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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS October 2012 and Irradiation Mol, Page 3 of 4  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Project Subject Run Number Events StartTimedown EndTime Data
  38   Fri Oct 19 00:56:16 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grossrunrun01719789919.10.2012 00:54:2119.10.2012 14:10:02 Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-50V, Ibias=76A
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1

Same as run016, but timing shifted by 1 CLK to better center the peak of the shaped wafeforms for subsequent fitting during analysis.


Beam was turned off around here:

19.10.2012  08:56:12  event=193394

So better ignore the last ~5000 events for analysis.


  37   Fri Oct 19 00:45:52 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grossrunrun0161185519.10.2012 00:24:0519.10.2012 00:48:24Crap


Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-50V, Ibias=77A
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1


Stack is now positioned on globally best performing position which should also enable reasonable tracking.

Trigger timing not perfect, needs adjustment (-1 CLK) -> new run

  35   Wed Oct 17 21:30:39 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0088380017.10.2012 17:15:1317.10.2012 18:08:11Good

Internal calibration for "stealth parasitic" mode Belle stack; taken without beam


Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-50V, Ibias=80A
Position: approx. centered
no beam


Total bias current history:


At the beginning, the system was already running for a few hours and the APV25 chips were initialized before, so thermal equilibrium was reached.

The actual calibration run happened during the first ~250 measurement points (~1 hour). It seems like the APVs draw a bit more current during internal calibration. The overall decay is supposedly due to a temperature decrease towards night.


Now tried the same thing with a short software run - same effect:


Need to investigate supply currents while data taking - they should actually go up a bit - and their dependency on the trigger rate.


  33   Wed Oct 17 05:16:22 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grossrunrun0155400517.10.2012 05:10:0617.10.2012 07:27:20Unknown

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old

HV = +-50V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#2 -> center of measureable area

Position of xy table:
x = 53, y = -31

Temperatur sensors:

  • T11: Origami #4 in
  • T12: Origami #4 out
  • T13: Origami #3 in (wrong values!)
  • T14: Origami #3 out
  • T15: Wedge new 1 out
  • T16: Wedge old out
  • T17: Wedge new 1 cooling block
  • T18: Wedge old cooling block

CO2 was empty @ 6 am.

Attachment 1: run015_temperatures.JPG
  31   Tue Oct 16 23:35:28 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grossrunrun014150k16.10.2012 23:32:2417.10.2012 04:59:02 Unknown

Same as run011, but now with +- 50V bias voltage.

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old
HV = +-10V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#1 ->  right side of sensor -> small side of wedge sensors

Position of xy table:
x = 23, y = -31

Temperatur sensors:

  • T11: Origami #4 in
  • T12: Origami #4 out
  • T13: Origami #3 in (wrong values!)
  • T14: Origami #3 out
  • T15: Wedge new 1 out
  • T16: Wedge old out
  • T17: Wedge new 1 cooling block
  • T18: Wedge old cooling block


Attachment 1: run014_temperatures.jpg
  29   Tue Oct 16 22:19:21 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0078380016.10.2012 20:25:17 16.10.2012 21:12:01 Unknown

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old
HV = +-50V, Ibias=12.3µA
Position: verticallbtween APV 1&2 of 6,  left side of sensor,
wide side of wedge sensors

calibration for run013

Temperatures @ 21:00:

T11: -32 degC
T12: -33 degC
T13: -16 degC (obviously wrong value)
T14: -35 degC
T15: -18 degC
T16: -17 degC
T17: -15 degC
T18: -15 degC

  28   Tue Oct 16 13:59:46 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grossrunrun013150k16.10.2012 13:43:0516.10.2012 20:21:04Unknown

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old

HV = +-50V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#3 ->  left side of sensor -> wide side of wedge sensors

Position of xy table:
x = 83, y = -31


Temperatur sensors:

  • T11: Origami #4 in
  • T12: Origami #4 out
  • T13: Origami #3 in (wrong values!)
  • T14: Origami #3 out
  • T15: Wedge new 1 out
  • T16: Wedge old out
  • T17: Wedge new 1 cooling block
  • T18: Wedge old cooling block



Attachment 1: belle_2_temperatures.jpg
  27   Tue Oct 16 11:23:43 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grossrunrun01220k16.10.2012 11:16:0116.10.2012 12:27:03 Unknown

