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  Alibava/Mapsa testbeam at DESY in April 2017 (Axel, Grossi), Page 4 of 7  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Thu Apr 13 10:58:57 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_006_IFX_CB_20V.dat, 006, 185000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Unknown 

Remarks: Telescope run 510. Bias scan 20 V.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_006_IFX_CB_10V.dat
Telescope run 510
Triggers 185000
Alibava trigger eff. ~55.6%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -20
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Thu Apr 13 11:25:32 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_007_IFX_CB_30V.dat, 007, 170000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Unknown 

Remarks: Telescope run 513. Bias scan 30 V.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_007_IFX_CB_30V.dat
Telescope run 513
Triggers 170000
Alibava trigger eff. ~60%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -30
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Thu Apr 13 12:00:40 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_008_IFX_CB_40V.dat, 008, 175000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Unknown 

Remarks: Telescope run 515. Bias scan 40 V.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_008_IFX_CB_40V.dat
Telescope run 515
Triggers 175000
Alibava trigger eff. ~58%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -40
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Thu Apr 13 12:33:20 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_009_IFX_CB_50V.dat, 009, 175000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Unknown 

Remarks: Telescope run 517. Bias scan 50 V.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_009_IFX_CB_50V.dat
Telescope run 517
Triggers 175000
Alibava trigger eff. ~58%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -50
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Thu Apr 13 13:07:39 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_010_IFX_CB_60V.dat, 010, 175000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Unknown 

Remarks: Telescope run 521. Bias scan 60 V.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_010_IFX_CB_60V.dat
Telescope run 521
Triggers 175000
Alibava trigger eff. ~60%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -60
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Thu Apr 13 15:26:22 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_011_IFX_CB_65V.dat, 011, 175000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Unknown 

Remarks: Telescope run 522. Bias scan 65 V.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_011_IFX_CB_65V.dat
Telescope run 522
Triggers 175000
Alibava trigger eff. ~60%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -65
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Thu Apr 13 16:00:25 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_012_IFX_CB_70V.dat, 012, 175000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Unknown 

Remarks: Telescope run 523. Bias scan 70 V.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_012_IFX_CB_70V.dat
Telescope run 523
Triggers 175000
Alibava trigger eff. ~60%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -70
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Thu Apr 13 16:33:32 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_013_IFX_CB_75V.dat, 013, 175000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Unknown 

Remarks: Telescope run 524. Bias scan 75 V.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_013_IFX_CB_75V.dat
Telescope run 524
Triggers 175000
Alibava trigger eff. ~60%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -75
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Thu Apr 13 17:11:31 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_014_IFX_CB_80V.dat, 014, 175000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Unknown 

3Remarks: Telescope run 525. Bias scan 80 V.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_014_IFX_CB_80V.dat
Telescope run 525
Triggers 175000
Alibava trigger eff. ~60%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -80
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Thu Apr 13 17:47:28 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_015_IFX_CB_90V.dat, 015, 175000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Unknown 

3Remarks: Telescope run 526. Bias scan 90 V.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_015_IFX_CB_90V.dat
Telescope run 526
Triggers 175000
Alibava trigger eff. ~60%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -90
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Thu Apr 13 18:26:57 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_016_IFX_CB_100V.dat, 016, 750000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Crap 

3Remarks: Telescope run 527-531. Bias scan 100 V. Telescope got out of sync. Match with telescope data only up to 175000 events.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_016_IFX_CB_100V.dat
Telescope run 527-531
Triggers 750000
Alibava trigger eff. ~60%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -100
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Thu Apr 13 20:49:30 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_017_IFX_CB_110V.dat, 017, 175000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Unknown 

Remarks: Telescope run 532. Bias scan 110 V.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_017_IFX_CB_110V.dat
Telescope run 532
Triggers 175000
Alibava trigger eff. ~60%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -110
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Thu Apr 13 21:23:11 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_018_IFX_CB_120V.dat, 018, 175000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Unknown 

Remarks: Telescope run 533. Bias scan 120 V.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_018_IFX_CB_120V.dat
Telescope run 533
Triggers 175000
Alibava trigger eff. ~60%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -120
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Fri Apr 14 08:59:26 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_020_IFX_CB_100V.dat, 020, 190000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Crap 

Remarks: Telescope run 535. Bias scan 100 V. Run crashed over night. Telescope sync only up to event 190000 (planned 2500000 events).

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_020_IFX_CB_100V.dat
Telescope run 535
Triggers 190000
Alibava trigger eff. ~60%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -100
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Fri Apr 14 09:25:09 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_024_IFX_CB_140V.dat, 024, 175000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Unknown 

3Remarks: Telescope run 547. Bias scan 140 V.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_024_IFX_CB_140V.dat
Telescope run 547
Triggers 175000
Alibava trigger eff. ~60%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -140
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Fri Apr 14 13:06:30 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_022_IFX_CB_100V.dat, 022, 500000, 109, 10.5, 240, No, Unknown 

Remarks: Telescope run 545. Bias voltage 100 V. Beam position on only one chip.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_022_IFX_CB_100V.dat
Telescope run 545
Triggers 500000
Alibava trigger eff ~62 %
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -100 V
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
table z 10.5 mm
table rot 240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)
Entry  Fri Apr 14 14:49:09 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_023_IFX_CB_100V.dat, 023, 385000, 109, 0, 240, No, Crap 

Remarks: Telescope run 546. Bias voltage 100 V. Beam position on only one chip. Run destroyed. Intended trigger count 500k

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_023_IFX_CB_100V.dat
Telescope run 546
Triggers 385000
Alibava trigger eff ~62 %
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -100 V
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
table z 0 mm
table rot 240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)
Entry  Fri Apr 14 17:22:52 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_025_IFX_CB_150V.dat, 025, 175000, 109, 4.5, 240, No, Unknown 

3Remarks: Telescope run 548. Bias scan 150 V.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_025_IFX_CB_150V.dat
Telescope run 548
Triggers 175000
Alibava trigger eff. ~60%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -150
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)

Entry  Fri Apr 14 18:22:58 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_026_IFX_CB_100V.dat, 026, 350000, 109, 4.5, 230, No, Unknown 

Remarks: Telescope run 549. Angle shift 230 deg.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_026_IFX_CB_100V.dat
Telescope run 549
Triggers 350000
Alibava trigger eff. ~59.8%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -100
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

230 deg

Entry  Fri Apr 14 19:43:13 2017, Axel Koenig, ALiBaVa (IFX), run_027_IFX_CB_100V.dat, 027, 350000, 109, 4.5, 250, No, Unknown 

Remarks: Telescope run 550. Angle shift 250 deg.

Parameter Value
Alibava run run_027_IFX_CB_100V.dat
Telescope run 550
Triggers 350000
Alibava trigger eff. ~59.8%
Beam energy 5.6 GeV
Telescope threshold 6
Bias voltage -100
Latency 132
Table x 109 mm
Table z 4.5 mm
Tabe rot

250 deg

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b