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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS October 2012 and Irradiation Mol, Page 1 of 4  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Fri Oct 12 15:04:55 2012, Marko Dragicevic, common, Network configuration, , , , , Unknown 

Hostname ROUTERHEPHY.cern.ch
connected on outlet 0887-1:4602/02

AnneKathrinPC (AOH):
XY Table:
BeamControl: CWO-HNA447-H6A.CERN.CH
VMheros am DAQPC:

Port Forwards:
DAQPC ( 5901
Slowcontrol ( 5902
AnneKathrinPC ( 5903
VAIO (CONF1) ( 5904
VMheros am DAQPC ( 5022

Remote Control von CESAR:
$ x11vnc -bg -forever

Entry  Fri Oct 12 23:51:35 2012, Markus Friedl, common, Zimmernummer & Telefonnummern, , , , , Unknown 

2nd week:

Markus: 38 - 420   (phone: 70 420)

Thomas: 38 - 431   (phone: 70 431)

Chrisu: 38 - 428   (phone:  70 428)

Manni: 38 - 434   (phone: 70 434)


1st week:

Markus: 41 - 130   (phone: 60 130)

Annekathrin: 41 - 206   (phone: 60 206)

Thomas: 39 - 108   (phone: 79 108)

Chrisu: 41 - 224   (phone: 60 224)

Manni: 39 - 317   (phone: 79 317)

Marko: 39 - 206   (phone: 79 206)


HEPHYs CERN Handy: 162471 


Bat. 887 HNA-451:  C3568Y

Bat. 887 HNA-447: 12345 (westseitige Tür)

Entry  Fri Oct 12 23:52:57 2012, Markus Friedl, common, Sozialisierung, , , , , Unknown 

Prost, Bergi!

(Das ist nur ein Test, ob du wirklich all die Elog-Emails liest.)

Entry  Mon Oct 15 19:21:56 2012, Marko Dragicevic, common, Beam settings and profile, , , , , Unknown NetBeans_IDE_3.5_15-Oct-12_19-28-32.png

Beam setting file:
H6A.804: FM HAD (H8=+180, H6=120@0mrad) PARALL IN H6A; RD42

Kommentar (Marko):
Das alte Beam Setting File war optimiert fuer H6B, sprich der Beam Focus war dort. Dieses Setting ist neuer und hat den Focus in H6B.

Entry  Tue Oct 16 23:03:09 2012, Markus Friedl, common, Sozialisierung, , , , , Unknown IMAG2041.jpgfondue.jpg

So steuert man einen Testbeam!


Entry  Thu Oct 18 09:14:07 2012, Manfred Valentan, common, Fahrt nach Mol, , , , , Unknown 

 Liebe Kollegen,

wir brechen. auf. Wünscht uns Glück!

Entry  Wed Oct 31 15:54:59 2012, Christian Irmler, common, Ethernetkabel zu H6A, , , , , Unknown 2012-10-31_15.47.42.jpg2012-10-31_12.28.32.jpg

Ethernetkabel HNA447 -> H6A:

Das obere Ende im Counting Hut liegt im Zwischenboden unterhalb der orangenen Steckdose beim Eingang mit dem elektronischen Zahlenschloß.

Das untere Ende in der Zone hängt aufgerollt an einem Pfeiler der Kabeltasse, unweit der Stelle an der das Kabel von oben hinunter gelassen wurden. Das ist ewta dort wo die Stiege zu PPE146 endet.

siehe Fotos :)

Entry  Sat Oct 13 14:44:47 2012, Manfred Valentan, MicronOrigami_gross, Stack configuration, Belle Stack 3, , , , , Unknown 

Module in Beamrichtung:

2-DSSD Origami  -z
2-DSSD Origami ce
1 Micron Wedge New
1 Micron Wedge Old

n-Seite: Beam abgewand
p-Seite: Beam zugewand

Ausleserichtung Origami:

n-Seite aufsteigend links -> rechts
p-Seite aufsteigend oben -> unten

Ausleserichtung Wedge:

p-Seite: unten -> oben
n-Seite: rechts -> links

Breite Seite der Wedge Sensoren links

Auslese der p-Seite mit 4 APVs:
Origami: Obere 4 APVs (letzte 2 APVs nicht ausgelesen, unten)
Micron: APVs 4,5 nicht ausgelesen (2 obersten)

Micron new: APV0 auf n-Seite I²C - Fehler, APV3 auf p-Seite hat 1/2 Signal



Entry  Sat Oct 13 19:04:02 2012, Manfred Valentan, MicronOrigami_gross, run with Belle stack 3, run003, 30k, 13.10.2012 19:02:31, , Unknown 

