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HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS September/October 2010, Page 5 of 8 |
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Tue May 17 18:53:33 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, B2Micron_2826_7_baby3, source run, unirrad, prezupf, run112, 100k, 17.05.2011 19:00:21, 17.05.2011 19:22:45
Tue May 17 19:08:29 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, sensors for source test with intermediate strips, , , ,
Wed May 18 10:12:32 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, DUT3, source run, unirrad, prezupf, cal113, 83800, 18.05.2011 09:42:08, 18.05.2011 09:50:23
Wed May 18 10:38:07 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, DUT3, source run, irrad, prezupf, run113, 100k, 18.05.2011 10:03:15, 18.05.2011 10:25:14
Wed May 18 12:06:42 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, DUT4, source run, irrad, prezupf, cal114, 83800, 18.05.2011 11:42:22, 18.05.2011 11:50:36
Wed May 18 14:40:33 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, TRK6, source run, unirrad, postzupf, cal115, 83800, 18.05.2011 13:41:44, 18.05.2011 13:49:58
Wed May 18 14:42:49 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, TRK6, source run, unirrad, postzupf, run115, 100k, 18.05.2011 13:53:54, 18.05.2011 13:53:54 6x
Wed May 18 15:36:03 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, TRK7, source run, unirrad, postzupf, cal116, 83800, 18.05.2011 14:43:18, 18.05.2011 14:51:31
Wed May 18 15:38:29 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, TRK7, source run, unirrad, postzupf, run116, 100k, 18.05.2011 15:02:05, 18.05.2011 15:24:07 6x
Wed May 18 16:31:12 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, B2Micron_2826_7_baby3, source run, unirrad, prezupf, cal117, 83800, 18.05.2011 15:44:58, 18.05.2011 15:53:10
Wed May 18 16:33:29 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, B2Micron_2826_7_baby3, source run, unirrad, prezupf, run117, 100k, 18.05.2011 15:59:39, 18.05.2011 16:21:24 6x
Thu May 19 09:42:28 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, DUT3, source run, irrad, postzupf, cal118, 83800, 19.05.2011 08:56:18, 19.05.2011 09:04:30
Thu May 19 09:44:39 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, DUT3, source run, irrad, postzupf, run118, 100k, 19.05.2011 09:07:33, 19.05.2011 09:27:21 6x
Thu May 19 11:02:08 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, DUT4, source run, irrad, postzupf, cal119, 83800, 19.05.2011 09:57:57, 19.05.2011 10:06:06
Thu May 19 11:04:04 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, DUT4, source run, irrad, postzupf, run119, 100k, 19.05.2011 10:08:14, 19.05.2011 10:29:02 6x
Thu May 19 11:06:41 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, DUT4, source run, irrad, prezupf, run114, 100k, 18.05.2011 11:57:13, 18.05.2011 12:13:12
Sat Oct 2 15:24:00 2010, Erik Huemer, ITE, XY Position and Slow Control, , , ,
Sat Oct 2 17:24:12 2010, Markus Friedl, ITE, run, run026, 5834, 02.10.2010 17:23:46 , 02.10.2010 17:31:51
Sat Oct 2 17:27:14 2010, Thomas Bergauer, ITE, cal, cal007, 83800, 02.10.2010 17:11:18 ,
Sat Oct 2 17:35:51 2010, Markus Friedl, ITE, run, run027, 2999, 02.10.2010 17:34:51 , 02.10.2010 17:38:39