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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS June 2009, Page 4 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Thu Aug 20 15:54:45 2009, Manfred Valentan, BELLE, temp/humidty logger data, , , ,  easylog_under_telescope.gif

position: underneath telescope. dewpoint ~ 15 degree

test with chiller: running 4 hours at 15 degress: NO condensation on alu pipe

Entry  Fri Aug 21 06:16:15 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, internal calibration 40 MHz transparent mode, cal003, , 20.08.2009 23:27:12, 21.08.2009 00:05:16 

Belle DUT, intcal
HV=80V, 40 MHz, no beam

transparent mode

Entry  Fri Aug 21 06:24:10 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, APVDAQ + telescope (beam alignement), run6872, 5785, 21.08.2009 00:12:26, 21.08.2009 00:27:11 

4 Belle DUTs
HV=80V, 40 MHz, 6 sample, 120 GeV

beam alignement
Origami is hit between in center of sensor (APV 1 and 2 on both sides)

Entry  Fri Aug 21 06:31:29 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, APVDAQ + telescope, run6873, 80173, 21.08.2009 00:47:38, 21.08.2009 06:07:02 

4 Belle DUTs
HV=80V, 40 MHz, 6 sample, 120 GeV
beam position:  p-side: APV2 of Origami, n-side: between APV1 and 2 of Origami (center of sensors)

JP-module is hit at APV3, module seems to be on a higher position than in past beam test (eventuelly flipped)

run interrupted after 80173 --> bad timing, peak was at 4 th or 5 th sample

Entry  Fri Aug 21 06:34:39 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, APVDAQ + telescope 40 MHz, run005, 75000, 21.08.2009 06:10:41, 21.08.2009 10:37:33 

was originally  run004, renamed after run was stopped to avoid duplicate names
4 Belle DUTs
HV=80V, 40 MHz, 6 sample, 120 GeV
beam position:  p-side: APV2 of Origami, n-side: between APV1 and 2 of Origami (center of sensors)
table position y (height):  94.3

JP-module is hit at APV3, module seems to be on a higher position than in past beam test (eventuelly flipped)

same as run6873, but w improved timing  --> peak is now at sample 2 or 3

since eudetmac was not reachable by VNC, the telescope has not been restarted !


Entry  Fri Aug 21 12:05:31 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, APVDAQ standalone 40 MHz hit mode, run006, interrupted, 21.08.2009 10:41:51, 21.08.2009 10:54:37 

4 Belle DUTs
HV=80V, 40 MHz, 6 sample, 120 GeV
beam position:  p-side: APV2 of Origami, n-side: between APV1 and 2 of Origami (center of sensors)
table position y (height):  94.3

zero supressed w/o bad strip definition of origami module

JP-module is hit at APV3, module seems to be on a higher position than in past beam test (eventuelly flipped)



Entry  Fri Aug 21 12:06:06 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, APVDAQ standalone 40 MHz, run007, interrupted, 21.08.2009 11:06:45, 21.08.2009 11:10:40 

4 Belle DUTs
HV=80V, 40 MHz, 6 sample, 120 GeV
beam position:  p-side: APV2 of Origami, n-side: between APV1 and 2 of Origami (center of sensors)

JP-module is hit at APV3, module seems to be on a higher position than in past beam test (eventuelly flipped)

zero supressed w bad strip definition of origami module, but reverse readout order of APV 2 and 3 on p-side

Entry  Fri Aug 21 12:06:29 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, APVDAQ standalone hit mode 40 MHz, run008, 75000, 21.08.2009 11:15:09, 21.08.2009 11:29:53 

4 Belle DUTs
HV=80V, 40 MHz, 6 sample, 120 GeV
beam position:  p-side: APV2 of Origami, n-side: between APV1 and 2 of Origami (center of sensors)

JP-module is hit at APV3, module seems to be on a higher position than in past beam test (eventuelly flipped)

same as run6873, but w improved timing  --> peak is now at sample 2 or 3

since eudetmac was not reachable by VNC, the telescope has not been restarted !


zero supressed w bad strip definition of origami module, but natural readout order of APV 2 and 3 on p-side

hit cut = 4

Entry  Fri Aug 21 12:06:39 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, APVDAQ standalone hit mode 40 MHz, run009, 75000, 21.08.2009 11:48:22, 21.08.2009 12:01:53 

4 Belle DUTs
HV=80V, 40 MHz, 6 sample, 120 GeV
beam position:  p-side: APV2 of Origami, n-side: between APV1 and 2 of Origami (center of sensors)

JP-module is hit at APV3, module seems to be on a higher position than in past beam test (eventuelly flipped)

same as run6873, but w improved timing  --> peak is now at sample 2 or 3

since eudetmac was not reachable by VNC, the telescope has not been restarted !


zero supressed w bad strip definition of origami module, but natural readout order of APV 2 and 3 on p-side

hit cut = 5

Entry  Fri Aug 21 12:08:44 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, APVDAQ standalone 40 MHz, pedcorr003, , 21.08.2009 12:08:33, 21.08.2009 12:18:45  

