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  MedAustron 2020, Page 12 of 15  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Authordown Subject Run Number DUT Beam Energy Beam Betatron Beam Chopper Beam Degrader Beam EFE Beam Orb Beam QuadScan PhantomType PhantomAngle Events Data
  286   Sun Dec 6 16:01:02 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2205W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 80V10 spills 

pixel scan, starting with r0 c0

stopped after r1 c5 due to synch issues

  287   Sun Dec 6 16:32:54 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2206W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 80V10 spills 

pixel scan, starting with r1 c6

stopped after r3 c2

stopped due to time difference of ~10s between TLU and Caribou

  288   Sun Dec 6 16:53:35 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2207W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 80V10 spills 

pixel scan, starting with r3 c3

tried to syncronized clocks of Caribou and TLU syncronized before run started.
clock of caribou is still 3s ahead. --> need to use ntp server next time.

was interrupted between spill 64 an 65 for about 40 minutes due to MAPTA error (HL-tank error)

stopped after r7 c7

  289   Sun Dec 6 18:59:48 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2208W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 80V10 spills 

single pixel r0 c2

shutter time set to 2.5s (half of previous value)

  290   Sun Dec 6 19:07:20 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2209W13_04252.7   1 SID0 HV = 80V10 spills 

single pixel r0 c2

shutter time set to 6s 

  291   Sun Dec 6 19:29:57 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2210W13_04252.71  1   HV = 80V10 spills 

single pixel r0 c2

test run for new beam settings

  292   Sun Dec 6 19:30:38 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2211W13_04252.71  1   HV = 80V10 spills 

pixle scan, starting with r0 c0

stopped after r0 c6 due network error (oscilloscope connected)

beam rate ~400k

hit rate MPW2: ~400 hits per spill

  293   Sun Dec 6 19:51:49 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2212W13_04252.71  1   HV = 80V10 spillsCrap

pixel scan, starting with r0 c7

stopped due to broken pipe

Caribou rebooted

Entry is currently edited by Felix Ulrich-Pur on    294   Sun Dec 6 20:04:27 2020 Christian IrmlerMPW2213W13_04252.71  1   HV = 80V10 spills 

pixel scan, starting with r0 c7


  140   Sun Sep 20 06:09:28 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-201TERA-Cal800      none   

800 MeV, "Setting 4"


  141   Sun Sep 20 06:43:10 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-202TERA-Cal800      none   

800 MeV, "Setting 4"

Timeout stop

  142   Sun Sep 20 06:43:34 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-203TERA-Cal800      none   

800 MeV, "Setting 4"


  143   Sun Sep 20 07:17:22 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-204TERA-Cal100.4   1 SID0none   
  144   Sun Sep 20 07:33:58 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-205TERA-Cal83   1 SID0none   
  145   Sun Sep 20 07:35:54 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-206TERA-Cal145.4   1 SID0none   
  146   Sun Sep 20 07:39:31 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-207DSSD-Tracker252.71  1  none  Crap
  147   Sun Sep 20 08:39:17 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-208DSSD-Tracker252.71  1  none  Crap
  148   Sun Sep 20 08:42:08 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-209DSSD-Tracker252.71  1  none   
  149   Sun Sep 20 09:14:06 2020 Alexander Burker 10           Crap

Timing in Tracker seems to be off


  150   Sun Sep 20 09:14:46 2020 Alexander Burker2020-09-2011 100.41  1  Alu   

Timing in Tracker seems to be off


ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b