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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS October 2011, Page 4 of 5  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Project Subject Run Numberdown Events StartTime EndTime Data
  26   Tue Oct 4 10:44:48 2011 Christian IrmlerMicronInternal Calibrationcal0038380004.10.2011 10:33:5004.10.2011 10:48:51 

micronbaby p-spray/irrad
HV = -100V
beam on, baseline of irrad APV reduced

APV #2 (I²C addr. 40) deactivated, latency error after initialization, reset line open?

  25   Tue Oct 4 10:44:09 2011 Christian IrmlerMicronInternal Calibrationcal0028380004.10.2011 10:04:4904.10.2011 10:19:41 

micronbaby p-spray/irrad
HV = -100V
beam on,

irrad APVs with standard baseline settings --> too high

APV #2 (I²C addr. 40) deactivated, latency error after initialization, reset line open?

  27   Tue Oct 4 10:47:59 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronInternal Calibrationcal0018380003.10.2011 20:34:4803.10.2011 20:50:57 

micronbaby p-stop stack
HV = -100V
beam on

  8   Fri Sep 16 11:01:15 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronMicron Baby Modules     

Irradiated modules from last year:

COMB-IRRAD: B2Micron_2826_19_Baby4: combined p-stop, intermediate strips (was DUT4)
COMM-IRRAD: B2Micron_2826_07_Baby2: common p-stop, intermediate strips (was DUT3)
(the irradiated atoll p-stop sensor was destroyed for electron microscopy and SRP)

Unirradiated modules from last year:

COMB-1: B2Micron_2826_01_Baby4: combined p-stop, intermediate strips (was TRK6)
COMM-1: B2Micron_2826_19_Baby2: common p-stop, intermediate strips (was TRK7)
ATOLL-1: B2Micron_2826_07_Baby3: atoll p-stop, intermediate strips (was prepared, but not used in the beam test)

New modules:

SPRAY-I-1: B2Micron_2825_15_Baby2: p-spray, intermediate strips
SPRAY-I-2: B2Micron_2825_15_Baby3: p-spray, intermediate strips
SPRAY-1: B2Micron_2825_05_Baby3: p-spray, no intermediate strips
SPRAY-2: B2Micron_2825_05_Baby4: p-spray, no intermediate strips
COMB-2: B2Micron_2826_17_Baby4: combined p-stop, intermediate strips
COMM-2: B2Micron_2826_17_Baby2: common p-stop, intermediate strips
ATOLL-2: B2Micron_2826_17_Baby3: atoll p-stop, intermediate strips


  9   Mon Sep 19 17:38:34 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronModule ATOLL-2     

Sensor: B2Micron_2826_17_Baby3

p-stop: Atoll, with intermediate strips

Hybrid p-side: H35 (reused from last year)
Hybrid n-side: MB3

  10   Mon Sep 19 17:39:09 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronModule COMM-2     

Sensor: B2Micron_2826_17_Baby2

p-stop: Common, with intermediate strips

Hybrid p-side: H34 (reused from last year)
Hybrid n-side: MB4

  11   Mon Sep 19 17:39:55 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronModule COMB-2     

Sensor: B2Micron_2826_17_Baby4

p-stop: Combined with intermediate strips

Hybrid p-side: H42 (reused from last year)
Hybrid n-side: MB3

  12   Mon Sep 19 17:40:47 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronModule SPRAY-2     

Sensor: B2Micron_2825_05_Baby4

p-stop: p-spray WITHOUT intermediate strips

Hybrid p-side: H44 (reused from last year)
Hybrid n-side: MB6

  13   Mon Sep 19 17:41:27 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronModule SPRAY-I-2     

Sensor: B2Micron_2825_15_Baby3

p-stop: p-spray WITH intermediate strips

Hybrid p-side: H43 (reused from last year)
Hybrid n-side: MB7

  14   Mon Sep 19 17:42:01 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronModule SPRAY-1     

Sensor: B2Micron_2825_05_Baby3

p-stop: p-spray WITHOUT intermediate strips

Hybrid p-side: H32 (reused from last year)
Hybrid n-side: MB8

  15   Mon Sep 19 17:42:39 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronModule SPRAY-I-1     

Sensor: B2Micron_2825_15_Baby2

p-stop: p-spray WITH intermediate strips

Hybrid p-side: MB1
Hybrid n-side: MB9

  16   Mon Sep 19 17:44:00 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronModule COMM-1     

Sensor: B2Micron_2826_19_Baby2 (reused from last year, was TRK7)