 Belle stack 3: 2DSSD-Origami, Wedge_New_1, Wedge_old

HV = +- 50V
I_ges = 11.6 µA

Position of xy table:
x = 49, y = -1

Temperatures at start of run:

Measurement on cooling pipe:
Origami IN: -15,5 degC
Origami OUT = Wedge_New_1 IN: -5,5 degC
Micron_New_1 OUT = Wedge_Old IN: +9,0 degC
Micron_Old OUT: +8.2 degC

Measurement on cooling block
Wedge_New_1: +14.6 degC
Wedge_Old: +18.7 degC


Entry  Sat Oct 13 19:04:23 2012, Markus Friedl, MicronOrigami_gross, CO2 cooling, , , , , Unknown 

Wir haben ja schon seit langem vermutet, dass man mit reiner Gasphase nicht kühlen kann. Jetzt erbringen wir den experimentellen Beweis dafür.

Expandierendes Gas kühlt zwar auch, aber nicht so tief runter und vor allem sind beträchtliche Temperaturdifferenzen zwischen den einzelnen Modulen zu beobachten. Das erste Origami bekommt etwa -13°C aber bis zum letzten Micron sind wir auf Raumtemperatur.

Warum das Ganze? Weil Bergi eine CO2-Batterie ohne Steigrohr bestellt hat. Annekathrin ist zwar froh, dass wir das herausgefunden hat und nicht ihre Anlage schuld ist, aber auch traurig, weil dieser Testbeam natürlich die Krönung ihrer Diplomarbeit hätte sein sollen.

Bestellung 27.9.2011 (EDH: Material Request 4732023): SCEM = CO2 30 BK 12 CYL. 450 KG (TP); Price: 671 CHF -- das "TP" steht für tube plongeur, zu deutsch: Steigrohr

Bestellung 15.9.2012 (EDH: Material Request 5033041): SCEM = CO2 30 BK 12 CYL. - 450 KG; Price: 391 CHF -- das ist erstens eine Andere SCEM (die von 2011 gibt es nicht mehr) und es steht kein "TP". Allein die andere Nummer hätte eine Rückfrage bei Annekathrin implizieren müssen.

Bergi: Das kostet dich ein großes "sumimasen".

Derzeit laufen wir mit Gaskühlung, aber natürlich denken wir schon an einen Plan B.

Über den offiziellen Weg am CERN kriegen wir niemals rechtzeitig CO2-Flaschen, weil die im Store gar nicht lagernd sind.

Montag früh könnten wir mit dem großen Auto zu einem Gashändler in der Nähe fahren und hoffen, dass dort 3 große Gasflaschen mit Steigrohr auf Lager sind. Batterie ist natürlich hoffnungslos, das können wir nicht ohne fremde Hilfe transportieren, einzelne Flaschen hingegen schon.

Eine andere Frage wäre, ob Hans Postema et al. ein paar richtige Gasflaschen auf Lager haben, die wir uns kurzfristig ausborgen könnten.

Entry  Sat Oct 13 23:01:54 2012, Markus Friedl, MicronOrigami_gross, run with Belle stack 3, run004, 30k, 13.10.2012 21:41:34, 13.10.2012 22:57:48, Unknown 

Belle stack 3, other position (CE)


Position of xy table:

