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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS June 2009, Page 3 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Mon Aug 24 22:12:22 2009, Georg Auzinger, Pt_ITE512, Pt_ITE512 15deg air, run032, 19456, 24.08.09 22:18:08, 24.08.09 23:25:52 

Pt: 15 Grad, HV=200V, 0% RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
no beam
--> run stopped after 19456 events
Entry  Tue Aug 25 01:33:18 2009, Georg Auzinger, Pt_ITE512, Pt_ITE512 0deg air, run033, 151724, 25.08.09 01:35:18, 25.08.2009 08:44:27 

Pt: 0 Grad, HV=200V, 0% RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
Entry  Tue Aug 25 09:01:12 2009, Marko Dragicevic, Pt_ITE512, Pt_ITE512 2deg air , run034, 20k, 25.08.09 08:56:18 , 25.08.09 09:45:  

Pt: 2 Grad, HV=200V, 0% RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
Entry  Tue Aug 25 09:53:16 2009, Marko Dragicevic, Pt_ITE512, Pt_ITE512 4deg NO air!, run035, 20k, 25.08.2009 09:50, 25.08.2009 11:00 

Pt: 4 Grad, HV=200V, 0% (start run) to 14% (end run) RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
Entry  Tue Aug 25 11:26:23 2009, Thomas Bergauer, Pt_ITE512, Pt_ITE512 6deg NO air!, run036, 20k, 25.08.2009 11:25, 25.08.2009 12:19:55 

Pt: 6 Grad, HV=200V, 20% (start run) to % (end run) RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36


Entry  Tue Aug 25 12:30:04 2009, Marko Dragicevic, Pt_ITE512, Pt_ITE512 8deg NO air!, run037, 20k, 25.08.2009 12:45, 25.08.2009 13:40:13 

Pt: 8 Grad, HV=200V, 28% (start run) to 31% (end run) RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V, I=49.1muA
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
Entry  Tue Aug 25 13:48:30 2009, Marko Dragicevic, Pt_ITE512, Pt_ITE512 10deg NO air!, run038, 20k, 25.08.2009 13:54:54, 25.08.2009 15:22:38 

Pt: 10 Grad, HV=200V, 31.7% (start run) to 33.8% (end run) RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V, I=50muA
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
Entry  Tue Aug 25 15:33:07 2009, Marko Dragicevic, Pt_ITE512, Pt_ITE512 12deg NO air! , run039, 20k, 25.08.2009 15:35, 25.08.2009 17:10 

Pt: 12 Grad, HV=200V, 34.4% (start run) to 36.1% (end run) RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V, I=50muA
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
Entry  Tue Aug 25 17:14:52 2009, Marko Dragicevic, Pt_ITE512, Pt_ITE512 17deg NO air!, run040, 20k, 25.08.2009 17:17:11, 25.08.2009 18:08:57 Pt-17deg.png

Pt: 17 Grad, HV=200V, 36.5% (start run) to xx.1% (end run) RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V, I=51muA
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
Entry  Tue Aug 25 18:22:25 2009, Manfred Valentan, Pt_ITE512, Pt_ITE512 40deg NO air! (for calibration), run041, 10k, 25.08.2009 18:20:30, 25.08.2009 

Pt: 40 Grad, HV=200V, 36.9% (start run) to xx% (end run) RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V, I=51muA
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
Entry  Wed Aug 19 15:37:37 2009, Christian Irmler, ITE128, internal calibration, cal001, , 15:31:29,  

8 modules, HV=70V, 40MHz, 1 sample
no beam

APV 4,5: inverter off, higher baseline = PAD modules

Entry  Wed Aug 19 20:43:14 2009, Christian Irmler, ITE128, ITE128 shooting into strips w/o pitch adapter, low position, run001, 100600, 19.08.2009 20:42:08, 19.08.2009 22:54:21 

DUT: SiLC 08_1, 6 x ITE128, SiLC 08_2
HV = 70V, 40MHz, 120 GeV
TLU trigger, w/o telescope
9x9 mm beam spot

height (y) = 154.0979

ITE128 shooting into strips w/o pitch adapter, low position

Entry  Wed Aug 19 22:56:07 2009, Christian Irmler, ITE128, ITE128 shooting into strips w pitch adapter, upper position, run002, 100600, 19.08.2009 22:54:23, 20.08.2009 00:11:31 

DUT: SiLC 08_1, 6 x ITE128, SiLC 08_2
HV = 70V, 40MHz, 120 GeV
TLU trigger, w/o telescope
9x9 mm beam spot

height (y) = 144.3099

ITE128 shooting into strips w pitch adapter, upper position

Entry  Thu Aug 20 00:16:45 2009, Christian Irmler, ITE128, pedestal correction, pedcorr001, , 20.08.2009 00:14:21, 20.08.2009 00:24:28 

DUT: SiLC 08_1, 6 x ITE128, SiLC 08_2
HV = 70V, 40MHz

pedestal correction

beam on


Entry  Thu Aug 20 00:31:45 2009, Christian Irmler, ITE128, ITE128 shooting into strips w pitch adapter, upper position, run003, 100600, 20.08.2009 00:27:36,  

DUT: SiLC 08_1, 6 x ITE128, SiLC 08_2
HV = 70V, 40MHz, 120 GeV
TLU trigger, w/o telescope
9x9 mm beam spot

height (y) = 139.3100

ITE128 shooting into strips w pitch adapter, upper edge of sensor

Entry  Sun Aug 23 01:46:03 2009, Thomas Bergauer, ITE128, 2nd run with ITE128: central position, run021, 100k, 23.08.09 00:10 (ca.), 23.08.2009 02:15:10 Picture_1.png


HV = 70V, 40MHz, 120 GeV

TLU trigger w telescope 

XY-Table: x=48, y=115.31

new beam position (used TRIM4 magnet at 7A): y down by 2mm. see attached picture

Entry  Sun Aug 23 02:18:20 2009, Thomas Bergauer, ITE128, 2nd run with ITE128: top position (3mm below center); during night, run022, 407895, 23.08.2009 02:16:21, 23.08.2009 08:04:09 Picture_1.png


HV = 70V, 40MHz, 120 GeV

TLU trigger w telescope 

XY-Table: x=48, y=112.31

Entry  Sun Aug 23 08:13:31 2009, Thomas Bergauer, ITE128, 2nd run with ITE128: top position (4mm below center), run023, 100k, 23.08.2009 08:06:58, 23.08.2009 09:30:53 


HV = 70V, 40MHz, 120 GeV

TLU trigger w telescope 

XY-Table: x=48, y=111.31

Entry  Wed Aug 26 14:26:13 2009, Wolfgang Kiesenhofer, ITE128, S/N final Single-Metal, run001 & run002, , ,  sn-pos_h13-h14_strips_pa_5bins.pdf

Most probable S/N, Single Metal Layer, 2D histogram fitted with langau in 5 bin (strips) slices.

Entry  Wed Sep 2 14:15:17 2009, Wolfgang Kiesenhofer, ITE128, ITE 128 Cross-Talk, run002, , ,  stripcorr_modall_thrs3_ktau.pdf

Preliminary strip correlation (Kendalls Tau) for threshold = 3*stripnoise.

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b