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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS September/October 2010, Page 1 of 8  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Project Subjectdown Run Number Events StartTime EndTime
  24   Tue Sep 28 16:50:31 2010 Thomas Bergauercommonserial connection chiller    

 Der chiller braucht ein gekreuztes serielles Kabel!!

  135   Tue May 17 19:08:29 2011 Manfred ValentanMicron Babysensors for source test with intermediate strips    

Every second bond of these sensors will be removed to mimic the effect of an intermediate strip. For comparison, this is done both with irradiated and unirradiated sensors.

DUT3: B2Micron_2826_7_baby2, common p-stop, irradiated

DUT4: B2Micron_2826_19_baby4, combined p-stop, irradiated

DUT5: B2Micron_2826_19_baby3, atoll p-stop, irradiated (Wolfgang T. took this sensor to the SEM, it's destroyed by now)

TRK6: B2Micron_2826_1_baby4, combined p-stop, unirradiated

TRK7: B2Micron_2826_19_baby2, common p-stop, unirradiated

            B2Micron_2826_7_baby3, atoll p-stop, unirradiated


  116   Fri Apr 8 13:25:58 2011 Manfred ValentanMicron Babysensors and modules    

TRK1: B2Micron_2826_1_baby2

TRK2: B2Micron_2826_1_baby3

DUT3: B2Micron_2826_7_baby2 (common p-stop)

DUT4: B2Micron_2826_19_baby4 (combined p-stop)

DUT5: B2Micron_2826_19_baby3 (atoll p-stop)

TRK6: B2Micron_2826_1_baby4

TRK7: B2Micron_2826_19_baby2

GEW: B2Micron_2826_7_baby4

not used: B2Micron_2826_7_baby3

  18   Tue Sep 28 03:06:31 2010 Markus FriedlBELLErunrun00111951628.09.2010 03:06:0428.09.2010 12:18:33

first run with complete Belle stack: 2 x Origami, 2 x Micron

HV=100V  I=49uA

beam is on

chiller is set to 15°C (module temperature is ~17°C)

both Origamis and both Microns are serially cooled


position:centered in both axes  55 / 30 / 277.5


telescope: run20076 (in zero suppressed mode)

  19   Tue Sep 28 12:54:33 2010 Markus FriedlBELLErunrun002 28.09.2010 12:46:54 

same as run001 after shifting x by 48mm

103 / 30 / 277.5 ? unsure after crash of xy stage PC

  20   Tue Sep 28 13:04:02 2010 Markus FriedlBELLErunrun0032500028.09.2010 13:00:0528.09.2010 14:41:14

now for real (previous run was at wrong position)

all same as run001, except position now still centered on p-strips, but on high edge (last APVs) for n side

position: 103 / 30 / 277.5

corresponds to telescope run 20078

  22   Tue Sep 28 14:48:00 2010 Markus FriedlBELLErunrun004175528.09.2010 14:48:2828.09.2010 15:06:31

same as before, but now pos 1 is located on the other edge (-48mm from center)

telescope 7 / 30 / 277.5

telescope run 20079

  23   Tue Sep 28 15:09:16 2010 Markus FriedlBELLErunrun0054000028.09.2010 15:07:0828.09.2010 20:20:12

previous run stopped due to beam problem (shifted, broad, etc).

now recovered, restarting with same settings.


telescope run: 20080

  27   Tue Sep 28 23:23:47 2010 Markus FriedlBELLErunrun006200328.09.2010 23:13:2228.09.2010 23:22:26

channels swapped -> stopped

  28   Tue Sep 28 23:24:35 2010 Markus FriedlBELLErunrun007146028.09.2010 23:23:2928.09.2010 23:27:54

Belle stack: Origami-Micron-Micron-Origami
HV=100V, Ibias=38A, beam on
cooling: Origami only, chiller: -25C, Module: -10C
modified I2C settings for cooled modules
centered again


telescope run 20082


sensor config bug (only relevant for sensor display) found -> stopped

  29   Tue Sep 28 23:29:50 2010 Markus FriedlBELLErunrun00814000028.09.2010 23:29:0129.09.2010 09:36:58

Belle stack: Origami-Micron-Micron-Origami
HV=100V, Ibias=38A, beam on
cooling: Origami only, chiller: -25C, Module: -10C
modified I2C settings for cooled modules
centered again


telescope run 20083

  31   Wed Sep 29 10:30:59 2010 Markus FriedlBELLErunrun0093000029.09.2010 10:27:2729.09.2010 11:06:35

zero suppressed (HIT4) @ FADC

Belle stack: Origami-Micron-Micron-Origami - HIT4
HV=100V, Ibias=28A, beam on
cooling: Origami only, chiller: -25C, Module: -10C
modified I2C settings for cooled modules
centered in both axes

telescope run 20084

  32   Wed Sep 29 11:09:10 2010 Markus FriedlBELLErunrun0103000029.09.2010 11:08:0329.09.2010 11:50:07

zero suppressed (HIT5) @ FADC

Belle stack: Origami-Micron-Micron-Origami - HIT5
HV=100V, Ibias=28A, beam on
cooling: Origami only, chiller: -25C, Module: -10C
modified I2C settings for cooled modules
centered in both axes

telescope run 20085

  33   Wed Sep 29 11:53:16 2010 Erik HuemerBELLErunrun0111900329.09.2010 12:19:5729.09.2010 14:00:57

Belle stack: Origami-Micron-Micron-Origami
HV=100V, Ibias=83.22µA, beam on
no cooling

Temp. at modules: 
Origami 1: 50°C
Micron 1: 46°C
Micron 2: 48°C
Origami 2: 48°C

standard I2C settings

telescope run 20085 (continued)

  39   Wed Sep 29 19:01:28 2010 Markus FriedlMicron Babyrunrun012224829.09.2010 18:59:0929.09.2010 19:07:02

micron baby stack
HV=100V I=11.0uA
Beam on
telescope position: 121/55/7.5


telescope run 20105

  40   Wed Sep 29 19:08:56 2010 Markus FriedlMicron Babyrunrun0138985329.09.2010 19:09:5730.09.2010 00:52:39

micron baby stack
HV=100V I=11.0uA
Beam on
telescope position: 121/53.5/7.5   (shifted in height by -1.5mm wrt run012 for better DUT centering)


telescope run 20107

  41   Thu Sep 30 00:56:32 2010 Markus FriedlMicron Babyrunrun014100k30.09.2010 00:55:3030.09.2010 11:20:02

micron baby stack


HV=100V I=11.0uA

I_end = 16uA


Beam on


telescope position: 105/40.5/7.5 

telescope run 20108

  43   Thu Sep 30 14:45:16 2010 Thomas BergauerMicron Babyrunrun01522.5k30.09.2010 13:18:1130.09.2010 14:38:01

micron baby stack angle scan 15 grad mit 3 modulen

HV=100V, I=3.8uA

Beam on


telescope position: 129/76/187.5

telescope run 20109

  45   Thu Sep 30 15:39:53 2010 Markus FriedlMicron Babyrunrun01631k30.09.2010 15:38:2630.09.2010 17:44:36

micron baby: 4 DUTs
HV=100V I=10.3uA (start of run);  I=16.2uA (end of run)
Beam on

 reference run @ 0°

telescope run 20110

  46   Thu Sep 30 18:12:53 2010 Markus FriedlMicron Babyrunrun0173500030.09.2010 18:11:5330.09.2010 20:22:43

micron baby: 4 DUTs
HV=100V I=13.5uA, I_stop=17uA
Beam on
15° rotation

telescope run 20111

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b