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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS September/October 2010, Page 3 of 8  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sat Oct 2 17:24:12 2010, Markus Friedl, ITE, run, run026, 5834, 02.10.2010 17:23:46 , 02.10.2010 17:31:51 

2 x SILC + 2 x ITE


trying to find beam

telescope run 20124

Entry  Tue Oct 5 18:13:05 2010, Christian Irmler, ITE, run, run048, 533125, 05.10.2010 18:14:57, 06.10.2010 09:27:44 LongtermITERun2.png

6 x SILC + 2 x ITE
telescope position: 124/48
telescope run: 20154-20155

DUTs and SILC4/5 swapped
new module order (downstream): SILC0 - SILC3 - SILC1 - W7 - W9 - SILC2 - SILC4 -SILC5
SILC1 and SILC2 are horizontal

beam on

modules flushed with dry air (black tube)
rel. humidity: ~0% @ 26°C

Entry  Wed Oct 6 11:51:25 2010, Thomas Bergauer, Micron Baby, run, run049, 4489, 06.10.2010 11:38:21, 06.10.2010 11:49:23 
8 x Micron Baby (3 irradiated), no cooling
HV=100V I=141uA (start of run)

beam on 

not yet optimized XY-table positions (111/43.5/7.5)

Entry  Tue Sep 28 15:09:16 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, run, run005, 40000, 28.09.2010 15:07:08, 28.09.2010 20:20:12 

previous run stopped due to beam problem (shifted, broad, etc).

now recovered, restarting with same settings.


telescope run: 20080

Entry  Tue Oct 5 10:20:30 2010, Manfred Valentan, BELLE, run, run46, 350000, 05.10.2010 01:00:00, 05.10.2010 10:16:07 

angle scan Origami 1 and  Micron wedge 1
HV = 100V
chiller set to 14°C

angle: 15°
axis 1: 92.4 (horizontal)
axis 2: 35 (vertical)
axis 3: -7.5 (rotary table)

telescope run: 20152

Entry  Thu Sep 30 18:12:53 2010, Markus Friedl, Micron Baby, run, run017, 35000, 30.09.2010 18:11:53, 30.09.2010 20:22:43 number_of_clusters_telescope.png

micron baby: 4 DUTs
HV=100V I=13.5uA, I_stop=17uA
Beam on
15° rotation

telescope run 20111

Entry  Fri Oct 1 23:55:12 2010, Thomas Bergauer, CNM, run, run024, 320k, 01.10.2010 23:53:12, 02.10.2010 09:47:37 cnm_2d_2.pngcnm_2d_1.png

CMN-SILC stack
HV_SILC (Katze)=75V, 0.25uA (6 SiLC)
HV_CNM (Keithley)=30V, CNM_1=84nA, CNM_2=4.3uA

optimized alignment (XY-table to 133/76/187.5)

telescope run 20120

Entry  Thu Sep 30 15:39:53 2010, Markus Friedl, Micron Baby, run, run016, 31k, 30.09.2010 15:38:26, 30.09.2010 17:44:36 eventdisplay_schoen.pngevent_display_nichsoschoen.png

micron baby: 4 DUTs
HV=100V I=10.3uA (start of run);  I=16.2uA (end of run)
Beam on

 reference run @ 0°

telescope run 20110

Entry  Wed Sep 29 10:30:59 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, run, run009, 30000, 29.09.2010 10:27:27, 29.09.2010 11:06:35 

zero suppressed (HIT4) @ FADC

Belle stack: Origami-Micron-Micron-Origami - HIT4
HV=100V, Ibias=28A, beam on
cooling: Origami only, chiller: -25C, Module: -10C
modified I2C settings for cooled modules
centered in both axes

telescope run 20084

Entry  Wed Sep 29 11:09:10 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, run, run010, 30000, 29.09.2010 11:08:03, 29.09.2010 11:50:07 

zero suppressed (HIT5) @ FADC

Belle stack: Origami-Micron-Micron-Origami - HIT5
HV=100V, Ibias=28A, beam on
cooling: Origami only, chiller: -25C, Module: -10C
modified I2C settings for cooled modules
centered in both axes

