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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS September/October 2010, Page 7 of 8  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Mon Sep 27 15:39:33 2010, Thomas Bergauer, common, PI-XY Table, , , ,  

M-521.dd: (links/rechts)

downstream rechts => pos. limit [0]

downstream links => neg. limit [207]


M-511.dd: (oben/unten)

oben [102]

unten [0]


M-060.dg: (rotation)

parallel beam [7,5]



Remote Control:

lokal ssh tunnel starten:
ssh -g -C -L5959:zenpixelw:5900 eudet@eudetmac001.cern.ch

danach mit "Chicken of the VNC" (von lokalem Mac) VNC auf localhost (port 5959). 

Entry  Mon Sep 27 15:41:28 2010, Thomas Bergauer, common, Szintillatoren, , , ,  

1: breit  (1)

2: schmal (2)

3: breit  (4)

4: schmal  (8)


AND aus beiden breiten: 5

AND aus beiden schmalen: 10


Entry  Mon Sep 27 15:42:09 2010, Thomas Bergauer, common, TLU: wir stecken auf DUT 3, , , ,  

TLUControl.exe ist auf zenpixell3 unter /home/eudet/eudaq/bin

TLUControl.exe -d 14 -a 12
-dXX Mask for DUT:
1   abgeschnittenes Dummykabel
2   EUDRB hinten
4   EUDRB vorne
8   DUT3(wir)
-t100 internal trigger
-aXX Mask for Szintis:
1   4 mm (front)
2   4 mm (front)
4   9 mm (back)
8   9 mm (back)
Entry  Mon Sep 27 18:54:47 2010, Thomas Bergauer, BELLE, XY Position, , , ,  

center position: 55/40/277,5

Entry  Tue Sep 28 12:54:33 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, run, run002, , 28.09.2010 12:46:54,  

same as run001 after shifting x by 48mm

103 / 30 / 277.5 ? unsure after crash of xy stage PC

Entry  Tue Sep 28 14:38:24 2010, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Temperature sensors Belle stack, , , ,  

PicoLogic TC-08 temperature sensor assignment Belle stack:

Sensor type: K

channel 1:  Origami_mod1_in
channel 2:  Origami_mod1_out
channel 3:  Origami_mod2_in
channel 4:  Origami_mod2_out
channel 5:  Micron_wedge_mod1_p
channel 6:  Micron_wedge_mod1_n
channel 7:  Micron_wedge_mod2_p
channel 8:  Micron_wedge_mod2_n

The cooling pipes of the two Origami modules and that of the Micron modules are connected in series, respectively.

Entry  Tue Sep 28 16:50:31 2010, Thomas Bergauer, common, serial connection chiller, , , ,  

 Der chiller braucht ein gekreuztes serielles Kabel!!

Entry  Tue Sep 28 22:09:39 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, Temperature sensors Belle stack, , , ,  

PicoLogic TC-08 temperature sensor assignment Belle stack:

Sensor type: K

channel 1:  Origami_mod1_in
channel 2:  Origami_mod1_out
channel 3:  Origami_mod2_out    (swapped with 4)  - label not changed
channel 4:  Origami_mod2_in      (swapped with 3)  - label not changed
channel 5:  Micron_wedge_mod1_p
channel 6:  Micron_wedge_mod1_n
channel 7:  Micron_wedge_mod2_p
channel 8:  Micron_wedge_mod2_n

The cooling pipes of the two Origami modules are connected in series, respectively.

Entry  Wed Sep 29 18:53:05 2010, Thomas Bergauer, Micron Baby, XY Positions, , , ,  

center position: 113/47/7.5

top left (direction jura): 121/53.5/7.5

bottom right (direction saleve): 105/40.5/7.5

Entry  Thu Sep 30 10:56:34 2010, Christian Irmler, common, Room numbers, , , ,  

Room and telefone numbers.


Name Building Room Tel.
Bergi 38 418 70 418 or 162471 (mobile)
Markus 41 021 60 021
Manfred 38 404 70 404
Erik 38 463 70 463
Immanuel 38 313 70 313
Chrisu 39 324

79 324

Marko 39 007 79 007
Paqui 38 107 70 107


Entry  Sat Oct 2 15:24:00 2010, Erik Huemer, ITE, XY Position and Slow Control, , , ,  ITE128_SlowControl_FirstRun.png

center position: 119/48/187,5


Entry  Sun Oct 3 16:23:20 2010, Erik Huemer, Pt, XY/R Position, , , ,  

centerposition: 119/43/187,5

27 grad: 214,5

Entry  Mon Oct 4 16:29:36 2010, Christian Irmler, common, beam settings, , , ,  beamprofile_run042.gifbeamsettings_run042.jpg

beam settings optimized by beamline operator

wire champer display fixed

Entry  Mon Oct 4 23:59:05 2010, Manfred Valentan, BELLE, run, run45, , 04.10.2010 ??:??:??, 05.10.2010 00:56:48 

angle scan Origami 1 and  Micron wedge 1
HV = 100V
chiller set to 14°C

angle: 45°
axis 1: 92.4 (horizontal)
axis 2: 35 (vertical)
axis 3: -37.5 (rotary table)

telescope run: 20151

Entry  Wed Oct 6 10:15:26 2010, Marko Dragicevic, Micron Baby, XY Positions After Irradiation, , , ,  

center position: 119/50/(7.5)

top left (direction jura, bottom right on sensor): 127/56.5/7.5

bottom right (direction saleve, top left on sensor): 111/43.5/7.5

Entry  Wed Oct 6 23:02:09 2010, Marko Dragicevic, common, Beam Configuration, , , ,  BeamProfile.gifBeamMagnets.gifBeamColli.gif

Beam Settings and Profile on 5.10.2010 - 17:00h

Saved as: H6B.801

Entry  Fri Oct 8 23:22:32 2010, Manfred Valentan, BELLE, Schnittwinkel barrel vs. slanted, , , ,  

17deg acceptance => Schnittwinkel barrel option = 90-17 = 73deg      ----->  rotary table 80.5

layer zusätzlich slanted um Winkel alpha => Schnittwinkel = 73 - alpha

slant angles: layer 4: 11.9deg => Schnittwinkel 61.1deg       ----->  rotary table 68.6
                     layer 5: 17.2deg => Schnittwinkel 55.8deg       ----->  rotary table 63.3
                     layer 6: 21.1deg => Schnittwinkel 51.9deg       ----->  rotary table 59.4

Im Vergleich mit senkrechtem Durchgang der Teilchen erwarte ich eine Vergrößerung der cluster width um den Faktor tan(Schnittwinkel):

slant layer 4: 1.81
slant layer 5: 1.47
slant layer 6: 1.28
barrel:           3.27

Entry  Sat Oct 9 18:56:35 2010, Thomas Bergauer, common, path to telescope data, , , ,  


path is /Volumes/Data/eudet/Data/cern_2010_sept_silc_apvdaq (Vienna system)

and /Volumes/Data/eudet/Data/cern_2010_sept_silc_alibava (Santander system)

Entry  Sat Oct 9 19:44:36 2010, Markus Friedl, common, end of success, , , 09.10.2010 19:44:23, NaN 
    Reply  Sun Oct 10 15:45:04 2010, Thomas Bergauer, common, end of success, , , 09.10.2010 19:44:23, NaN 


genau das gleiche wollte ich auch gerade schreiben!

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