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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS June 2008, Page 3 of 4  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Project Subject Run Numberdown Events StartTime EndTime Text Attachments
  14   Fri May 30 19:42:13 2008 stephan hänselSiLCAPVDAQ onlyrun00015180330.05.2008 19:38:0430.05.2008 22:54:59SiLC beam test - CERN SPS June 2008
8 modules, HV=100V, 40MHz, 6 samples
trigger: 9 mm opening, TLUControl.exe -d
  56   Tue Jun 3 10:58:54 2008 Markus FriedlBELLEAPVDAQ onlyped0071000003.06.2008 10:53:0403.06.2008 10:58:47SiLC beam test - CERN SPS June 2008
4 Belle modules, 40MHz, HV=80V, 6 samples
beam on (lower intensity)
  32   Sun Jun 1 23:20:10 2008 Markus FriedlSiLCAPVDAQ onlyped0041000001.06.2008 23:16:5201.06.2008 23:19:59SiLC beam test - CERN SPS June 2008 - PEDESTAL
with beam
8 modules, HV=100V, 40MHz, 6 samples, hor
  25   Sun Jun 1 15:02:51 2008 Markus FriedlSiLCAPVDAQ onlyped0031000001.06.2008 15:00:5401.06.2008 15:04:14SiLC beam test - CERN SPS June 2008 - PEDESTAL
with beam
8 modules, HV=100V, 40MHz, 6 samples, hor
  24   Sun Jun 1 14:58:53 2008 Markus FriedlSiLCAPVDAQ onlyped0021000001.06.2008 14:55:3101.06.2008 14:59:06SiLC beam test - CERN SPS June 2008 - PEDESTAL
8 modules, HV=100V, 40MHz, 6 samples, hor
stage :=-7.5 mm
  68   Tue Jun 17 09:43:07 2008 Thomas Bergauer Data analysis progressoverview (in progress)   [TABLE border="1"]
run number|What?|APVDAQ mode|Telescope mode|#events|hit
data processed|hitfit processed
  4   Fri May 9 11:46:36 2008 Markus FriedlSiLCData file format(work in progress)   APVDAQ Data Analysis
  10   Fri May 23 15:17:49 2008 Markus FriedlSiLCModule/chip/strip/zone numbering scheme(work in progress)   The SILC DUT is a stack of 8 silicon sensors
surrounded by the telescope.
The spacing between each of the 8 layers
  59   Tue Jun 3 12:41:22 2008 Eudet Telescope useful eudaq software commands(work in progress)   [b]to show information about a run (number
of events, start and end timestamp,....:[/b]
./TestReader.exe -b -e 2828
  1   Tue May 6 13:51:43 2008 Thomas BergauerotherEquipment list    [B]Slow Control:[/B]
K2410 SMU
K2700 Scanning Voltmeter
  2   Wed May 7 10:43:09 2008 Thomas BergauerSiLCDocumentation: twiki, Stephans Hardware Drawings,....    DUT, APVDAQ Documentation
  3   Wed May 7 16:28:23 2008 stephan hänselSiLCPhotos    Module Photos

  5   Fri May 9 15:29:28 2008 Thomas BergauerSiLCSensor Layout    
  6   Wed May 14 09:21:39 2008 stephan hänselSiLCcapacity measurements - HPK-ILC-TS-6687-24    ich hab mal die Kapazitäts-Messungen vom Thomas
in ein Diagram gegeben
  7   Wed May 14 16:15:30 2008 Markus FriedlBELLEMicron DDD5 Photos    This is the new Micron DDD5 double-sided module
with 3+3 APV25 readout chips on each side.
  8   Mon May 19 15:14:40 2008 Markus FriedlotherTentative Beam Test Schedule    Wed 28 May: ~16:00 arrival, unpacking
Thu 29 May: installation
Fri 30 May: beam on
  9   Mon May 19 15:21:49 2008 Markus FriedlotherCERN SPS page 1    SPS Status
Page 1 - http://hpslweb.cern.ch/frame/java/1.1/view110-java.html
  11   Mon May 26 15:38:53 2008 Markus FriedlSiLCHow to run APVDAQ    Power-on Procedure
  12   Fri May 30 10:36:18 2008 Marko DragicevicotherImportant Information/Contact    [B]IPs[/B]
Linksys Router
  15   Sat May 31 13:34:28 2008 Thomas Bergauer how to copy data from lab2pc to eudetmac    rsync -rltvz --exclude "data_vie" --exclude
"hitfit_cern08" --exclude "output_vie" --exclude
"run2719*" --rsh="ssh -C -p222" friedl@routerhephy.cern.ch:/cygdrive/f/testbeam/cern_jun08/
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b