telescope run 20085

Entry  Mon Oct 4 21:01:25 2010, Christian Irmler, BELLE, run, run43, 30000, 04.10.2010 20:59:48, 04.10.2010 23:04:24 

angle scan Origami 1 and  Micron wedge 1
HV = 100V
chiller set to 14°C

angle: 60°
axis 1: 92.4 (horizontal)
axis 2: 35 (vertical)
axis 3: -52.5 (rotary table)

telescope run: 20149

Entry  Mon Oct 4 23:12:16 2010, Manfred Valentan, BELLE, run, run44, 30000, 04.10.2010 23:?:?, 04.10.2010 23.57.23 

angle scan Origami 1 and  Micron wedge 1
HV = 100V
chiller set to 14°C

angle: 30°
axis 1: 92.4 (horizontal)
axis 2: 35 (vertical)
axis 3: -22.5 (rotary table)

telescope run: 20150

Entry  Tue Oct 5 10:23:09 2010, Manfred Valentan, BELLE, run, run47, 30000, 05.10.2010 10:21:20, 05.10.2010  

angle scan Origami 1 and  Micron wedge 1
HV = 100V
chiller set to 14°C

angle: 0°
axis 1: 92.4 (horizontal)
axis 2: 35 (vertical)
axis 3: +7.5 (rotary table)

telescope run: 20153

Entry  Sat Oct 9 15:29:09 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, run, run058, 30000, 09.10.2010 15:26:50, 09.10.2010 16:21:37 

Origami1 (n-side only) + Micron1 (non-irrad)
angle scan: 73 - now with multi6 (previous run was single)
HV=100V / 35uA (beginning of run) 34uA (end of run)
cooling: chiller set to 15C

telescope run 20201

Origami p-side does not receive triggers -> disabled

origami flex straight part needed to be folded due to severe rotation angle -> nanonics connector problem...


Entry  Sat Oct 2 17:35:51 2010, Markus Friedl, ITE, run, run027, 2999, 02.10.2010 17:34:51 , 02.10.2010 17:38:39 

2 x SILC + 2 x ITE
telescope position: 107

telescope run 20125


beam not found yet

Entry  Sat Oct 9 12:25:36 2010, Thomas Bergauer, BELLE, run, run057, 276475, 09.10.2010 12:22:21, 09.10.2010 15:08:46 


Origami1 (n-side only) + Micron1 (non-irrad)

angle scan: 73 degree

HV=100V / 36 uA  (beginning), 35uA (end of run)

cooling: chiller set to 15C

 PROBLEM: wrong config file (single hit, not multi6)

telescope run 20200

Origami p-side does not receive triggers -> disabled

origami flex straight part needed to be folded due to severe rotation angle -> nanonics connector problem...


Entry  Thu Sep 30 20:47:01 2010, Markus Friedl, Micron Baby, run, run018, 26938, 30.09.2010 20:45:48, 30.09.2010 22:25:25 

micron baby: 4 DUTs
HV=100V I=13.7uA, I_stop=15.6uA
Beam on
30° rotation


telescope run  20112

Entry  Sun Oct 3 18:52:56 2010, Christian Irmler, Pt, run, run030, 25600, 03.10.2010 19:16:29,  

Pt modules, angle scan

h01-Pt and h02-Pt
currents: h01=23.1A h02=10.4A
HV=200V beam on
angle: 27

telescope run 20134

Entry  Sun Oct 3 20:44:40 2010, Erik Huemer, Pt, run, run031, 25600, 03.10.2010 19:42:34,  

Pt modules, angle scan

h01-Pt and h02-Pt
currents: h01=20.5A h02=6.5A
HV=200V beam on
angle: 29

telescope run 20135

Entry  Sun Oct 3 21:49:19 2010, Erik Huemer, Pt, run, run032, 25600, 03.10.2010 21:44:30, 03.10.2010 22.40.07 

Pt modules, angle scan

h01-Pt and h02-Pt
currents: h01=22.9A h02=6.9A
HV=200V beam on
angle: 31

telescope run 20136

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b