x=-37, y=-9


13.10.2012  21:41:34  event=0  Disk space: Needed=3.30 GB, Available=206.59 GB, Total=931.51 GB
13.10.2012  21:41:34  event=0  DAQ start (mode: Hardware (Normal Run))
13.10.2012  21:41:34  event=0  Init NECO... done
13.10.2012  21:41:35  event=0  Init APVs... done
13.10.2012  21:41:40  event=0  Send 10 dummy triggers to initialize APV pedestals... done
13.10.2012  21:41:40  event=0  Init FADCs... done
13.10.2012  21:41:40  event=0  Taking 600 pedestal events
13.10.2012  21:41:53  event=599  Pedestal and Noise evaluation done - switching to Hardware (Normal Run)
13.10.2012  21:42:39  event=630  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.2/090.4 32.2/-15.7 32.2/-16.8 32.2/-17.0 30.9/003.9 30.9/003.8 30.9/-00.9 30.9/-01.3
13.10.2012  21:43:39  event=1036  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.2/-15.9 32.2/-17.0 32.2/-17.0 30.9/003.9 30.9/003.8 31.0/-00.9 30.9/-01.4
13.10.2012  21:44:39  event=1848  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.2/090.4 32.2/-15.9 32.2/-16.8 32.2/-17.0 30.9/003.8 30.9/003.9 30.9/-00.9 30.9/-01.4
13.10.2012  21:45:39  event=2252  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.2/090.6 32.2/-15.9 32.2/-16.8 32.2/-17.0 30.9/003.9 30.9/003.9 30.9/-00.9 30.9/-01.4
13.10.2012  21:46:40  event=2651  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.2/090.6 32.2/-15.9 32.2/-16.8 32.2/-17.0 30.9/003.9 30.9/003.9 30.9/-00.9 30.9/-01.4
13.10.2012  21:47:39  event=3202  rate=42events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.2/-15.9 32.2/-17.0 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.9 30.9/003.9 30.9/-00.9 30.9/-01.4
13.10.2012  21:48:39  event=3794  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.2/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-16.8 32.0/-17.0 30.9/003.9 30.7/003.8 30.9/-00.9 30.9/-01.3
13.10.2012  21:49:40  event=4165  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.2/090.6 32.2/-15.9 32.2/-16.8 32.2/-16.8 30.9/003.8 30.7/003.9 30.9/-00.9 30.9/-01.4
13.10.2012  21:50:39  event=4569  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-17.1 30.7/003.8 30.7/003.9 30.7/-00.9 30.9/-01.3
13.10.2012  21:51:39  event=4609  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.2/-15.9 32.0/-16.8 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.9 30.7/003.9 30.7/-00.9 30.9/-01.4
13.10.2012  21:52:39  event=4625  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.2/090.4 32.0/-15.7 32.0/-16.8 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.9 30.7/003.9 30.9/-00.9 30.9/-01.4
13.10.2012  21:53:40  event=4646  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-16.8 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.8 30.7/003.8 30.7/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  21:54:39  event=5183  rate=42events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 31.9/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.8 30.7/003.9 30.7/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  21:55:39  event=5814  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-16.8 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.9 30.7/003.9 30.7/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  21:56:38  event=6222  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.9 30.7/003.9 30.7/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  21:57:40  event=6633  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-16.8 30.7/003.9 30.7/003.9 30.7/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  21:58:38  event=7259  rate=39events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.8 30.7/003.9 30.7/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  21:59:39  event=7667  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.0/-15.7 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.9 30.7/003.9 30.7/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:00:38  event=7712  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 31.9/-16.8 30.7/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.7/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:01:38  event=8161  rate=42events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.4 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.9 30.7/003.9 30.7/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:02:38  event=8656  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.7/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:03:38  event=9060  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.0/-15.9 31.9/-17.0 31.9/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.7/003.9 30.7/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:04:38  event=9463  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.7/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:05:38  event=9942  rate=2events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.4 31.9/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:06:39  event=10353  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.4 31.9/-15.9 31.9/-17.0 32.0/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.8 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:07:38  event=10381  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.7/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:08:38  event=10843  rate=41events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.4 31.9/-15.9 32.0/-16.8 32.0/-16.8 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:09:38  event=11272  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 31.9/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:10:38  event=11467  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-16.8 32.0/-16.8 30.7/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:11:38  event=11778  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-16.8 32.0/-16.8 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:12:38  event=12495  rate=43events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-16.8 32.0/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.7/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:13:39  event=12658  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.4 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-16.8 32.0/-16.8 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.8 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:14:38  event=13063  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-16.8 32.0/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:15:38  event=13422  rate=5events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.9 30.7/003.8 30.7/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:16:38  event=14130  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.4 31.9/-15.9 31.9/-16.8 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:17:38  event=14146  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-16.8 30.7/003.9 30.7/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:18:38  event=14551  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-16.8 32.0/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.7/003.8 30.6/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:19:38  event=15209  rate=42events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 31.9/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 31.9/-17.0 30.7/003.9 30.7/003.8 30.7/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:20:38  event=15568  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 31.9/-15.9 32.0/-16.8 32.0/-17.0 30.7/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.7/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:21:38  event=15971  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 31.9/-15.9 31.9/-17.0 31.9/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:22:38  event=16378  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 32.0/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 32.0/-16.8 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:23:29  event=16952  Spawning new data file: D:\cern12\belle_stack3\data\run004.dat.001
