end voltages 

CO2 pressure reduced to 14.9 bar --> temp is about 4K colder
Temp. at pipe inlet (K7) = -18°C
Temp. at pipe outlet (K8) = -21.8°C


07.10.2011  23:26:21  event=89786  rate=0events/s temp/curr=33.0/-05.3 33.0/-05.8 33.0/-06.6 31.9/001.4 32.0/001.9 31.9/017.7

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b