p-stop: Common, with intermediate strips

Hybrid p-side: H46
Hybrid n-side: M37

  17   Mon Sep 19 17:44:39 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronModule COMB-1     

Sensor: B2Micron_2826_01_Baby4 (reused from last year, was TRK6)

p-stop: Combined, with intermediate strips

Hybrid p-side: H45
Hybrid n-side: M36

  18   Mon Sep 19 17:46:07 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronModule ATOLL-1     

Sensor: B2Micron_2826_07_Baby3 (reused from last year, but was not used in beam test SPS2010)

p-stop: Atoll, with intermediate strips

Hybrid p-side: H40
Hybrid n-side: M30

  19   Mon Sep 19 17:47:11 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronModule COMB-IRRAD     

Sensor: B2Micron_2826_19_Baby4 (reused from last year, was DUT4, module is irradiated to 700 kGy)

p-stop: Combined, with intermediate strips, irradiated

Hybrid p-side: H48
Hybrid n-side: M35

  20   Mon Sep 19 17:47:50 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronModule COMM-IRRAD     

Sensor: B2Micron_2826_07_Baby2 (reused from last year, was DUT3, module is irradiated to 700 kGy)

p-stop: Common, with intermediate strips, irradiated

Hybrid p-side: H41
Hybrid n-side: M31

  21   Mon Oct 3 20:30:14 2011 Thomas BergauercommonXY Tisch     

Grosser (DESY) Tisch:  x = -342.0    y = 343.0  (Einheiten unbekannt, möglicherweise mm)

Raten-Scan siehe gescannter Zettel im Attachment.


erster Wert: X, also horizontal (positive Zahlen: Saleve side = Restaurant Nr. 3)

zweiter Wert: Z, also Höhe (positive Zahlen nach unten)

Micron DUT: X:324, Z:103 [Einheiten in mm]


configuration: IP-Address; 2 Achsen

Attachment 1: xy-tisch-control.JPG
Attachment 2: desy_xy_table.jpg
  23   Mon Oct 3 21:08:27 2011 Manfred ValentanMicronMicron-Baby-Stack p-stop, configuration     

Photo of hand-drawn stack configuration, config files

Attachment 1: Micron-Baby-Stack_p-stop.png
Attachment 2: cern11_micronbaby_pstop_single.cfg
# 40 mhz
# single peak mode (1 sample)
# 50ns peaking time
# 30ns trigger window (built from 5ns window, thus ~12.5ns later)
# Data processing with FADC+PROC
# FADC 0 = p-side ch 4-7 origami;
# FADC 1 = n-side ch 4-7 origami;
# CERN SPS testbeam 2011 
# micron baby stack with p-stop sensors
# CI 3 Oct 2011
# Lines preceded by a # or ; sign are ignored.
# [rem] comments a whole section until the next section start marked by [xxx] .

# [vme]
# VME addresses are given in the format
#  {module_name} = {vme_module_number},{vme_address_hex}
#  nec ... NECO module
#  adf ... particular FADC module
# Please note that the address ranges are not defined here,
# they are implicitly given by the hardware.
# Module numbers must fill from 0 (this is not checked).
# Please note that no range checking is performed.
# There is no access to VME modules that are not included in this list,

