Origami Stack 2a: Origami #4, Wedge new1
reading out all 6 APV of p-side
HV = +-40V, Ibias=10.4µA
Origami 3 and Wedge old are still installed in the box, but not read out --> disconnected
p-side: centered between APV 4&5
n-side: centered between APV 2&3
--> upper left corner of Origami and wedge module --> we hit the APV chips and / or the PA0 of the Origami module
no cooling
Temperatur sensors:
- T11: Origami #4 in
- T12: Origami #4 out
- T13: Origami #3 in (wrong values!)
- T14: Origami #3 out
- T15: Wedge new 1 out
- T16: Wedge old out
- T17: Wedge new 1 cooling block
- T18: Wedge old cooling block