Origami Stack 2a: Origami #4, Wedge new1
reading out all 6 APV of p-side
HV = +-40V, Ibias=10.4µA
Origami 3 and Wedge old are still installed in the box, but not read out --> disconnected

p-side: centered between APV 4&5
n-side: centered between APV 2&3

--> upper left corner of Origami and wedge module --> we hit the APV chips and / or the PA0 of the Origami module

no cooling

Temperatur sensors:

  • T11: Origami #4 in
  • T12: Origami #4 out
  • T13: Origami #3 in (wrong values!)
  • T14: Origami #3 out
  • T15: Wedge new 1 out
  • T16: Wedge old out
  • T17: Wedge new 1 cooling block
  • T18: Wedge old cooling block
Attachment 1: belle_2a_temperatures.jpg
  26   Tue Oct 16 11:07:17 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0068380016.10.2012 10:30:3416.10.2012 11:00:51Unknown

Origami Stack 2a: Origami #4, Wedge new1
reading out all 6 APV of p-side
HV = +-40V, Ibias=5.12µA

no beam

no cooling

  25   Tue Oct 16 05:24:21 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronOrigami_grossrun ATTENTION: wrong bias voltagerun011150k16.10.2012 05:19:28 16.10.2012 09:59:24Crap

ATTENTION: Bias voltage was +-100 V instead of +- 50 V

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old

HV = +-100V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#3 ->  left side of sensor -> wide side of wedge sensors

Position of xy table:
x = 83, y = -25


Origami #4: In=-33 degC / Out=-34 degC
Origami #3: Out=-35 degC (temperatur sensor of inlet is not working)
Wedge new 1: Out =  -17 degC, cooling block = -16 degC
Wedge old: Out = -15 degC, cooling block = -15 degC


Stopped after 132658 events, because of empty gas bottle and thus insufficient cooling.

  32   Wed Oct 17 01:21:50 2012 Marko DragicevicInfineonrunrun009150k15.10.2012 08:20:1515.10.2012 11:01:11Unknown

 This run was not recorded in original sequence in the ELOG!!!


 Infineon Stack Version 2 (no height information, BabyStrips vertical Strixel vertical)

HV = 300V   I=4uA
beam on


Final DESY position (center of vertical beam profile)

Module position: 15 / 3 -- hitting lower part of baby and bottom strixels

07_baby 0,0 APV1 lower, APV2 upper
Strixel 2 20,8 Hybrid1/APV1 top-left, Hybrid1/APV2 top right, Hybrid2/APV1 bottom left, Hybrid2/APV2 bottom right 
Strixel 1 39,4 Hybrid1/APV1 top-left, Hybrid1/APV2 top right, Hybrid2/APV1 bottom left, Hybrid2/APV2 bottom right 
12_baby 60,6 APV1 lower, APV2 upper


  19   Mon Oct 15 00:08:26 2012 Marko DragicevicInfineonrunrun00833907515.10.2012 01:49:3315.10.2012 08:04:24Unknown

 Infineon Stack Version 2 (no height information, BabyStrips vertical Strixel vertical)

HV = 300V   I=4uA
beam on


Final DESY position (center of vertical beam profile)

Module position: 0 / 3 -- hitting upper part of baby and top strixels

07_baby 0,0 APV1 lower, APV2 upper
Strixel 2 20,8 Hybrid1/APV1 top-left, Hybrid1/APV2 top right, Hybrid2/APV1 bottom left, Hybrid2/APV2 bottom right 
Strixel 1 39,4 Hybrid1/APV1 top-left, Hybrid1/APV2 top right, Hybrid2/APV1 bottom left, Hybrid2/APV2 bottom right 
12_baby 60,6 APV1 lower, APV2 upper


  24   Mon Oct 15 23:26:52 2012 Marko DragicevicMicronOrigami_grossrun ATTENTION: wrong bias voltagerun010158k15.10.2012 23:10:40 16.10.2012 05:05:35Crap

ATTENTION: Bias voltage was +-100 V instead of +- 50 V

Same as run009.

