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  Silicon Envelope for the Large Protoype TPC, Page 2 of 2  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Type Subjectdown Text Attachments
  11   Fri Oct 23 08:09:04 2009 Stephan HänselMeasurementsRun 11273 - dataB=0, TPC inbetween but no TPC readout
Beam: 3GeV
silicon position from TPC-support-ring: 
  10   Fri Oct 23 08:02:57 2009 Stephan HänselMeasurementsRun 11271 - position runB=0, TPC inbetween but no TPC readout
Beam: 3GeV
moved silicon to center position
  9   Fri Oct 23 07:57:01 2009 Stephan HänselMeasurementsRun 11270 - latency scanB=0, TPC inbetween but no TPC readout
scan from 70 to 120 with 1000 events
  8   Fri Oct 23 07:52:52 2009 Stephan HänselMeasurementsRun 11269 - Pedestal RunB=0, TPC inbetween but no TPC readout   
  7   Thu Oct 22 11:18:34 2009 Stephan HänselSetupPicturesPhoto
zusätliche Photos:
  1   Wed Oct 1 11:42:44 2008 stephan hänselSetupModulkomponentenMODULE 0
1 Sensor Module (SiLC01):
   Hybrid: TEC_6D.2.1 /
  5   Thu Oct 22 08:02:26 2009 Stephan HänselSetupElectronicsHV-Kapton-PIN-assignment

  12   Mon Nov 2 13:22:50 2009 Stephan HänselSetupDAQstart data-taking:
ssh xxx@bastion.desy.de -X
ssh xdaq@flctpcikhero1.desy.de -X
  14   Tue Nov 3 10:45:01 2009 Stephan HänselSetupBeam Onclear test beam areas:
go to T24 (front area):

    use (red) key from interlock
  15   Tue Nov 3 11:18:46 2009 Stephan HänselSetupBeam Offclose shutter:

    close shutter T24/1 with
the button "Beam  Shutter zu"
  3   Fri Feb 27 13:34:11 2009 Stephan HänselMeasurementsARCs Noise PIoff + channels 2 repair 
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b