nec = 0,0x1a000000

adf = 0,0x1b000000
adf = 1,0x2b000000

# [nec]
# NECO related information
#  mod = 0|1,{shift_register_delay},{adc_range},{win_delay},{win_length},{dead_time},{time_lat},{max_trg}
#          (default: 0,75,0,50?,900?,36,2,1)
#  res = {list of entries in reset sequence}                (default: 2,4)
#  cal = {list of entries in cal sequence}			(default: 2,3,250,251)
#  sw5 = {list of entries in single cal sequence}		(default: 2,3)
#  str = {list of entries in software trigger sequence}		(default: 75)
#  htr = {list of entries in hardware trigger sequence}		(default: 74)
# mod specifies to use either the sequencer (0) or the shift register (1) for hardware trigger and the
#  delay of the shift register (0..255); adc_range (0=1Vpp, 1=2Vpp) -- ignored; win_delay and win_length define
#  the starting point (relative to the APV trigger) and length of the ADC gate in transparent mode; dead_time is
#  the number of 254MHz clock cycles which are set to zero for time measurement after an incoming trigger;
#  time_lat is the latency for time measurement in terms of 40MHz clock cycles; max_trg is the number of incoming
#  triggers which required to activate the veto logic (usually 1; 0 completely disables the veto logic)
# res, cal, sw5, str and htr are containing the bits to set in the 256-element sequencer memory (nothing is set at -1)
# Please note that cal+str together produce a calibration request plus subsequent normal trigger, so the time
#  between them is the latency. sw5 is used to send a single cal request to achieve the correct polarity in
#  case the APV inverter is turned on (this feature only works for entire MAMBOs halves = groups of 3 REBOs)
# These settings are quite fragile! Do not modify until you know exactly what you are doing.


# 30m cables, 40mhz, Tp=50ns, single-trigger 
mod = 0,75,0,70,250,36,2,1
htr = 63,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
str = 100,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1

# TESTBEAM May 08, 30m cables, 40mhz, Tp=50ns, multi-trigger (6 samples)
#mod = 0,75,0,70,950,36,2,1
#htr = 61,64,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
#str = 100,103,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1

#common settings
res =  2, 4, -1, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1
cal =  2, 3,250,251,-1,-1,-1,-1
sw5 =  2, 3, -1, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1

# [daq]
# DAQ related specifications are given in the format
#  ads = {N},{search_max_subevents},0,x
#  ini = {initevents},{readout_mode},0,x
#  deh = {module_position},{apv_position},0,x
#  i2t = {N},0,0,x
#  pat = 0,0,0,{data_file_path}
#  clk = {N},{Delay25 frequency range},0,x
#  pdl = {Trigger input delay},0,0,x
#  crd = {crate_number},{clkdel},{trgdel},x
# ads N gives the number of samples that are read out from the FIFO1 in transparent mode, search_max_subevents is the
#  maximum number of subevents to search for within one ADC stream (default=1).
# ini: initevents is the number of software triggers in the beginning of a run for pedestal and noise
# evaluation. At the beginning of each run, 2*initevents are generated by software, after that the 
# selected trigger source (hardware, software of calibration) is activated. The initial evaluation
# events are written to disk as normal events are.
# ini: readout_mode defines whether events beyond the initevents are read in raw transparent mode from FIFO1 (0) or
#  in processed mode (1) where only hit information is read from FIFO3
# deh is the APV chip for which single strip histograms are recorded
# i2t is the maximum number of I2C retries in case of failure
# pat specifies the save path for data files (must include a trailing backslash!)
# clk gives the system clock period in integer ns (25 max.) and the frequency range for the Delay25 chip:
#  0...40 MHz, 1...80 MHz, 2...32 MHz, 3...64 MHz
# pdl specifies the delay setting for the trigger input in 0.5ns steps (0..49)
# crd define the global clock and trigger delays between NECO and SVD3_buffer for crates 0 and 1
#  NOTE: clock and trigger is NOT propagated to any crate(s) NOT specified here


ads = 250,1,0,x

#Multitrigger (6)
#ads = 950,6,0,x

# RAW (transparent mode) readout
ini = 300,0,0,x

# PROCESSED readout
#ini = 300,1,0,x

deh = 1,0,0,x
i2t = 5,0,0,x
pat = 0,0,0,D:\cern11\micronbaby\data

#standard 40mhz clock (25ns)
clk = 25,0,0,x
pdl = 25,0,0,x

#crate distribution delays (set to mid-range to allow adjustments in both directions)
crd = 0,25,25,x

#we don't use crate 1, so we don't set any delay here -> no clock/trigger to crate 1
###crd = 1,25,25,x

# [hit]
# Hit recognition variables are specified here
#  hcs = {hitcut_seed_strip},{hitcut_neighbor_strips}
#  nok = {x.x},0
# hcs gives seed and neighbor hit cuts in units of strip sigma
# nok states the threshold over average noise at which strips are excluded from further analysis (to exclude noisy strips)