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old
HV = +-10V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#1 ->  right side of sensor -> small side of wedge sensors

Position of xy table:
x = 23, y = -25


Origami #4: In=-33 degC / Out=-34 degC
Origami #3: Out=-35 degC (temperatur sensor of inlet is not working)
Wedge new 1: Out =  -17 degC, cooling block = -14 degC
Wedge old: Out = -16 degC, cooling block = -14 degC


15.10.2012  22:08:31  event=0  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.3/089.2 31.3/-16.2 31.2/-17.9 31.3/-18.2 29.9/003.6 29.9/003.1 30.0/-01.1 29.9/-01.6

  23   Mon Oct 15 22:13:28 2012 Marko DragicevicMicronOrigami_grosscal ATTENTION: wrong bias voltage cal0058380015.10.2012 22:16:2615.10.2012 23:07:37 Unknown

ATTENTION: Bias voltage was +-100 V instead of +- 50 V

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old
HV = +-100V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#1 ->  right side of sensor

Position of xy table:
x = 23, y = -25


Origami #4: In=-33 degC / Out=-34 degC
Origami #3: Out=-35 degC (temperatur sensor of inlet is not working)
Wedge new 1: Out =  -17 degC, cooling block = -14 degC
Wedge old: Out = -16 degC, cooling block = -14 degC


  22   Mon Oct 15 19:40:03 2012 Marko DragicevicMicronOrigami_grossrun ATTENTION: wrong bias voltagerun0093165015.10.2012 19:28:30 15.10.2012 22:08:31 Crap

ATTENTION! Bias voltage was +-100 V instead of +-50 V 

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old
HV = +-100V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#1 ->  right side of sensor

Position of xy table:
x = 23, y = -25


Origami #4: In=-33 degC / Out=-34 degC
Origami #3: Out=-35 degC (temperatur sensor of inlet is not working)
Wedge new 1: Out =  -17 degC, cooling block = -14 degC
Wedge old: Out = -16 degC, cooling block = -14 degC


15.10.2012  22:08:31  event=0  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.3/089.2 31.3/-16.2 31.2/-17.9 31.3/-18.2 29.9/003.6 29.9/003.1 30.0/-01.1 29.9/-01.6

Stopped after 31650 events, because of PS problems and no beam.

  18   Sun Oct 14 23:01:11 2012 Marko DragicevicInfineoncalcal0048380014.10.2012 21:44:0014.10.2012 21:03:00Unknown

Infineon Stack Version 1 (with height information, BabyStrips horizontal Strixel vertical)

HV = 300V   I=3.1 uA

  17   Sun Oct 14 20:12:14 2012 Marko DragicevicInfineonrunrun007110k14.10.2012 20:07:1214.10.2012 21:04:12Unknown

Infineon Stack Version 1 (with height information, BabyStrips horizontal Strixel vertical)

HV = 300V   I=3uA
beam on


Final DESY position (center of vertical beam profile)

Module position: 0 / 0 -- hitting the center of babies, between strixels

07_baby 0,0 APV1 lower, APV2 upper
Strixel 2 20,8 Hybrid1/APV1 top-left, Hybrid1/APV2 top right, Hybrid2/APV1 bottom left, Hybrid2/APV2 bottom right 
Strixel 1 39,4 Hybrid1/APV1 top-left, Hybrid1/APV2 top right, Hybrid2/APV1 bottom left, Hybrid2/APV2 bottom right 
12_baby 60,6 APV1 lower, APV2 upper



  16   Sun Oct 14 09:08:42 2012 Manfred ValentanMicronBabyrunrun006300k14.10.2012 09:01:15 Unknown

Micron baby intermediate stack
HV = -100V   I=6.9uA
beam on


Final DESY position (center of vertical beam profile)

Module position: 0 / -31.0 -- hitting the lower half of the sensor (centered on even APVs)

  15   Sun Oct 14 08:25:10 2012 Manfred ValentanMicronBabycalcal0038380014.10.2012 08:21:4614.10.2012 08:51:58Unknown

Micron baby intermediate stack

HV = -100 V
I = 6.9 uA

  14   Sun Oct 14 02:02:39 2012 Manfred ValentanMicronBabyrunrun005300k14.10.2012 02:00:0814.10.2012 08:17:02Unknown

Micron baby intermediate stack
HV = -100V   I=6.3uA
beam on


Final DESY position (center of vertical beam profile)

Module position: 0 / -12.0 -- hitting the upper half of the sensor (centered on odd APVs)

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b