13.10.2012  22:23:38  event=17188  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 32.0/-15.9 31.9/-16.8 31.9/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:24:38  event=17596  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 31.9/-15.9 31.9/-16.8 31.9/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:25:38  event=18006  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 31.9/-15.9 31.9/-16.8 31.9/-16.8 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.8 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:26:37  event=18621  rate=43events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.4 31.9/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 31.9/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:27:37  event=19214  rate=0events/s temp/curr=32.0/090.6 31.9/-15.9 31.9/-17.0 31.9/-16.8 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:28:37  event=19622  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 31.9/-15.9 32.0/-17.0 31.9/-17.0 30.5/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:29:37  event=20021  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 31.9/-15.9 31.9/-17.0 31.9/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.5/-00.9 30.5/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:30:38  event=20831  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 31.9/-15.9 31.9/-16.8 31.9/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.5/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.5/-01.3
13.10.2012  22:31:37  event=20976  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 31.9/-15.9 31.9/-16.8 31.9/-17.0 30.5/003.9 30.6/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.5/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:32:37  event=21378  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 31.9/-15.9 31.8/-17.0 31.9/-17.0 30.5/003.9 30.5/003.9 30.5/-00.9 30.5/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:33:37  event=21945  rate=43events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.8/-15.9 31.9/-17.0 31.9/-17.0 30.6/003.9 30.5/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.6/-01.3
13.10.2012  22:34:39  event=22587  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.9/090.6 31.8/-15.9 31.8/-17.0 31.8/-17.0 30.5/003.9 30.5/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.5/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:35:37  event=22993  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.8/-15.9 31.8/-16.8 31.9/-16.8 30.5/003.9 30.5/003.9 30.5/-00.8 30.5/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:36:37  event=23023  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.8/-15.9 31.9/-16.8 31.9/-17.0 30.5/003.9 30.5/003.9 30.6/-00.9 30.5/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:37:37  event=23447  rate=1events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.4 31.8/-15.9 31.9/-16.8 31.9/-17.0 30.5/003.9 30.5/004.1 30.5/-00.9 30.5/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:38:37  event=23856  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.7/-15.9 31.8/-17.0 31.9/-17.0 30.5/003.9 30.5/003.9 30.5/-00.9 30.5/-01.3
13.10.2012  22:39:39  event=23875  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.8/-15.9 31.8/-17.0 31.8/-16.8 30.5/003.9 30.5/003.9 30.5/-00.9 30.4/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:40:38  event=23902  rate=2events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.8/-15.9 31.8/-16.8 31.8/-17.0 30.5/003.9 30.4/003.9 30.5/-00.9 30.5/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:41:38  event=23919  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.8/-15.9 31.8/-17.0 31.8/-17.0 30.4/003.9 30.4/003.9 30.4/-00.9 30.5/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:42:40  event=23945  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.8/-16.0 31.9/-16.8 31.8/-16.8 30.4/003.9 30.5/003.9 30.4/-00.9 30.5/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:43:39  event=24272  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.7/-16.0 31.8/-17.0 31.7/-17.0 30.4/003.9 30.5/003.9 30.4/-00.9 30.4/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:44:39  event=24357  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.4 31.8/-15.9 31.8/-16.8 31.7/-17.0 30.4/003.9 30.5/003.9 30.4/-00.9 30.5/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:45:39  event=25049  rate=41events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.7/-15.9 31.8/-17.0 31.8/-17.0 30.4/003.9 30.4/003.9 30.4/-00.9 30.4/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:46:39  event=25381  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.8/-15.9 31.8/-16.8 31.8/-16.8 30.4/003.9 30.4/003.9 30.4/-00.9 30.4/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:47:39  event=25408  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.8/-16.0 31.8/-16.8 31.8/-16.8 30.4/003.9 30.4/003.9 30.4/-00.9 30.4/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:48:39  event=25971  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.8/-15.9 31.8/-16.8 31.8/-16.8 30.4/003.9 30.4/003.9 30.4/-00.9 30.4/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:49:39  event=25995  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.8/-15.9 31.8/-17.0 31.8/-17.0 30.4/003.9 30.4/003.9 30.4/-00.9 30.4/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:50:39  event=26431  rate=42events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.4 31.7/-15.9 31.8/-16.8 31.7/-17.0 30.4/003.9 30.4/003.9 30.4/-00.9 30.4/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:51:40  event=27036  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.7/-16.0 31.7/-17.0 31.8/-17.0 30.4/004.1 30.4/003.9 30.4/-00.9 30.4/-01.3
13.10.2012  22:52:40  event=27440  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.7/090.6 31.8/-16.0 31.8/-16.8 31.8/-17.0 30.4/003.9 30.4/003.9 30.4/-00.9 30.4/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:53:39  event=28059  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.7/090.6 31.7/-16.0 31.8/-16.8 31.8/-17.0 30.4/003.9 30.3/003.9 30.3/-00.9 30.4/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:54:39  event=28327  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.7/090.6 31.7/-15.9 31.7/-16.8 31.7/-17.0 30.4/003.9 30.4/004.1 30.4/-00.9 30.4/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:55:38  event=28824  rate=42events/s temp/curr=31.7/090.4 31.7/-16.0 31.8/-16.8 31.7/-17.0 30.4/003.9 30.4/004.1 30.4/-00.9 30.4/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:56:38  event=29528  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.7/090.6 31.7/-16.0 31.7/-16.8 31.7/-17.0 30.4/003.9 30.4/004.1 30.4/-00.9 30.3/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:57:38  event=29933  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.7/090.4 31.8/-16.0 31.7/-16.8 31.8/-17.0 30.3/003.9 30.4/003.9 30.4/-00.9 30.3/-01.4
13.10.2012  22:57:47  event=30000  Writing signal file D:\cern12\belle_stack3\data\run004.sig...done
13.10.2012  22:57:48  event=30000  DAQ stop (mode: Hardware (Normal Run))
13.10.2012  22:57:48  event=30000  Writing properties file D:\cern12\belle_stack3\data\run004.pro...done
13.10.2012  22:58:38  event=0  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.8/090.6 31.8/-15.9 31.8/-16.8 31.7/-17.0 30.4/003.9 30.4/004.1 30.4/-00.9 30.4/-01.4

