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  Belle II and AIDA/Infineon Testbeam at DESY in Jan2014, Page 1 of 5  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Mon Jan 6 19:10:36 2014, Thomas Bergauer, common, Beam Momentum 3GeV/c, run001 to run012, , , , Unknown IMG_1517.jpgIMG_1516.jpg

We have set the beam momentum to 3 GeV 

Entry  Tue Jan 7 02:17:14 2014, Thomas Bergauer, , beam momentum 6GeV/c, run013, , , , Unknown 
Entry  Tue Jan 7 09:33:51 2014, Thomas Bergauer, common, beam momentum back to 3Gev/c, run014 and later ones, , , , Unknown 
Entry  Tue Jan 7 14:51:45 2014, Thomas Bergauer, Belle SVD, TLU control, , , , , Unknown 

1. ssh bastion

2. ssh belle-control

3. ssh telescope-admin@tb-aconite
(password telescope++)


How to generate trigger from TLU through FTSW to detector systems
2014.1.6 Mikihiko Nakao

* step 1 - open monitor window to show the FTSW status

 [you@bastion03 ~]$ ssh telescope-admin@belle-rpc1
  (still only limited people has access to b2daq account:
   ask DAQ people or Katsuro Nakamura of SVD group)

 [b2daq@belle-rpc1 ~]$ ssh telescope-admin@ttd10
 [b2daq@ttd10 ~]$ statft -55 -i -c
   (55 is the FTSW board-id, -i -c are to show the status repeatedly)

* step 2 - initialize FTSW to accept TLU trigger

 [b2daq@ttd10 ~]$ trigft -55 tlu

* step 3 - start trigger at TLU

 [you@bastion03 ~]$ ssh belle-rpc2
 [you@belle-rpc2 ~]$ ssh telescope-admin@tb-aconite
  (ask Alan Campbell or somebody for the password)

 telescope-admin@tb-aconite:~$ cd eudaq-nakao/bin
 ...$ ./TLUControl.exe -a 4 -d 1 -i RJ45 -w 10 -n

 here, -a option gives the possible trigger coincidence
  (-a 1  --- dummy trigger generator from FTSW)
   -a 2  --- trigger counter 1 only
   -a 4  --- trigger counter 2 only
   -a 8  --- trigger counter 3 only
   -a 6  --- trigger counter 1 and 2
   -a 10 --- trigger counter 1 and 3
   -a 12 --- trigger counter 2 and 2
   -a 14 --- trigger counter 1 and 2 and 3
 other options are kept to be the same
   -d 1 -i RJ45 --- connection to FTSW
   -w 10        --- update frequency (10msec)
   -n           --- suppress messages

 This gives you output like:

   Status:    00,--,--,--,--,-- (0,0)
   Scalers:   0, 7, 0, 0    <== from FTSW-dummy and trigger counters 1, 2, 3
   Particles: 1
   Triggers:  0             <== actual trigger to be distributed to FTSW
   Entries:   0
   TS errors: 0, 0 (redundancy, re-read)
   Timestamp: 0x4f25a008 (1327865864) = 3.45791
   Time: 3.463 s, Freq: 0 Hz, Average: 0 Hz


Entry  Wed Jan 8 12:40:30 2014, Thomas Bergauer, AIDA, intcal AIDA Stack, cal034, 83.8k, 08.01.2014 12:32:22, 08.01.2014 13:01:30, Unknown 

 HV=100V  I=4.5uA

position adapted to center beam
Entry  Wed Jan 8 14:10:07 2014, Thomas Bergauer, AIDA, run, run035, 211681, 08.01.2014 14:01:25, 08.01.2014 17:03:55, Unknown 

 HV=100V  I=4.2uA

position adapted to center beam

accidentally hit reset button on PC which ended this run abruptly...


