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  Silicon Envelope for the Large Protoype TPC, Page 2 of 2  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Type Subjectdown
  11   Fri Oct 23 08:09:04 2009 Stephan HänselMeasurementsRun 11273 - data

B=0, TPC inbetween but no TPC readout

Beam: 3GeV

silicon position from TPC-support-ring: 

     123: x=center, z=56.5 cm (measuring tape: sledge 35cm inside the gap)

     116: x=center, z=57 cm (measuring tape: sledge 35cm inside the gap)

2 APVs dead:


apvlatency = 75 (in fedpmc_silc.xml)

  10   Fri Oct 23 08:02:57 2009 Stephan HänselMeasurementsRun 11271 - position run

B=0, TPC inbetween but no TPC readout

Beam: 3GeV

moved silicon to center position (~58cm from TPC-support-ring)

2 APVs dead:


apvlatency = 75 (in fedpmc_silc.xml)


2-sensor-module in center

1-sensor-module not exactly in center-position:

     12316 -> move out of the magnet 1,5cm

     11917 -> move out of the magnet 1cm

  9   Fri Oct 23 07:57:01 2009 Stephan HänselMeasurementsRun 11270 - latency scan

B=0, TPC inbetween but no TPC readout

scan from 70 to 120 with 1000 events each

root-diagram -> latency ~ 75

-> set apvlatency in fedpmc_silc.xml to 75

  8   Fri Oct 23 07:52:52 2009 Stephan HänselMeasurementsRun 11269 - Pedestal Run

B=0, TPC inbetween but no TPC readout

  7   Thu Oct 22 11:18:34 2009 Stephan HänselSetupPictures

Photo Gallery

zusätliche Photos:

labeled SiLC in front of TPC

  1   Wed Oct 1 11:42:44 2008 stephan hänselSetupModulkomponenten


1 Sensor Module (SiLC01):

   Hybrid: TEC_6D.2.1 / 30216662133923

   Sensor: HPK-ILC-6684-01

2 Sensor Module (SiLC02):

   Hybrid: TEC_6D.2.1 / 30216662133993

   Sensor Near: HPK-ILC-6684-19

   Sensor Far: HPK-ILC-6684-05




1 Sensor Module (SiLC11b):

   Hybrid: TEC_6D.2.1 / 30216662133904

   Sensor: HPK-ILC-6684-23

2 Sensor Module (SiLC12):

   Hybrid: TEC_6D.2.1 / 30216661605173

   Sensor Near: HPK-ILC-6684-34

   Sensor Far: HPK-ILC-6684-27


(OLD - 1 Sensor Module (SiLC11):

   Hybrid: TEC_6D.2.1 / 30216662133922

   Sensor: HPK-ILC-6684-23)


  5   Thu Oct 22 08:02:26 2009 Stephan HänselSetupElectronics



CCUM-to-Module Adapter-Cards

CCUM-to-Module Adapter-Cards Pin-assignment (xls)


schematic of the adopted readout (A.Dierlamm)



  12   Mon Nov 2 13:22:50 2009 Stephan HänselSetupDAQ

start data-taking:

ssh xxx@bastion.desy.de -X

ssh xdaq@flctpcikhero1.desy.de -X


at PC reboot:

  • source xdaq_profile
  • cd scripts
  • ./fedpmc 0  + ctrl C when ready    //initialise the first FED
  • ./fedpmc 1  + ctrl C when ready    //initialise the second FED
  • ./gatecalib     //sets adresses for the TSC + gate
  • ./setdll 3 5     //sets width of the gate

when controllring newly connected

  • source xdaq_profile (if not done before)
  • cd scripts
  • ./ProgramTest.exe -pci -reset     //-> controllring 0x4c90

test of devices:

  • source xdaq_profile (if not done before)
  • cd scripts
  • ./ProgramTest.exe -pci -scanCCU     // searches for CCUs
  • ./ProgramTest.exe -pci -scantrackerdevice     // searches for CCUs and APVs

start xdaq:

  • source xdaq_profile (if not done before)
  • /opt/firefox/firefox & -> http://ikhero2.desy.de:40000     // not working for now
  • ./xdaq.sh -p40000
  • reload firefox


  • -> Control Panel -> Configure Cluster -> load /home/xdaq/xml/peak_silc.xml
    • tick: Configure Cluster
    • -> submit
  • -> view Applications -> Tracker Supervisor:
    • choose run type -> normal
    • tick: TLU in physics Run
    • type spillsize = 20
    • tick: No gate

if xdaq kills itself:

  • rm /tmp/TLUspill.txt



  • root:
    • in /Analysis/AC1Analysis-1.4>
    • .L runAna_silc.C
    • runAna(pedestalnumber,runnumber)

get file with number of single events in all 4 sensors + HitProfile

  • root
    • .L readClusterTree_silc.cxx++
    • readClusterTree_silc(event number)









  14   Tue Nov 3 10:45:01 2009 Stephan HänselSetupBeam On

clear test beam areas:

go to T24 (front area):

  • use (red) key from interlock
  • go into T24 area, close door, use red key in keyhole next to door -> big red light on
  • push the white buttons "Absuche" below the three red "Not Aus" (emergency stop) buttons
  • go back to the door, turn key and keep it turned!
    • open the door, move out and close it again behind you
  • now it is the time to return the key again -> two green lights should go on

go to T24/1 (LPTPC area):

  • use (black) key from interlock
  • go into T24/1 area, close door, use black key in keyhole next to door -> big red light on
  • push the white buttons "Absuche" below the three red "Not Aus" (emergency stop) buttons
  • go back to the door, turn key and keep it turned!
    • open the door, move out and close it again behind you
  • now it is the time to return the key again -> two green lights should go on

power bending magnets:

  • choose beam energy according to list sticked to monitor

get beam:

  • phone Control Room 3500
  • tell them to put the wire into DesyII at the position written in their lock book

open shutter:

  • go back to hut
  • put back the red and black keys into the interlock
  • turn all four keys -> 5 green lights should be on next to each pair of keys
  • open shutter T24 with the button "Beam  Shutter auf" -> bottom green light next to the keys should go out
  • open shutter T24/1 with the button "Beam  Shutter auf" -> bottom green light next to the keys should go out
  • now you should see beam

 -> start data taking







  15   Tue Nov 3 11:18:46 2009 Stephan HänselSetupBeam Off

close shutter:

  • close shutter T24/1 with the button "Beam  Shutter zu" (green) -> bottom green light next to the keys should go on
  • close shutter T24 with the button "Beam  Shutter auf" (green) -> bottom green light next to the keys should go on
  • turn all four keys -> (the top) 4 green lights should go out next to each pair of keys

go to T24/1 (LPTPC area):

  • just open the door -> the two green and the big red lights go out

If you do not need the test beam any more:

  • open door at test beam area T24 -> the two green and the big red lights go out
  • call Control Room 3500
  • switch off bending magnets

  3   Fri Feb 27 13:34:11 2009 Stephan HänselMeasurementsARCs Noise PIoff + channels 2 repair




 Noise Peak Inverter Off

(SiLC11b after repair --- b ... 2nd module with same sensors but different hybrid and PA)

  Noise Pioff [ADC*100] optical inspection Noise Pioff [ADC*100]  
  1ADC-count entspricht ca 770 e-   1ADC-count entspricht ca 770 e-  
CHANNEL SiLC01 After Repair Measurement 06

CCU123-16 back Z


5 64   142 non
6 65   142 non
7 80   135 non
8 135 good 72 PA-PA rebond
9 80   133 non
10 139 good 77 PA-PA rebond
12 139 good 76 PA-PA rebond
15 73   59 PA-PA rebond
21 145 good 57 PA-PA rebond
73 77   134 non
74 70   135 non
75 137 good 62 ? PA-PA rebond
137 76   137 non
236 76   69 ? PA-PA rebond
281 55   126 non
453 67   118 non
570 63   61 Jakkoo-PA Open
666 64   134 non
668 62   136 non
715 74   144 non
764 67   134 non
765 141 good 66 PA-PA rebond
766 145 good 65 PA-PA rebond
768 136 good 63 PA-PA rebond
CHANNEL SiLC02      
21 75 Jakkoo-PA Open  

CCU123-17 back X

63 64 PA-SE rebond    
73 81 ?    
91 77 PA-PA rebond    
170 69 ?    
696 72 PA-SE rebond    
704 67 PA-SE rebond    
719 148 SE-SE rebond    
CHANNEL SiLC11b Measurement 06   CCU119-17 front Z
13 80 Jakkoo-PA Open    
153 62 Jakkoo-PA Open    
415   ? Remove bond -> IV verbesserung    
713   ? Remove bond -> IV verbesserung    
CHANNEL SiLC12 Measurement 02   CCU119-16 front X
3 68 Jakkoo-PA Open    
128 63 ?    
346 57 APV-PA Open    
523 128 ?    
651 71 Jakkoo-PA Open    
652 72 Jakkoo-PA Open    
653 71 Jakkoo-PA Open    
654 71 Jakkoo-PA Open    
655 71 Jakkoo-PA Open    
675 149 ?    
767 74 ? Jakkoo-PA Open    


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