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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS June 2009, Page 2 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sat Aug 22 12:12:34 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, internal calibration 40 MHz transparent mode (cooling?), cal007, , 22.08.2009 12:10:32 , 22.08.2009 12:49:09 

Belle DUT, intcal
HV=80V, 40 MHz, beam off
1 sample, transparent mode
chiller set to 13 deg.

external 40 MHz clock

there was probably no water flow throught the pipe of the origami module during this run --> must be repeated

Entry  Fri Aug 21 14:18:11 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, internal calibration 31.8 MHz transparent mode, cal004, , 21.08.2009 14:21:40, 21.08.2009 15:01:24 

Belle DUT, intcal
HV=80V, 31.8 MHz, no beam
transparent mode

Origami p-side APV 2&3 with reverse readout order

Entry  Fri Aug 21 15:27:08 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, internal calibration 31.8 MHz hit mode, cal005, , 21.08.2009 15:34:43, 21.08.2009 16:29:47  

Belle DUT, intcal
HV=80V, 31.8 MHz, no beam
hit mode

Origami p-side APV 2&3 with reverse readout order

Entry  Sat Aug 22 14:46:12 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, internal calibration 31.8 MHz transparent mode + cooling, cal009, , 22.08.2009 14:43:55, 22.08.2009 15:22:37 

Belle DUT, intcal
HV=80V, 31.8 MHz, beam off
1 sample, transparent mode
chiller set to 13 deg.

Since there was no (or to less) water flow through the small pipe of the origami module, all previous runs with cooling must be repeated.

Bypass removed to achieve better watter flow at the module!
Chiller pump is set to 2800 rpm

Entry  Sat Aug 22 13:30:28 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, internal calibration 31.8 MHz transparent mode (cooling?), cal008, , 22.08.2009 12:50:48, 22.08.2009 13:29:25 

Belle DUT, intcal
HV=80V, 31.8 MHz, beam off
1 sample, transparent mode
chiller set to 13 deg.

external 31.8 MHz clock

there was probably no water flow throught the pipe of the origami module during this run --> must be repeated

Entry  Wed Aug 19 15:37:37 2009, Christian Irmler, ITE128, internal calibration, cal001, , 15:31:29,  

8 modules, HV=70V, 40MHz, 1 sample
no beam

APV 4,5: inverter off, higher baseline = PAD modules

Entry  Thu Aug 20 10:48:39 2009, Christian Irmler, alignment_beam, internal calibration, cal002, , 20.08.2009 10:49:07, 20.08.2009 10:59:43 

2 alignement modules

location in beam direction: h04-h03

HV=70V, 40MHz, 1 sample
no beam

module 1 (h03) is used w inverter off and higher base line

Entry  Sun Aug 23 17:19:50 2009, Christian Irmler, Pt_ITE512, internal calibration, cal011, , 23.08.2009 16:30:43, 23.08.2009 17:02:14 

Pt: 1 Grad, HV=200V, 0% RH, intcal, beam off
ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36

Entry  Fri Aug 14 19:35:43 2009, Thomas Bergauer, Pt_ITE512, intcal, , , ,  

HV=100V except h05-ITE-512 and h06-ITE-512 (runaway, HV off)

h01-Pt: 10uA

h02-Pt: 1.6uA

3 SiLC DUTs mit je ca. 38nA

h07-ITE-512: 3.77uA

h05-ITE-512: breakthrough

h06-ITE-512: breakthrough

Entry  Thu Aug 20 12:50:59 2009, Christian Irmler, alignment_beam, bottom right on sensor, point 4, run6866, 8467, 20.08.2009 12:51:04, 20.08.2009 13:05:01 

2 alignement modules

location in beam direction: h04-h03

beam in center of sensor

HV=70V, 40MHz, 6 samples

beam on, 120 GeV

module 1 (h03) is used w inverter off and higher base line

XY coordinates: X:43 y:155 (bottom right on sensor in beam direction)

Entry  Thu Aug 20 14:31:29 2009, Christian Irmler, alignment_beam, bottom left on sensor, point 5, run6868, 10600, 20.08.2009 14:36:00, 20.08.2009 14:51:57 

2 alignment modules

location in beam direction: h04-h03

beam in center of sensor

HV=70V, 40MHz, 6 samples

beam on, 120 GeV

module 1 (h03) is used w inverter off and higher base line

XY coordinates: X:57 y:155 (bottom left on sensor in beam direction)