# si sensor
hcs = 4.0,4.0

# do not exclude strips
nok = 2000.0,0

# [cal]
# Calibration related data
#  lvl = {level},0
#  lat = {latbeg},{latend}
#  sam = {average_samples},{number of samples in 6-tuple mode}
#  grp = {number_of_groups},0
#  lg6 = {latency},{group}
#  lv6 = {startlevel},{endlevel}
# lvl is the CLVL amplitude (0..255), 1 is 625e-, 36 is 1 MIP (22500e-) nominally, in reality 26 is 1 MIP
# lat is the Latency range to cover (latend-latbeg>=2, latend-latbeg<=15)
# sam is the number of samples to average per position for normal and 6-tuple modes
# grp is how many groups to scan (<=8), first group is strips 0,8,16,..., second group is 1,9,17,..., ...
# lg6 defines the latency in 6-tuple mode and which group to observe in that mode
# lv6 defines the scan range of amplitude in 6-tuple mode

#real 1 MIP level (22400e)
lvl = 26,0

#real 5 MIPs level
#lvl = 130,0

#LAT=95/98 Calibration (short display)
#lat = 89,100

#LAT=95/98 Calibration (short display for >=50mhz)
#lat = 81,98

#LAT=95/98 Calibration (long peak mode tail display)
lat = 75,100

#common settings
sam = 50,500
grp = 8,0

#6-tuple mode settings
lg6 = 97, 1
lv6 =  1,200

# [i2c]
# This section defines one or more I2C sets for the APV25. In the [mod] section, those sets are referenced to by their number.
#  ia2 = {number},{mode},{lat},{ipre},{ipcasc},{ipsf},{isha},{issf},{ipsp},{imuxin},{vfp},{vfs},{vpsp},{muxgain}
# The I2C settings must be individually numbered (ascending from 0). The easiest case is to use the same
# settings for all chips of one type, but one could go so far to use separate settings for each chip.
# vadj/vpsp is set individually for each apv in the [mod] section, the value specified here is meaningless.


# apv25s1, peak, inverter ON, Tp=50ns, (p side)
ia2 =          0,    63,   95,    98,      52,    34,    34,    34,    55,      34,   30,   60,     0,       4

# apv25s1, peak, inverter OFF, Tp=50ns, (n side)
ia2 =          1,    31,   95,    98,      52,    34,    34,    34,    55,      34,   30,   60,     0,       4

# apv25s1, multi-peak, inverter ON, Tp=50ns, (p side)
#ia2 =          0,    61,   95,    98,      52,    34,    34,    34,    55,      34,   30,   60,     0,       4

# apv25s1, multi-peak, inverter OFF, Tp=50ns, (n side)
#ia2 =          1,    29,   95,    98,      52,    34,    34,    34,    55,      34,   30,   60,     0,       4

# [mod]
# Detector module (actually hybrid) specifications are given in the format
#  mod = {module_position},{crate_number},{mambo_number},{rebo_number},{hybrid_number},m,{AD8128_peak},{rebo_clkdelay},{rebo_trgdelay},0,0,0,0,{Name}
#  apv = {module_position},{apv_position},{i2c_address},{i2c_settings},{vadj/vpsp},x,0,0,{fadc_offset},{fadc_number},{fadc_channel},{fadc_clkdelay [0..49]},{AD8128_gain},x
# mod gives the hybrid/module properties: The position counts from 0 to 7 in beam direction,
#  Name must not contain blanks ("_" is allowed).
# apv describes the chips located on a hybrid 
#  and the ADC channel where they are read out, either a Vienna ADC (a) or a FED (f).
# The ADC offset is only available with the Vienna ADCs and shifts the baseline.
# The individual chip vadj setting dominates over the [i2c] setting.

