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  MedAustron 2020, Page 11 of 15  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Authordown Subject Run Number DUT Beam Energy Beam Betatron Beam Chopper Beam Degrader Beam EFE Beam Orb Beam QuadScan PhantomType PhantomAngle Events Data Text Attachments
  3   Sun May 10 14:51:12 2020 Christian IrmlerCalibration Runs1Diamond + DSSD trackerNoise      none   ADC delay, FIR, ped, noise,cal with DSSD
tracker + diamond
DSSD HV= +/- 50V
  4   Sun May 10 15:26:33 2020 Christian Irmleralignment1Diamond + DSSD tracker252.7nonenone EFE SID2none 75970 alignment run
DSSD HV = +/- 50V
Dia HV = +/- 250V
  5   Sun May 10 15:58:42 2020 Christian Irmleralignment2Diamond + DSSD tracker252.7nonenone EFE SID2none 42740 alignment run
DSSD HV = +/- 50V
Dia HV = +/- 250V
  6   Sun May 10 16:44:46 2020 Christian IrmlerCalibration Diamond 500V3Diamond252.7nonenone    none   diamond only
Dia HV = +/- 250V

ADC, FIR, ped, noise, cal
  7   Sun May 10 16:47:10 2020 Christian IrmlerCalibration Diamond 600V4Diamond252.7nonenone    none   diamond only
Dia HV = +/- 300V

ADC, FIR, ped, noise, cal
  8   Sun May 10 16:47:49 2020 Christian IrmlerBeam Diamond 600V5Diamond252.7nonenone EFE SID2none 103286 diamond only
Dia HV = +/- 300V

  9   Sun May 10 17:01:42 2020 Christian IrmlerCalibration Diamond + pCT-6 600V6Diamond + DSSD-pCT6252.7nonenone    none   pCT-6 + diamond

DSSD HV = +/-50V
Dia HV = +/- 300V
  10   Sun May 10 17:14:00 2020 Christian IrmlerCalibration Diamond + pCT-6 300V7Diamond + DSSD-pCT6252.7nonenone    none   pCT-6 + diamond

DSSD HV = +/-50V
Dia HV = +/- 150V
  11   Sun May 10 17:16:58 2020 Christian IrmlerCalibration Diamond 300V8Diamond252.7nonenone    none   Diamond only
Dia HV = +/- 150V

ADC, FIR, ped, noise, cal
  24   Sun May 10 22:04:51 2020 Christian IrmlerBeam+Diamond 500V22Diamond252.7nonenone EFE SID2none 221012 Diamond
Dia HV = +/- 250V

run taken instead of 800MeV -->
  275   Sun Dec 6 12:52:17 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2 setup and configuration             First testbeam with MPW2, Setup as depicted
in attachment 1,

Default beam setting EFE/SID0 252
  276   Sun Dec 6 13:59:35 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2196W13_04252.7   1 SID0    Testrun to check number of hits per splill
--> ~5k hits per spill
  277   Sun Dec 6 15:37:05 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2197W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 80V10 spills HV = 80V

r0 c2
  278   Sun Dec 6 15:38:59 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2198W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 60V10 spills HV = 60V

r0 c2
  279   Sun Dec 6 15:41:31 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2199W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 40V10 spills HV = 40V

r0 c2
  281   Sun Dec 6 15:44:51 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2200W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = during ramping10 spillsCrapHV = 

r0 c2
  282   Sun Dec 6 15:45:45 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2201W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 100V10 spills r0 c2   
  283   Sun Dec 6 15:53:12 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2202W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV off10 spills r0 c2

HV set to 0V, but KeithRC SW turned
SMU output off 
  284   Sun Dec 6 15:55:13 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2203W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 1V10 spills r0 c2

lowest Voltage, which could be
set with SMU outputs on.
  285   Sun Dec 6 15:57:28 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2204W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 20V10 spills r0 c2   
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