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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS October 2012 and Irradiation Mol, Page 2 of 4  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Project Subject Run Number Events StartTime EndTime Datadown
  26   Tue Oct 16 11:07:17 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0068380016.10.2012 10:30:3416.10.2012 11:00:51Unknown

Origami Stack 2a: Origami #4, Wedge new1
reading out all 6 APV of p-side
HV = +-40V, Ibias=5.12µA

no beam

no cooling

  27   Tue Oct 16 11:23:43 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grossrunrun01220k16.10.2012 11:16:0116.10.2012 12:27:03 Unknown

Origami Stack 2a: Origami #4, Wedge new1
reading out all 6 APV of p-side
HV = +-40V, Ibias=10.4µA
Origami 3 and Wedge old are still installed in the box, but not read out --> disconnected

p-side: centered between APV 4&5
n-side: centered between APV 2&3

--> upper left corner of Origami and wedge module --> we hit the APV chips and / or the PA0 of the Origami module

no cooling

Temperatur sensors:

  • T11: Origami #4 in
  • T12: Origami #4 out
  • T13: Origami #3 in (wrong values!)
  • T14: Origami #3 out
  • T15: Wedge new 1 out
  • T16: Wedge old out
  • T17: Wedge new 1 cooling block
  • T18: Wedge old cooling block
Attachment 1: belle_2a_temperatures.jpg
  28   Tue Oct 16 13:59:46 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grossrunrun013150k16.10.2012 13:43:0516.10.2012 20:21:04Unknown

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old

HV = +-50V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#3 ->  left side of sensor -> wide side of wedge sensors

Position of xy table:
x = 83, y = -31


Temperatur sensors:

  • T11: Origami #4 in
  • T12: Origami #4 out
  • T13: Origami #3 in (wrong values!)
  • T14: Origami #3 out
  • T15: Wedge new 1 out
  • T16: Wedge old out
  • T17: Wedge new 1 cooling block
  • T18: Wedge old cooling block



Attachment 1: belle_2_temperatures.jpg
  29   Tue Oct 16 22:19:21 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0078380016.10.2012 20:25:17 16.10.2012 21:12:01 Unknown

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old
HV = +-50V, Ibias=12.3µA
Position: verticallbtween APV 1&2 of 6,  left side of sensor,
wide side of wedge sensors

calibration for run013

Temperatures @ 21:00:

T11: -32 degC
T12: -33 degC
T13: -16 degC (obviously wrong value)
T14: -35 degC
T15: -18 degC
T16: -17 degC
T17: -15 degC
T18: -15 degC

  30   Tue Oct 16 23:03:09 2012 Markus FriedlcommonSozialisierung    Unknown

So steuert man einen Testbeam!


Attachment 1: IMAG2041.jpg
  31   Tue Oct 16 23:35:28 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grossrunrun014150k16.10.2012 23:32:2417.10.2012 04:59:02 Unknown

Same as run011, but now with +- 50V bias voltage.

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old
HV = +-10V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#1 ->  right side of sensor -> small side of wedge sensors

Position of xy table:
x = 23, y = -31

Temperatur sensors:

  • T11: Origami #4 in
  • T12: Origami #4 out
  • T13: Origami #3 in (wrong values!)
  • T14: Origami #3 out
  • T15: Wedge new 1 out
  • T16: Wedge old out
  • T17: Wedge new 1 cooling block
  • T18: Wedge old cooling block


Attachment 1: run014_temperatures.jpg
  32   Wed Oct 17 01:21:50 2012 Marko DragicevicInfineonrunrun009150k15.10.2012 08:20:1515.10.2012 11:01:11Unknown

 This run was not recorded in original sequence in the ELOG!!!


 Infineon Stack Version 2 (no height information, BabyStrips vertical Strixel vertical)

HV = 300V   I=4uA
beam on


Final DESY position (center of vertical beam profile)

Module position: 15 / 3 -- hitting lower part of baby and bottom strixels

07_baby 0,0 APV1 lower, APV2 upper
Strixel 2 20,8 Hybrid1/APV1 top-left, Hybrid1/APV2 top right, Hybrid2/APV1 bottom left, Hybrid2/APV2 bottom right 
Strixel 1 39,4 Hybrid1/APV1 top-left, Hybrid1/APV2 top right, Hybrid2/APV1 bottom left, Hybrid2/APV2 bottom right 
12_baby 60,6 APV1 lower, APV2 upper


  33   Wed Oct 17 05:16:22 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grossrunrun0155400517.10.2012 05:10:0617.10.2012 07:27:20Unknown

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old

HV = +-50V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#2 -> center of measureable area

Position of xy table:
x = 53, y = -31

Temperatur sensors:

  • T11: Origami #4 in
  • T12: Origami #4 out
  • T13: Origami #3 in (wrong values!)
  • T14: Origami #3 out
  • T15: Wedge new 1 out
  • T16: Wedge old out
  • T17: Wedge new 1 cooling block
  • T18: Wedge old cooling block

CO2 was empty @ 6 am.

Attachment 1: run015_temperatures.JPG
  36   Thu Oct 18 09:14:07 2012 Manfred ValentancommonFahrt nach Mol    Unknown

 Liebe Kollegen,

wir brechen. auf. Wünscht uns Glück!