Entry  Thu Aug 20 15:15:33 2009, Christian Irmler, alignment_beam, bottom center on sensor, point 6, run6869, 615 (beam manipulation by students), 20.08.2009 14:56:16 , 20.08.2009 15:14:11 

2 alignment modules

location in beam direction: h04-h03

beam in center of sensor

HV=70V, 40MHz, 6 samples

beam on, 120 GeV

module 1 (h03) is used w inverter off and higher base line

XY coordinates: X:50 y:155 (bottom center on sensor in beam direction)

Entry  Sat Aug 22 11:54:49 2009, Thomas Bergauer, common, beam profile, , , ,  20090822_1150_beam_conditions.jpg

beam shifted a bit in vertical direction downwards since 21. August 09 evening

Beam configuration:

Beam configuration file: H6b.802 (FM HAD (P0 off, H8=+180) PARLALLEL IN H6B SILC 2008

Entry  Sat Aug 22 15:12:44 2009, Thomas Bergauer, common, beam profile, , , ,  20090822_1511_beam_conditions.jpg

playing with TRIM4 in vertical plane (setting to 20A current) shifted beamspot back to center position

Beam configuration:
Beam configuration file: H6b.802 (FM HAD (P0 off, H8=+180) PARLALLEL IN H6B SILC 2008

Rate: 3.35E5 particles/spill (measured with SCINT8 in beamline)

Particle Production Applet
Calculator applet

For +120 Gev/c beam:

Pi+ 55.67 %
p 38.95 %
K+ 5.38 %

Entry  Thu Aug 20 11:23:04 2009, Christian Irmler, alignment_beam, beam in center of sensor w telescope, run004 (6860 telescope), 10600, 20.08.2009 11:09:50 , 20.08.2009 11:25:16 

2 alignement modules

location in beam direction: h04-h03

beam in center of sensor

HV=70V, 40MHz, 6 samples

beam on, 120 GeV

module 1 (h03) is used w inverter off and higher base line

XY coordinates: X:50 y:141.3 (center- center, point 1)

Entry  Tue Aug 25 09:00:51 2009, Thomas Bergauer, , beam conditions, , , ,  magnet_settings_withH6B.802.jpg20090825_0859_beam_conditions.jpg

manually changed TRIM3, TRIM4 and TRIM6

Entry  Thu Aug 20 19:12:23 2009, Manfred Valentan, alignment_laser, background mesurement with laser OFF, laser002, 10000, 20.08.2009 19:10:09, 20.08.2009 19:11:57 
Entry  Thu Aug 20 19:56:21 2009, Manfred Valentan, alignment_laser, background mesurement with laser OFF, laser006, 10k, 20.08.2009 19:54:04, 20.08.2009 19:55:38 
Entry  Wed Aug 19 15:41:17 2009, Wolfgang Kiesenhofer, SiLC, angle scan templates, , , ,  13x

Linie am rechten Seitenrand (in der Vorschau unten leider nicht gut zu sehen) sollte mit dem rechten Rand der Basisplatte abschließen (bezogen auf die Beam Richtung).

Entry  Fri Jul 17 14:03:21 2009, Stephan Hänsel, , What to measure, , , ,  



Testbeam08 Module

- Anglescan


Pt Modules (2Stück - je 2 Sensoren):


- einzelne module (auch als "stub" (fixer Abstand zwischen ihnen) ?)

wichtig: brauchen wir 2 Testbeam08 module um 90° verdreht für höheninformation??? (sensoren in den Pt-modulen sind nicht 100%ig parallel - MESSEN!)


Optical Modules:(DAUER ca 18 Stunden)

- tests in box mit laserbeam (laser auf anderer Höhe al beam?!? - sonst geht der beam durch den Laser)


ITE Modules:

- 8 ter stack: (2 Testbeam08 module quer + 2 x 1stmetal128 + 2 x 2nd metal 128 + 2 x normal128)

- 2ndmetal512 module 3 stück bauen und im beam versetzt einbauen parasitär bei den spanier-modulen)


zusätliche ideen:

- CMS-Tracker slice (2Pt + 2 optische + 3 2ndmetal512 hintereinander in unterschiedlichen winkeln um einen tracker-slice zu simulieren - CMS-layout !?!)



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