clear test beam areas:
go to T24 (front area):
- use (red) key from interlock
- go into T24 area, close door, use red key in keyhole next to door -> big red light on
- push the white buttons "Absuche" below the three red "Not Aus" (emergency stop) buttons
- go back to the door, turn key and keep it turned!
- open the door, move out and close it again behind you
- now it is the time to return the key again -> two green lights should go on
go to T24/1 (LPTPC area):
- use (black) key from interlock
- go into T24/1 area, close door, use black key in keyhole next to door -> big red light on
- push the white buttons "Absuche" below the three red "Not Aus" (emergency stop) buttons
- go back to the door, turn key and keep it turned!
- open the door, move out and close it again behind you
- now it is the time to return the key again -> two green lights should go on
power bending magnets:
- choose beam energy according to list sticked to monitor
get beam:
- phone Control Room 3500
- tell them to put the wire into DesyII at the position written in their lock book
open shutter:
- go back to hut
- put back the red and black keys into the interlock
- turn all four keys -> 5 green lights should be on next to each pair of keys
- open shutter T24 with the button "Beam Shutter auf" -> bottom green light next to the keys should go out
- open shutter T24/1 with the button "Beam Shutter auf" -> bottom green light next to the keys should go out
- now you should see beam
-> start data taking