  55   Tue Oct 23 16:06:09 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grossrunrun02610212423.10.2012 16:04:4723.10.2012 23:04:56Unknown

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-10V, Ibias=36uA
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1

SPS Status during whole run: Still problems with North Area steering. means that beam position was not stable.

  56   Tue Oct 23 23:12:03 2012 Thomas BergauerMicronOrigami_grossrunrun02722084723.10.2012 23:10:1424.10.2012 08:19:51Unknown

 Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2

HV = +-5V, Ibias=23.5uA
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1
SPS Status during whole run: Still problems with North Area steering. means that beam position was not stable.
  57   Wed Oct 24 08:25:04 2012 Thomas BergauerMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0278380024.10.2012 08:22:2524.10.2012 09:10:19Unknown

 Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2

HV = +-5V, Ibias=23.5uA
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1
  58   Wed Oct 24 09:51:41 2012 Thomas BergauerMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0288380024.10.2012 09:50:5324.10.2012 10:39:43Unknown

 Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2

HV = +-2.5V, Ibias=14.5uA
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1
  59   Wed Oct 24 17:24:40 2012 Thomas BergauerMicronOrigami_grossrun ohne Strom ;-(run028   Unknown


Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2

HV = +-2.5V, Ibias=14.5uA

Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29

= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3

= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1


NO DATATAKING BECAUSE OF POWER FAILURE AT NIM CRATE (counter finster, warum?). Georg schaut sich das an, sobald in der zone access ist.

Auch AnnekathrinPC ist nicht erreichbar. 


  66   Sun Oct 28 08:37:53 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grossrunrun0336693728.10.2012 08:33:4228.10.2012 14:10:43 Unknown

Belle stack 2 after gamma irradiation

HV = +50V -50V

I = 101 uA

CO2 cooling

hitting APV2 (n side) = center of wedge sensor


Temperatur sensors:

  • T11: Origami #4 in
  • T12: Origami #4 out
  • T13: Origami #3 in (still wrong values!)
  • T14: Origami #3 out
  • T15: Wedge new 1 out
  • T16: Wedge old out
  • T17: Wedge new 1 cooling block
  • T18: Wedge old cooling block
Attachment 1: temp_run33.JPG
Attachment 2: temp_run33_2.JPG
  70   Mon Oct 29 04:02:16 2012 Manfred ValentanMicronBabyrunrun03629629429.10.2012 03:53:3329.10.2012 11:05:35Unknown

Micron Baby stack 2 after irradiation (intermediate strips)
HV = -100 V
I = 36 uA

DESY table shifted by 2.5mm (beam down) after beam profile was changed (to get higher intensity)

beam hitting higher APVs


Stopped when long beam off period was announced

  74   Mon Oct 29 23:13:52 2012 Markus FriedlHPK_babyrunrun03847650029.10.2012 23:13:0530.10.2012 10:22:54Unknown

HPK baby stack after irradiation with partial cooling (HPK neutron & HPK neutron/gamma)
HV = +75 V  -75V
I =  176A
positioned centered on p and n

Temp sensors configuration:

11   HPK Neutron n in

12   HPK Neutron n -> p

13   ----

14   HPK Neutron p -> Gamma p

15   Gamma p -> n

16   Neutron Gamma n out


Perfect cooling curve :-)

  76   Tue Oct 30 11:05:32 2012 Markus FriedlHPK_babyrunrun039150k30.10.2012 11:03:1930.10.2012 14:57:57Unknown

HPK baby stack after irradiation - no cooling
I =  420A and growing (warming up)
positioned centered on p and n

  77   Tue Oct 30 17:24:01 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0408380030.10.2012 17:20:28 30.10.2012 17:54:09Unknown

Cooling for 2DSSD established after some struggle.

2DSSD fully read out with cooling
HV= +40 V -40 V    I = 2 uA
Beam position: none


Positions of thermal sensors:

11   Kapillare Anfang

12   Kapillare Ende

13   ---

14   unmittelbar nach Kapillare

15   Origami in

16   Origami out

17   Origami -z

18   Origami CE


Strip order:

n-Seite: rechts (Salev) nach links (Jura)

p-Seite: oben nach unten


APV chips with lower noise:

                          -z                                   ce
p-side             #5                                #10 (= pos 4)
n-side             #13 (= pos1)             #19 (= pos 3)

  78   Tue Oct 30 18:35:51 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grossrunrun040100k30.10.2012 18:23:2130.10.2012 21:55:53 Unknown

Cooling for 2DSSD established after some struggle.

2DSSD fully read out with cooling
HV= +40 V -40 V    I = 2.1 uA

Beam position:
  Origami -z 
  p-side: APV #5 
  n-side: APV #13 (= pos.1 of -z)


Positions of thermal sensors:

11   Kapillare Anfang

12   Kapillare Ende

13   ---

14   unmittelbar nach Kapillare

15   Origami in

16   Origami out

17   Origami -z

18   Origami CE


Strip order:

n-Seite: rechts (Salev) nach links (Jura)

p-Seite: oben nach unten


APV chips with lower noise:

                          -z                                   ce
p-side             #5                                #10 (= pos 4)
n-side             #13 (= pos1)             #19 (= pos 3)

Attachment 1: temperatures_run040.jpg
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b