5 GeV beam

Entry  Wed Jan 8 17:20:40 2014, Markus Friedl, AIDA, run, run036, 320k, 08.01.2014 17:18:51, 08.01.2014 22:14:58, Unknown 

 HV=100V  I=4.3uA

centered position

5GeV beam

narrow timing (trigger width), but 6 samples


Entry  Thu Jan 9 11:02:14 2014, Markus Friedl, AIDA, info, , , , , Unknown 

Created bad strip masks for the AIDA config files

Entry  Thu Jan 9 14:47:21 2014, Thomas Bergauer, common, position of DESY Table, , , , , Unknown 

BEAM mode:

  • height (z): -346 (initially: -357)
  • horizontal (x): -255 

OFF BEAM mode (Parkposition):

  • height (z): +37
  • horizontal (x): -255 


Entry  Fri Jan 10 11:02:31 2014, Markus Friedl, Belle SVD, Power supply, , , 10.01.2014 11:00:00, , Unknown KenWood100114.png
Entry  Mon Jan 13 12:02:40 2014, Markus Friedl, common, Kontakt, , , , , Unknown 

Richard Thalmeier   Tel. 4801

Hao Yin  

Entry  Sun Jan 19 18:01:46 2014, Christian Irmler, common, AIDA setup operated with TuxDAQ, , , , , Unknown 

New SIS driver version sis1100-2.13-3 installed on DAQPC. 

To install the driver call as root:

cd /lib/modules/2.6.18-371.3.1.el5/extra

/sbin/modprobe sis1100

Check if /dev/sis* are created.

Managed to run the AIDA setup with old TuxDAQ version from T. Obermayer.

Will now try to install a newer version, which also supports ADC delay scan and internal calibration.

Entry  Fri Jan 24 00:21:16 2014, Hao Yin, , AIDA, HW_AIDA001, 40k, 24.02.2014 00:18, , Unknown 

HV=100V  I=3.7uA
position = 0 / -30 mm relative to initial (but again centered) no idea ---
3GeV beam, multipeak 6 samples
???narrow timing (trigger width)??? no idea ...

Entry  Fri Jan 24 11:23:15 2014, Hao Yin, , AIDA, HW_AIDA003, 76356, 24.02.2014 10:30, 24.02.2014 11:22, Unknown 

HV=100V  I=3.7uA
position = 0 / -30 mm relative to initial (but again centered) no idea ---
3GeV beam, multipeak 6 samples
???narrow timing (trigger width)??? no idea ...

Entry  Sat Jan 25 18:24:03 2014, Wolfgang Treberspurg, Infineon, Single mode Run Stack 2, HW_Run_Infineon_Stack2_001, 1.05 M, 25.01.2014 10:30, 25.01.2014 15:40, Unknown 

HV at 300V; I at app. 11µA 4GeV, Single mode

Modules centered to beam but no hits at additional Strixel modul. Perhaps HV problems (High noise of Strixel almost did not change after biasing)

-> HV connection will be checked at next opportunity to enter area.

Entry  Sat Jan 25 18:28:38 2014, Wolfgang Treberspurg, Infineon, Calibration run Infineon Stack 2, Calibration_Run_Infineon_Stack2_001, 82900, 25.01.2014 10:15, 25.01.2014 10:25, Unknown 

HV 300V, I ca. 11µA single mode

Entry  Sat Jan 25 18:46:32 2014, Wolfgang Treberspurg, Infineon, Mulit 6 mode Run Stack 2, HW_Run_Infineon_Stack2_Multi_001, 340k, 25.01.2014 16:30, 25.01.2014 18:40, Unknown 

HV 300V, I 10µA

Beam Energy changed during the run between 2GeV - 5GeV - 4GeV

Latency perhaps not optimal set (has been 95) but exchanged trigger cable seems to require 93

Entry  Sat Jan 4 16:30:46 2014, Markus Friedl, Infineon, cal, cal001, 83800, 04.01.2014 16:16:51, 04.01.2014 16:25:46, Good 

HV=300V  I=9.3uA  (total)

Entry  Sun Jan 5 15:08:09 2014, Markus Friedl, AIDA, cal, cal002, 83800, 05.01.2014 15:01:32, 05.01.2014 15:30:36, Good 

HV=100V  I=6uA

Entry  Mon Jan 6 16:33:13 2014, Markus Friedl, Infineon, run, run001, 200k, 06.01.2014 16:28:58, 06.01.2014 17:10:56, Good 

HV=300V  I=11.1uA

position centered horizontally (+5mm)

DESY table z=-346 x=-255


3 GeV beam momentum

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b