# mambo 0
mod = 0,0,0,2,0,m,45,25,0,0,0,0,0, atoll-2
apv = 0,0,38,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,2,22,100,x  
apv = 0,1,40,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,3,16,100,x

mod = 1,0,0,2,1,m,45,25,0,0,0,0,0, comb-2
apv = 1,0,38,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,6,26,100,x  
apv = 1,1,40,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,7,22,100,x

mod = 2,0,0,2,2,m,45,25,0,0,0,0,0, comm-2
apv = 2,0,38,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,10,25,100,x  
apv = 2,1,40,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,11,25,100,x

mod = 3,0,0,2,3,m,45,25,0,0,0,0,0, atoll-1
apv = 3,0,38,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,14,25,100,x  
apv = 3,1,40,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,15,20,100,x

# mambo 1
mod = 4,0,1,1,0,m,45,25,0,0,0,0,0, comb-1
apv = 4,0,38,1,30,x,0,0,120,1,2,22,100,x  
apv = 4,1,40,1,30,x,0,0,120,1,3,20,100,x

mod = 5,0,1,1,1,m,45,25,0,0,0,0,0, comm-1
apv = 5,0,38,1,30,x,0,0,120,1,6,22,100,x  
apv = 5,1,40,1,30,x,0,0,120,1,7,18,100,x

# [bad]
# Bad channels description table
#  bad = {module_position},{apv_position},{List of 18 strip values or -1}
# Maps bad channels, which are then excluded from hit search. Up to 18 bad strips can be entered per line,
# more lines per APV are allowed. Unused values in the list must be filled with -1

#### atoll-2 ####
# every second channel is removed at sensor side --> noisy --> bad
bad = 0,0,0,  2,  4,  6,  8,  10, 12, 14, 16, 18,  20,22,24,26,28, 30, 32, 34
bad = 0,0,36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54,  56,58,60,62,64, 66, 68, 70
bad = 0,0,72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90,  92,94,96,98,100,102,104,106
bad = 0,0,108,110,112,114,116,118,120,122,124,126,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, -1, -1, -1
bad = 0,1,0,  2,  4,  6,  8,  10, 12, 14, 16, 18,  20,22,24,26,28, 30, 32, 34
bad = 0,1,36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54,  56,58,60,62,64, 66, 68, 70
bad = 0,1,72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90,  92,94,96,98,100,102,104,106
bad = 0,1,108,110,112,114,116,118,120,122,124,126,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, -1, -1, -1

#### comb-2 ####
# every second channel is removed at sensor side --> noisy --> bad
bad = 1,0,0,  2,  4,  6,  8,  10, 12, 14, 16, 18,  20,22,24,26,28, 30, 32, 34
bad = 1,0,36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54,  56,58,60,62,64, 66, 68, 70
bad = 1,0,72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90,  92,94,96,98,100,102,104,106
bad = 1,0,108,110,112,114,116,118,120,122,124,126,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, -1, -1, -1
bad = 1,1,0,  2,  4,  6,  8,  10, 12, 14, 16, 18,  20,22,24,26,28, 30, 32, 34
bad = 1,1,36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54,  56,58,60,62,64, 66, 68, 70
bad = 1,1,72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90,  92,94,96,98,100,102,104,106
bad = 1,1,108,110,112,114,116,118,120,122,124,126,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, -1, -1, -1

#### comm-2 ####
# every second channel is removed at sensor side --> noisy --> bad
bad = 2,0,0,  2,  4,  6,  8,  10, 12, 14, 16, 18,  20,22,24,26,28, 30, 32, 34
... 104 more lines ...
Attachment 3: cern11_micronbaby_pstop_multi6.cfg
# 40 mhz
# multi peak mode (6 samples)
# 50ns peaking time
# 30ns trigger window (built from 5ns window, thus ~12.5ns later)
# Data processing with FADC+PROC
# FADC 0 = p-side ch 4-7 origami;
# FADC 1 = n-side ch 4-7 origami;
# CERN SPS testbeam 2011 
# micron baby stack with p-stop sensors
# CI 3 Oct 2011
# Lines preceded by a # or ; sign are ignored.
# [rem] comments a whole section until the next section start marked by [xxx] .

# [vme]
# VME addresses are given in the format
#  {module_name} = {vme_module_number},{vme_address_hex}
#  nec ... NECO module
#  adf ... particular FADC module
# Please note that the address ranges are not defined here,
# they are implicitly given by the hardware.
# Module numbers must fill from 0 (this is not checked).
# Please note that no range checking is performed.
# There is no access to VME modules that are not included in this list,

