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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS September/October 2010, Page 4 of 8  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sat Oct 9 15:29:09 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, run, run058, 30000, 09.10.2010 15:26:50, 09.10.2010 16:21:37 

Origami1 (n-side only) + Micron1 (non-irrad)
angle scan: 73 - now with multi6 (previous run was single)
HV=100V / 35uA (beginning of run) 34uA (end of run)
cooling: chiller set to 15C

telescope run 20201

Origami p-side does not receive triggers -> disabled

origami flex straight part needed to be folded due to severe rotation angle -> nanonics connector problem...


Entry  Sat Oct 9 18:56:35 2010, Thomas Bergauer, common, path to telescope data, , , ,  


path is /Volumes/Data/eudet/Data/cern_2010_sept_silc_apvdaq (Vienna system)

and /Volumes/Data/eudet/Data/cern_2010_sept_silc_alibava (Santander system)

Entry  Wed May 4 15:14:31 2011, Thomas Bergauer, Pt, info about module, , , ,  

pt-Modul hat jeweils zwei OB1 Sensoren von STM (mit 122um Pitch)

im Abstand von 2mm uebereinander

Entry  Tue Oct 19 14:58:56 2010, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, geometry, , , ,  IMG_8888.JPGmicron_baby_stack_telescope_geometry.JPGmicron_baby_stack_telectope_geometry.dwg
Entry  Fri Sep 24 12:09:32 2010, Manfred Valentan, BELLE, gds-file of Micron wafer, , , ,  WaferMicron30.gdsDSSD_layerproperties.lyp
Entry  Sat Oct 9 19:44:36 2010, Markus Friedl, common, end of success, , , 09.10.2010 19:44:23, NaN 
    Reply  Sun Oct 10 15:45:04 2010, Thomas Bergauer, common, end of success, , , 09.10.2010 19:44:23, NaN 


genau das gleiche wollte ich auch gerade schreiben!

    Reply  Mon Oct 11 11:18:17 2010, Christian Irmler, common, end of success, , , 09.10.2010 19:44:23, NaN IMG_9033.JPG

der Beiweis  :-)

Entry  Tue Sep 28 01:13:57 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, cal, cal001, 83800, 28.09.2010 01:11:20,  

first intcal with complete Belle stack: 2 x Origami, 2 x Micron

HV=100V  I=49uA

beam is on

chiller is set to 15°C (module temperature is ~17°C)

both Origamis and both Microns are serially cooled

Entry  Tue Sep 28 22:07:16 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, cal, cal002 DO NOT USE -> go to cal003, 83800, 28.09.2010 22:01:55,  

Belle stack (Origami, Micron, Micron, Origami)

now cooling only for Origami, Micron are uncooled

chiller set point: -25°C, measured values on Origami: -10°C

HV=100V, Ibias=38µA, beam off

modified I2C settings for cold modules

temperature monitoring: Origami2 pipes in<->out swapped (to achieve shorter tubes)


PROBLEM: Origami n channels are swapped -> USE cal003 INSTEAD!!!

Entry  Wed Sep 29 09:39:33 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, cal, cal003, 83800, 29.09.2010 09:38:00,  

same as cal002, but now with corrected readout order

Entry  Wed Sep 29 14:03:55 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, cal, cal004, 83800, 29.09.2010 14:02:25, 29.09.2010 14:45:05 

Belle stack: Origami-Micron-Micron-Origami
HV=100V, Ibias=100µA, beam off
no cooling

Temp. at modules: 
Origami 1: 50°C
Micron 1: 46°C
Micron 2: 48°C
Origami 2: 48°C

standard I2C settings

Entry  Wed Sep 29 17:38:19 2010, Markus Friedl, Micron Baby, cal, cal005, 83800, 29.09.2010 17:36:38,  

micron baby stack
HV=100V I=6.5uA
Beam off

Entry  Thu Sep 30 15:06:28 2010, Markus Friedl, Micron Baby, cal, cal006, 83800, 30.09.2010 15:01:56,  

micron baby: 4 DUTs - angle scan
HV=100V I=6.8uA
Beam off (turned on at ~8k events)

Entry  Sat Oct 2 17:27:14 2010, Thomas Bergauer, ITE, cal, cal007, 83800, 02.10.2010 17:11:18 ,  intcal_ITE10PAD_W7.pngintcal_ITE10PAD_W9.png

2 x SILC + 2 x ITE

Beam on 

one short only per sensor

Entry  Sun Oct 3 08:14:39 2010, Markus Friedl, ITE, cal, cal008, 83800, 03.10.2010 08:13:06,  

6 x SILC + 2 x ITE
telescope position: 119

no beam (technical problem)

Entry  Sun Oct 3 14:35:12 2010, Marko Dragicevic, CNM, cal, cal009, 83800, 03.10.2010 13:50:54,  cal009_cal_apv6.pngcal009_cal_apv7.pngslowcontrol_CNM_cal009.gif

CMN-SILC stack
HV_SILC (Katze)=75V, 0.25uA (6 SiLC)
HV_CNM (Keithley)=30V, CNM_1=84nA, CNM_2=4.3uA
DUT outside of beam

calibration started after 1 hour warmup

Entry  Sun Oct 3 18:23:27 2010, Christian Irmler, Pt, cal, cal010, 83800, 03.10.2010 18:26:49 ,  slowcontrol_pt_cal010.gif

pt modules angle scan
h01-Pt and h02-Pt
currents: h01=23.1µA h02=10.4µA
beam on

modules flushed with dry air


Entry  Mon Oct 4 20:16:19 2010, Christian Irmler, BELLE, cal, cal011, 83800, 04.10.2010 20:15:00,  

angle scan Origami 1 and  Micron wedge 1
HV = 100V
chiller set to 14°C

HV connection of Origami 1 repaired

Entry  Tue Oct 5 17:50:23 2010, Christian Irmler, ITE, cal, cal012, 83800, 05.10.2010 17:50:26, 05.10.2010 18:09:48  

6 x SILC + 2 x ITE
telescope position: 124/48

DUTs and SILC4/5 swapped
new module order (downstream): SILC0 - SILC3 - SILC1 - W7 - W9 - SILC2 - SILC4 -SILC5
SILC1 and SILC2 are horizontal

beam on

modules flushed with dry air (black tube)
rel. humidity: ~0% @ 26°C

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b