Entry  Sat Oct 13 23:04:22 2012, Markus Friedl, MicronOrigami_gross, cal, cal002, 83800, 13.10.2012 23:03:18, 13.10.2012 22:57:48, Unknown 

Belle stack 3 (2-DSSD, Micron new, Micron old)
HV = +-50V   I=10.5A
beam on CE sensor

CO2 gas cooling:
Temp. @ Origami ~ -18°C (inlet) / -8°C (outlet)
Temp. @ Wedge new1: ~ 0°C
Temp. @ Wedge old: ~ -5°C

Entry  Mon Oct 15 18:52:18 2012, Marko Dragicevic, MicronOrigami_gross, Stack configuration, Belle Stack 2, , , , , Unknown 

Belle stack 2:


  1. Origami #4
  2. Origami #3
  3. Wedge new 1
  4. Wedge old

n-Seite: Beam abgewand
p-Seite: Beam zugewand

Ausleserichtung Origami und Wedge:

  • n-Seite: rechts -> links
  • p-Seite: unten -> oben

Breite Seite der Wedge Sensoren links

Auslese der p-Seiten mit 4 APVs:
Origami: die beiden obersten APVs (#4,5) nicht ausgelesen
Micron: die beiden obersten APVs (#4,5) nicht ausgelesen

Micron new: APV0 auf n-Seite I²C - Fehler

Temperatur sensors:

  • T11: Origami #4 in
  • T12: Origami #4 out
  • T13: Origami #3 in (wrong values!)
  • T14: Origami #3 out
  • T15: Wedge new 1 out
  • T16: Wedge old out
  • T17: Wedge new 1 cooling block
  • T18: Wedge old cooling block


Entry  Mon Oct 15 19:40:03 2012, Marko Dragicevic, MicronOrigami_gross, run ATTENTION: wrong bias voltage, run009, 31650, 15.10.2012 19:28:30 , 15.10.2012 22:08:31 , Crap 

ATTENTION! Bias voltage was +-100 V instead of +-50 V 

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old
HV = +-100V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#1 ->  right side of sensor

Position of xy table:
x = 23, y = -25


Origami #4: In=-33 degC / Out=-34 degC
Origami #3: Out=-35 degC (temperatur sensor of inlet is not working)
Wedge new 1: Out =  -17 degC, cooling block = -14 degC
Wedge old: Out = -16 degC, cooling block = -14 degC


15.10.2012  22:08:31  event=0  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.3/089.2 31.3/-16.2 31.2/-17.9 31.3/-18.2 29.9/003.6 29.9/003.1 30.0/-01.1 29.9/-01.6

Stopped after 31650 events, because of PS problems and no beam.