nec = 0,0x1a000000

adf = 0,0x1b000000
adf = 1,0x2b000000

# [nec]
# NECO related information
#  mod = 0|1,{shift_register_delay},{adc_range},{win_delay},{win_length},{dead_time},{time_lat},{max_trg}
#          (default: 0,75,0,50?,900?,36,2,1)
#  res = {list of entries in reset sequence}                (default: 2,4)
#  cal = {list of entries in cal sequence}			(default: 2,3,250,251)
#  sw5 = {list of entries in single cal sequence}		(default: 2,3)
#  str = {list of entries in software trigger sequence}		(default: 75)
#  htr = {list of entries in hardware trigger sequence}		(default: 74)
# mod specifies to use either the sequencer (0) or the shift register (1) for hardware trigger and the
#  delay of the shift register (0..255); adc_range (0=1Vpp, 1=2Vpp) -- ignored; win_delay and win_length define
#  the starting point (relative to the APV trigger) and length of the ADC gate in transparent mode; dead_time is
#  the number of 254MHz clock cycles which are set to zero for time measurement after an incoming trigger;
#  time_lat is the latency for time measurement in terms of 40MHz clock cycles; max_trg is the number of incoming
#  triggers which required to activate the veto logic (usually 1; 0 completely disables the veto logic)
# res, cal, sw5, str and htr are containing the bits to set in the 256-element sequencer memory (nothing is set at -1)
# Please note that cal+str together produce a calibration request plus subsequent normal trigger, so the time
#  between them is the latency. sw5 is used to send a single cal request to achieve the correct polarity in
#  case the APV inverter is turned on (this feature only works for entire MAMBOs halves = groups of 3 REBOs)
# These settings are quite fragile! Do not modify until you know exactly what you are doing.


# 30m cables, 40mhz, Tp=50ns, single-trigger 
#mod = 0,75,0,70,250,36,2,1
#htr = 63,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
#str = 100,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1

# TESTBEAM May 08, 30m cables, 40mhz, Tp=50ns, multi-trigger (6 samples)
mod = 0,75,0,70,950,36,2,1
htr = 58,61,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
str = 100,103,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1

#common settings
res =  2, 4, -1, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1
cal =  2, 3,250,251,-1,-1,-1,-1
sw5 =  2, 3, -1, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1

# [daq]
# DAQ related specifications are given in the format
#  ads = {N},{search_max_subevents},0,x
#  ini = {initevents},{readout_mode},0,x
#  deh = {module_position},{apv_position},0,x
#  i2t = {N},0,0,x
#  pat = 0,0,0,{data_file_path}
#  clk = {N},{Delay25 frequency range},0,x
#  pdl = {Trigger input delay},0,0,x
#  crd = {crate_number},{clkdel},{trgdel},x
# ads N gives the number of samples that are read out from the FIFO1 in transparent mode, search_max_subevents is the
#  maximum number of subevents to search for within one ADC stream (default=1).
# ini: initevents is the number of software triggers in the beginning of a run for pedestal and noise
# evaluation. At the beginning of each run, 2*initevents are generated by software, after that the 
# selected trigger source (hardware, software of calibration) is activated. The initial evaluation
# events are written to disk as normal events are.
# ini: readout_mode defines whether events beyond the initevents are read in raw transparent mode from FIFO1 (0) or
#  in processed mode (1) where only hit information is read from FIFO3
# deh is the APV chip for which single strip histograms are recorded
# i2t is the maximum number of I2C retries in case of failure
# pat specifies the save path for data files (must include a trailing backslash!)
# clk gives the system clock period in integer ns (25 max.) and the frequency range for the Delay25 chip:
#  0...40 MHz, 1...80 MHz, 2...32 MHz, 3...64 MHz
# pdl specifies the delay setting for the trigger input in 0.5ns steps (0..49)
# crd define the global clock and trigger delays between NECO and SVD3_buffer for crates 0 and 1
#  NOTE: clock and trigger is NOT propagated to any crate(s) NOT specified here


#ads = 250,1,0,x

#Multitrigger (6)
ads = 950,6,0,x

# RAW (transparent mode) readout
ini = 300,0,0,x

# PROCESSED readout
#ini = 300,1,0,x

deh = 1,0,0,x
i2t = 5,0,0,x
pat = 0,0,0,D:\cern11\micronbaby\data

#standard 40mhz clock (25ns)
clk = 25,0,0,x
pdl = 25,0,0,x

#crate distribution delays (set to mid-range to allow adjustments in both directions)
crd = 0,25,25,x