4 Belle DUTs
HV=80V, 40 MHz
pedestal correction
beam position:  p-side: APV2 of Origami, n-side: between APV1 and 2 of Origami (center of sensors)

Entry  Fri Aug 21 12:22:43 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, APVDAQ standalone 31.8 MHz hit mode, run010, 75000, 21.08.2009 12:53:02, 21.08.2009 13:35:01 

4 Belle DUTs
HV=80V, 31.8 MHz, 6 sample, 120 GeV
switched to external clock source
processed mode, hit cut = 4
beam position:  p-side: APV2 of Origami, n-side: between APV1 and 2 of Origami (center of sensors)

JP-module is hit at APV3, module seems to be on a higher position than in past beam test (eventuelly flipped)

Entry  Fri Aug 21 13:38:20 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, APVDAQ standalone 31.8 MHz hit mode, run011, 75000, 21.08.2009 13:35:25 ,  

4 Belle DUTs
HV=80V, 31.8 MHz, 6 sample, 120 GeV
external clock source
processed mode, hit cut = 5
beam position:  p-side: APV2 of Origami, n-side: between APV1 and 2 of Origami (center of sensors)

JP-module is hit at APV3, module seems to be on a higher position than in past beam test (eventuelly flipped)

Entry  Fri Aug 21 14:18:11 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, internal calibration 31.8 MHz transparent mode, cal004, , 21.08.2009 14:21:40, 21.08.2009 15:01:24 

Belle DUT, intcal
HV=80V, 31.8 MHz, no beam
transparent mode

Origami p-side APV 2&3 with reverse readout order

Entry  Fri Aug 21 15:27:08 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, internal calibration 31.8 MHz hit mode, cal005, , 21.08.2009 15:34:43, 21.08.2009 16:29:47  

Belle DUT, intcal
HV=80V, 31.8 MHz, no beam
hit mode

Origami p-side APV 2&3 with reverse readout order

Entry  Fri Aug 21 16:37:22 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, internal calibration 40 MHz hit mode, cal006, , 21.08.2009 16:30:33,  

Belle DUT, intcal
HV=80V, 40 MHz, no beam
hit mode

switched back to internal 40 MHz clock

Entry  Fri Aug 21 18:07:57 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, APVDAQ standalone 31.8 MHz, pedcorr004, , 21.08.2009 17:49:10, 21.08.2009 18:24:31 

4 Belle DUTs
HV=80V, 31.8 MHz
pedestal correction
transparent mode
beam on

Entry  Fri Aug 21 18:35:13 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, APVDAQ + telescope 31.8 MHz transparent mode, run012, 60000, 21.08.2009 18:31:01, 21.08.2009 23:25:03 

4 Belle DUTs
HV=80V, 31.8 MHz, 6 sample, 120 GeV
external clock source
transparent mode
beam position:  p-side: APV2 of Origami, n-side: between APV1 and 2 of Origami (center of sensors), beam spot: 9x9 mm

JP-module is hit at APV3, module seems to be on a higher position than in past beam test (eventuelly flipped)

APVDAQ and telescope runs are not synchronized

Entry  Sat Aug 22 01:06:34 2009, Christian Irmler, BELLE, APVDAQ + telescope 40 MHz transparent mode (cooling?), run013, 75000, 21.08.2009 23:49:38 , 22.08.2009 03:21:48 

Belle DUT, tranparent mode
HV=80V, 40 MHz, beam on, 120 GeV
6 samples
chiller set to 13 deg.

beam position:  p-side: APV2 of Origami, n-side: between APV1 and 2 of Origami (center of sensors), beam spot: 9x9 mm
JP-module is hit at APV3, module seems to be on a higher position than in past beam test (eventuelly flipped)

APVDAQ and telescope runs are not synchronized

trigger rate: about 300 - 500 ev / spill

there was probably no water flow throught the pipe of the origami module during this run --> must be repeated

Entry  Sat Aug 22 03:27:13 2009, Thomas Bergauer, BELLE, APVDAQ + telescope 31,8 MHz transparent mode (cooling?), run014, 75k, 22.08.2009 03:25:23, 22.08.2009 07:08:09 

 HV=80V, 31.8 MHz, beam on, 120 GeV

6 samples
chiller set to 13 deg.

f=31.8 MHz

config file: cern09_belle_31.8mhz_multi6.cfg


there was probably no water flow throught the pipe of the origami module during this run --> must be repeated

Entry  Sat Aug 22 08:32:02 2009, Thomas Bergauer, BELLE, APVDAQ + telescope 31,8 MHz hit mode (cooling?), run015, 75k, 22.08.2009 08:15:05, 22.08.2009 09:25:21 

 HV=80V, 31.8 MHz, beam on, 120 GeV

6 samples, hit mode, hitcut=4
chiller set to 13 deg.

f=31.8 MHz

config file: cern09_belle_31.8mhz_hit_multi6.cfg


there was probably no water flow throught the pipe of the origami module during this run --> must be repeated

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b