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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS September/October 2010, Page 4 of 8  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Wed Oct 6 10:15:26 2010, Marko Dragicevic, Micron Baby, XY Positions After Irradiation, , , ,  

center position: 119/50/(7.5)

top left (direction jura, bottom right on sensor): 127/56.5/7.5

bottom right (direction saleve, top left on sensor): 111/43.5/7.5

Entry  Wed Oct 6 11:03:59 2010, Marko Dragicevic, Micron Baby, cal, cal013, 83800, 06.10.2010 11:03:12,  

8 x Micron Baby (3 irradiated), no cooling
HV=100V I=115uA (start of run)
beam off

# VADJ/VPSP increased to 48 (was 30) for irradiated DUTs to restore baseline position (higher after irradiation)

ADC delay timing did not change after irradiation (verified)

Entry  Wed Oct 6 23:02:09 2010, Marko Dragicevic, common, Beam Configuration, , , ,  BeamProfile.gifBeamMagnets.gifBeamColli.gif

Beam Settings and Profile on 5.10.2010 - 17:00h

Saved as: H6B.801

Entry  Wed Oct 6 23:03:15 2010, Marko Dragicevic, BELLE, cal, cal014, 83800, 06.10.2010 23:01:56, 06.10.2010 23:34:07 

Belle stack without Origami2
HV=80V I=227uA

beam on

Entry  Thu Sep 23 15:32:28 2010, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, Modul B2Micron_2826_7_Baby4 -> UNBRAUCHBAR, , , ,  6x

p-side: Hybrid 42
APV2: viele gerissene bonds der inneren Bondreihe
APV3: gerissene bonds innen

n-side: Hybrid 32
APV4: 0-35 fail
APV5: 10-40, 68 fail


Entry  Thu Sep 23 15:37:54 2010, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, Modul B2Micron_2826_19_Baby4 -> TRACKING & best DUT candidate, , , ,  6x

p-side: Hybrid 48
alles ok

n-side: Hybrid 35 (wurde repariert, nachdem ein paar bonds dran glauben mussten...)
APV4: 15-25 hoher noise, keine Fehler zu sehen -> Sensorfehler?
APV5: 127&128 kreuzen sich, beim Behebungsversuch mehr Schaden angerichtet -> besser mal die Finger davon lassen!

Entry  Thu Sep 23 15:54:20 2010, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, Modul B2Micron_2826_19_Baby3 -> DUT & TRACKING, , , ,  6x

p-side: Hybrid 47
alles ok

n-side: Hybrid 38
APV5: Streifen 127 hoher Noise



Entry  Thu Sep 23 16:00:31 2010, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, Modul B2Micron_2826_19_Baby2 -> TRACKING, , , ,  6x

p-side: Hybrid 46
alles ok

n-side: Hybrid 37
APV4: 70-75 schlecht, nix zu sehen -> Sensorfehler
APV5: 115-128 schlecht, rebond fail?





Entry  Thu Sep 23 16:01:10 2010, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, Modul B2Micron_2826_7_Baby3 -> DUT, , , ,  6x

p-side: Hybrid 40
APV3: letzte 10 Streifennicht gebondet, ging sich beim Prototyp-Modul an der Stelle nicht aus

n-side: Hybrid 30
APV5: 57-64 schlecht, rebond fail?






Entry  Thu Sep 23 16:12:54 2010, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, Modul B2Micron_2826_7_Baby2 -> DUT & TRACKING, , , ,  6x

p-side: Hybrid 41
alles ok

n-side: Hybrid 31
APV4: Streifen 0, 83 schlecht
APV5: Streifen 64, 88, 126 schlecht


Entry  Thu Sep 23 16:19:54 2010, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, Modul B2Micron_2826_1_Baby4, DUT EINGESCHRAENKT, TRACKING, , , ,  6x

p-side: Hybrid 45
APV0: beide Randstreifen schlecht
APV1: Streifen 0 schlecht
APV3: beide Randstreifen etwas schlechter, nicht schlimm

n-side: Hybrid 36
APV4: 0, 9, 40, 79-85, 97, 102, 124 Sensorfehler?
APV5: 0-30 vereinzelt schlechte Streifen, 115-128 Bonds beruehren




Entry  Thu Sep 23 16:22:33 2010, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, Modul B2Micron_2826_1_Baby3, TRACKING, , , ,  6x

p-side: Hybrid 44
alles ok

n-side: Hybrid 34
APV4: zur Gaenze schlecht, APV-Fehler?
APV5: beide Randstreifen schlecht







Entry  Thu Sep 23 16:23:07 2010, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, Modul B2Micron_2826_1_Baby2, DUT (eingeschraenkt) & TRACKING, , , ,  6x

p-side: Hybrid 43
APV3: Streifen 9 schlecht

n-side: Hybrid 33
APV4: 0-10 andere Bond-Parameter?, 28&29 erhoehtes noise
APV5: 111-128: 4 schlechte Streifen + common mode correction?







Entry  Fri Sep 24 12:09:32 2010, Manfred Valentan, BELLE, gds-file of Micron wafer, , , ,  WaferMicron30.gdsDSSD_layerproperties.lyp
Entry  Fri Oct 1 10:06:59 2010, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, run, run021, 75000, 01.10.2010 10:07:37, 01.10.2010 15:24:44 run021_sensordisplay1.jpghit_map_und_cluster.png

micron baby: 4 DUTs
HV=100V I=10.9uA (beginning)  13.6uA (end of run)
Beam on
60° rotation

 telescope run  20116

Entry  Sun Oct 3 22:53:49 2010, Manfred Valentan, Pt, run, run033, 25600, 03.10.2010 22.47:38, 04.10.2010 00:02:37 

Pt modules, angle scan

h01-Pt and h02-Pt
currents: h01=22.9A h02=6.9A
HV=200V beam on
angle: 33

telescope run 20138

Entry  Mon Oct 4 00:08:55 2010, Manfred Valentan, Pt, run, run034, 187000, 04.10.2010 00:03:18, 04.10.2010 09:22:07 

Pt modules, angle scan

h01-Pt and h02-Pt
currents: h01=21.9A h02=7.5A
HV=200V beam on
angle: 37

telescope run 20139

Entry  Mon Oct 4 09:31:25 2010, Manfred Valentan, Pt, run, run035, 25600, 04.10.2010 09:28:40,  

Pt modules, angle scan

h01-Pt and h02-Pt
currents: h01=24.7A h02=11.8A
HV=200V beam on
angle: 35 deg

telescope run 20140

Entry  Mon Oct 4 14:15:22 2010, Manfred Valentan, Pt, run, run040 --> unusable --> no bias, 25600, 04.10.2010 14:?:?, 04.10.2010 14:32:14 

Pt modules, angle scan

h01-Pt and h02-Pt
currents: h01=26.0A h02=13.4A
HV=200V beam on
angle: 47 deg

telescope run 20146

bias voltage has been ramped down during run039 --> needs to be repeated.

Entry  Mon Oct 4 23:12:16 2010, Manfred Valentan, BELLE, run, run44, 30000, 04.10.2010 23:?:?, 04.10.2010 23.57.23 

angle scan Origami 1 and  Micron wedge 1
HV = 100V
chiller set to 14°C

angle: 30°
axis 1: 92.4 (horizontal)
axis 2: 35 (vertical)
axis 3: -22.5 (rotary table)

telescope run: 20150

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b