#we don't use crate 1, so we don't set any delay here -> no clock/trigger to crate 1
###crd = 1,25,25,x

# [hit]
# Hit recognition variables are specified here
#  hcs = {hitcut_seed_strip},{hitcut_neighbor_strips}
#  nok = {x.x},0
# hcs gives seed and neighbor hit cuts in units of strip sigma
# nok states the threshold over average noise at which strips are excluded from further analysis (to exclude noisy strips)

# si sensor
hcs = 4.0,4.0

# do not exclude strips
nok = 2000.0,0

# [cal]
# Calibration related data
#  lvl = {level},0
#  lat = {latbeg},{latend}
#  sam = {average_samples},{number of samples in 6-tuple mode}
#  grp = {number_of_groups},0
#  lg6 = {latency},{group}
#  lv6 = {startlevel},{endlevel}
# lvl is the CLVL amplitude (0..255), 1 is 625e-, 36 is 1 MIP (22500e-) nominally, in reality 26 is 1 MIP
# lat is the Latency range to cover (latend-latbeg>=2, latend-latbeg<=15)
# sam is the number of samples to average per position for normal and 6-tuple modes
# grp is how many groups to scan (<=8), first group is strips 0,8,16,..., second group is 1,9,17,..., ...
# lg6 defines the latency in 6-tuple mode and which group to observe in that mode
# lv6 defines the scan range of amplitude in 6-tuple mode

#real 1 MIP level (22400e)
lvl = 26,0

#real 5 MIPs level
#lvl = 130,0

#LAT=95/98 Calibration (short display)
#lat = 89,100

#LAT=95/98 Calibration (short display for >=50mhz)
#lat = 81,98

#LAT=95/98 Calibration (long peak mode tail display)
lat = 75,100

#common settings
sam = 50,500
grp = 8,0

#6-tuple mode settings
lg6 = 97, 1
lv6 =  1,200

# [i2c]
# This section defines one or more I2C sets for the APV25. In the [mod] section, those sets are referenced to by their number.
#  ia2 = {number},{mode},{lat},{ipre},{ipcasc},{ipsf},{isha},{issf},{ipsp},{imuxin},{vfp},{vfs},{vpsp},{muxgain}
# The I2C settings must be individually numbered (ascending from 0). The easiest case is to use the same
# settings for all chips of one type, but one could go so far to use separate settings for each chip.
# vadj/vpsp is set individually for each apv in the [mod] section, the value specified here is meaningless.


# apv25s1, peak, inverter ON, Tp=50ns, (p side)
#ia2 =          0,    63,   95,    98,      52,    34,    34,    34,    55,      34,   30,   60,     0,       4

# apv25s1, peak, inverter OFF, Tp=50ns, (n side)
#ia2 =          1,    31,   95,    98,      52,    34,    34,    34,    55,      34,   30,   60,     0,       4

# apv25s1, multi-peak, inverter ON, Tp=50ns, (p side)
ia2 =          0,    61,   95,    98,      52,    34,    34,    34,    55,      34,   30,   60,     0,       4

# apv25s1, multi-peak, inverter OFF, Tp=50ns, (n side)
ia2 =          1,    29,   95,    98,      52,    34,    34,    34,    55,      34,   30,   60,     0,       4

# [mod]
# Detector module (actually hybrid) specifications are given in the format
#  mod = {module_position},{crate_number},{mambo_number},{rebo_number},{hybrid_number},m,{AD8128_peak},{rebo_clkdelay},{rebo_trgdelay},0,0,0,0,{Name}
#  apv = {module_position},{apv_position},{i2c_address},{i2c_settings},{vadj/vpsp},x,0,0,{fadc_offset},{fadc_number},{fadc_channel},{fadc_clkdelay [0..49]},{AD8128_gain},x
# mod gives the hybrid/module properties: The position counts from 0 to 7 in beam direction,
#  Name must not contain blanks ("_" is allowed).
# apv describes the chips located on a hybrid 
#  and the ADC channel where they are read out, either a Vienna ADC (a) or a FED (f).
# The ADC offset is only available with the Vienna ADCs and shifts the baseline.
# The individual chip vadj setting dominates over the [i2c] setting.

