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  MedAustron 2020, Page 12 of 15  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Authordown Subject Run Number DUT Beam Energy Beam Betatron Beam Chopper Beam Degrader Beam EFE Beam Orb Beam QuadScan PhantomType PhantomAngle Events Data Text Attachments
  286   Sun Dec 6 16:01:02 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2205W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 80V10 spills pixel scan, starting with r0 c0

stopped after r1 c5 due to synch
  287   Sun Dec 6 16:32:54 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2206W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 80V10 spills pixel scan, starting with r1 c6

stopped after r3 c2

stopped due to time difference
  288   Sun Dec 6 16:53:35 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2207W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 80V10 spills pixel scan, starting with r3 c3

tried to syncronized clocks of
Caribou and TLU syncronized before run started.
  289   Sun Dec 6 18:59:48 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2208W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 80V10 spills single pixel r0 c2

shutter time set to 2.5s (half
of previous value)
  290   Sun Dec 6 19:07:20 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2209W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 80V10 spills single pixel r0 c2

shutter time set to 6s 
  291   Sun Dec 6 19:29:57 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2210W13_04252.71  1   HV = 80V10 spills single pixel r0 c2

test run for new beam settings
  292   Sun Dec 6 19:30:38 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2211W13_04252.71  1   HV = 80V10 spills pixle scan, starting with r0 c0

stopped after r0 c6 due network
error (oscilloscope connected)
  293   Sun Dec 6 19:51:49 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2212W13_04252.71  1   HV = 80V10 spillsCrappixel scan, starting with r0 c7

stopped due to broken pipe

Caribou rebooted
Entry is currently edited by Felix Ulrich-Pur on    294   Sun Dec 6 20:04:27 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2213W13_04252.71  1   HV = 80V10 spills pixel scan, starting with r0 c7

  140   Sun Sep 20 06:09:28 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-201TERA-Cal800      none   800 MeV, "Setting 4"

  141   Sun Sep 20 06:43:10 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-202TERA-Cal800      none   800 MeV, "Setting 4"

Timeout stop
  142   Sun Sep 20 06:43:34 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-203TERA-Cal800      none   800 MeV, "Setting 4"

  143   Sun Sep 20 07:17:22 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-204TERA-Cal100.4   1 SID0none       
  144   Sun Sep 20 07:33:58 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-205TERA-Cal83   1 SID0none       
  145   Sun Sep 20 07:35:54 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-206TERA-Cal145.4   1 SID0none       
  146   Sun Sep 20 07:39:31 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-207DSSD-Tracker252.71  1  none  Crap    
  147   Sun Sep 20 08:39:17 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-208DSSD-Tracker252.71  1  none  Crap    
  148   Sun Sep 20 08:42:08 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-209DSSD-Tracker252.71  1  none       
  149   Sun Sep 20 09:14:06 2020 Alexander Burker 10           CrapTiming in Tracker seems to be off

  150   Sun Sep 20 09:14:46 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-2011 100.41  1  Alu   Timing in Tracker seems to be off

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b