Entry  Mon Oct 15 22:13:28 2012, Marko Dragicevic, MicronOrigami_gross, cal ATTENTION: wrong bias voltage , cal005, 83800, 15.10.2012 22:16:26, 15.10.2012 23:07:37 , Unknown 

ATTENTION: Bias voltage was +-100 V instead of +- 50 V

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old
HV = +-100V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#1 ->  right side of sensor

Position of xy table:
x = 23, y = -25


Origami #4: In=-33 degC / Out=-34 degC
Origami #3: Out=-35 degC (temperatur sensor of inlet is not working)
Wedge new 1: Out =  -17 degC, cooling block = -14 degC
Wedge old: Out = -16 degC, cooling block = -14 degC


Entry  Mon Oct 15 23:26:52 2012, Marko Dragicevic, MicronOrigami_gross, run ATTENTION: wrong bias voltage, run010, 158k, 15.10.2012 23:10:40 , 16.10.2012 05:05:35, Crap 

ATTENTION: Bias voltage was +-100 V instead of +- 50 V

Same as run009.

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old
HV = +-10V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#1 ->  right side of sensor -> small side of wedge sensors

Position of xy table:
x = 23, y = -25


Origami #4: In=-33 degC / Out=-34 degC
Origami #3: Out=-35 degC (temperatur sensor of inlet is not working)
Wedge new 1: Out =  -17 degC, cooling block = -14 degC
Wedge old: Out = -16 degC, cooling block = -14 degC


15.10.2012  22:08:31  event=0  rate=0events/s temp/curr=31.3/089.2 31.3/-16.2 31.2/-17.9 31.3/-18.2 29.9/003.6 29.9/003.1 30.0/-01.1 29.9/-01.6

Entry  Tue Oct 16 05:24:21 2012, Christian Irmler, MicronOrigami_gross, run ATTENTION: wrong bias voltage, run011, 150k, 16.10.2012 05:19:28 , 16.10.2012 09:59:24, Crap 

ATTENTION: Bias voltage was +-100 V instead of +- 50 V

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old

HV = +-100V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#3 ->  left side of sensor -> wide side of wedge sensors

Position of xy table:
x = 83, y = -25


Origami #4: In=-33 degC / Out=-34 degC
Origami #3: Out=-35 degC (temperatur sensor of inlet is not working)
Wedge new 1: Out =  -17 degC, cooling block = -16 degC
Wedge old: Out = -15 degC, cooling block = -15 degC


Stopped after 132658 events, because of empty gas bottle and thus insufficient cooling.

Entry  Tue Oct 16 11:07:17 2012, Christian Irmler, MicronOrigami_gross, cal, cal006, 83800, 16.10.2012 10:30:34, 16.10.2012 11:00:51, Unknown 

Origami Stack 2a: Origami #4, Wedge new1
reading out all 6 APV of p-side
HV = +-40V, Ibias=5.12µA

no beam

no cooling

Entry  Tue Oct 16 11:23:43 2012, Christian Irmler, MicronOrigami_gross, run, run012, 20k, 16.10.2012 11:16:01, 16.10.2012 12:27:03 , Unknown belle_2a_temperatures.jpg

Origami Stack 2a: Origami #4, Wedge new1
reading out all 6 APV of p-side
HV = +-40V, Ibias=10.4µA
Origami 3 and Wedge old are still installed in the box, but not read out --> disconnected

p-side: centered between APV 4&5
n-side: centered between APV 2&3

--> upper left corner of Origami and wedge module --> we hit the APV chips and / or the PA0 of the Origami module

no cooling

Temperatur sensors:

  • T11: Origami #4 in
  • T12: Origami #4 out
  • T13: Origami #3 in (wrong values!)
  • T14: Origami #3 out
  • T15: Wedge new 1 out
  • T16: Wedge old out
  • T17: Wedge new 1 cooling block
  • T18: Wedge old cooling block
Entry  Tue Oct 16 13:59:46 2012, Christian Irmler, MicronOrigami_gross, run, run013, 150k, 16.10.2012 13:43:05, 16.10.2012 20:21:04, Unknown belle_2_temperatures.jpg

Origami Stack 2: Origami #4, #3, Wedge new1, old

HV = +-50V


beam position:
vertical: between APV 1&2 (of 6)
horizontal: centered on APV#3 ->  left side of sensor -> wide side of wedge sensors

Position of xy table:
x = 83, y = -31


Temperatur sensors:

  • T11: Origami #4 in
  • T12: Origami #4 out
  • T13: Origami #3 in (wrong values!)
  • T14: Origami #3 out
  • T15: Wedge new 1 out
  • T16: Wedge old out
  • T17: Wedge new 1 cooling block
  • T18: Wedge old cooling block



ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b