# mambo 0
mod = 0,0,0,2,0,m,45,25,0,0,0,0,0, atoll-2
apv = 0,0,38,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,2,22,100,x  
apv = 0,1,40,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,3,16,100,x

mod = 1,0,0,2,1,m,45,25,0,0,0,0,0, comb-2
apv = 1,0,38,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,6,26,100,x  
apv = 1,1,40,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,7,22,100,x

mod = 2,0,0,2,2,m,45,25,0,0,0,0,0, comm-2
apv = 2,0,38,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,10,25,100,x  
apv = 2,1,40,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,11,25,100,x

mod = 3,0,0,2,3,m,45,25,0,0,0,0,0, atoll-1
apv = 3,0,38,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,14,25,100,x  
apv = 3,1,40,1,30,x,0,0,5,0,15,20,100,x

# mambo 1
mod = 4,0,1,1,0,m,45,25,0,0,0,0,0, comb-1
apv = 4,0,38,1,30,x,0,0,120,1,2,22,100,x  
apv = 4,1,40,1,30,x,0,0,120,1,3,20,100,x

mod = 5,0,1,1,1,m,45,25,0,0,0,0,0, comm-1
apv = 5,0,38,1,30,x,0,0,120,1,6,22,100,x  
apv = 5,1,40,1,30,x,0,0,120,1,7,18,100,x

# [bad]
# Bad channels description table
#  bad = {module_position},{apv_position},{List of 18 strip values or -1}
# Maps bad channels, which are then excluded from hit search. Up to 18 bad strips can be entered per line,
# more lines per APV are allowed. Unused values in the list must be filled with -1

#### atoll-2 ####
# every second channel is removed at sensor side --> noisy --> bad
bad = 0,0,0,  2,  4,  6,  8,  10, 12, 14, 16, 18,  20,22,24,26,28, 30, 32, 34
bad = 0,0,36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54,  56,58,60,62,64, 66, 68, 70
bad = 0,0,72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90,  92,94,96,98,100,102,104,106
bad = 0,0,108,110,112,114,116,118,120,122,124,126,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, -1, -1, -1
bad = 0,1,0,  2,  4,  6,  8,  10, 12, 14, 16, 18,  20,22,24,26,28, 30, 32, 34
bad = 0,1,36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54,  56,58,60,62,64, 66, 68, 70
bad = 0,1,72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90,  92,94,96,98,100,102,104,106
bad = 0,1,108,110,112,114,116,118,120,122,124,126,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, -1, -1, -1

#### comb-2 ####
# every second channel is removed at sensor side --> noisy --> bad
bad = 1,0,0,  2,  4,  6,  8,  10, 12, 14, 16, 18,  20,22,24,26,28, 30, 32, 34
bad = 1,0,36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54,  56,58,60,62,64, 66, 68, 70
bad = 1,0,72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90,  92,94,96,98,100,102,104,106
bad = 1,0,108,110,112,114,116,118,120,122,124,126,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, -1, -1, -1
bad = 1,1,0,  2,  4,  6,  8,  10, 12, 14, 16, 18,  20,22,24,26,28, 30, 32, 34
bad = 1,1,36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54,  56,58,60,62,64, 66, 68, 70
bad = 1,1,72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90,  92,94,96,98,100,102,104,106
bad = 1,1,108,110,112,114,116,118,120,122,124,126,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, -1, -1, -1

#### comm-2 ####
# every second channel is removed at sensor side --> noisy --> bad
bad = 2,0,0,  2,  4,  6,  8,  10, 12, 14, 16, 18,  20,22,24,26,28, 30, 32, 34
... 104 more lines ...
  36   Wed Oct 5 19:33:40 2011 Markus FriedlcommonTrigger condition  4.10.2011 15:00  

Changed trigger such that off-spill scintillator triggers are vetoed.

Inserted Flip-Flop which is set by begin of spill (WWE) and reset by end of spill signal (EE). Out-bar is put in coincidence with the scintillator trigger.

This also changes the timing, which was unfortunately not detected until 30 hours later. Thus, runs 4-7 have bad (wrong) timing -> UNUSABLE

Attachment 1: trigger_path_with_veto.png
  45   Fri Oct 7 18:28:53 2011 Christian Irmlercommonrun schedule    Unknown
Attachment 1: run_schedule.pdf
Attachment 2: run_schedule.xlsx
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b