### General
* Setup was set-up without problems. Pedestral and Calibration runs with ALIBAVA successfully.
** Warning: Trigger Out signal (busy signal) for the TLU is a TTL signal. Whereas the Trigger In signal can be a NIM signal. Either converting signal or adept in the TLU (we adepted the TLU matrix)
** TLU double triggered -> discriminated TLU signal beforehand
* Longterm BIAS Voltage for the IFX CenterBias to -100 V, slow control records IV-behavior in 10 sec steps.
* Security lectures taken
* 3 coincident measurements: 2 PM and the FEI4-Plane are connected to an "and" in the TLU
* Latency of Alibava without FEI4-Plane 133 [a.u] with FEI4 140 [a.u].
** Warning: This is due to the converter from the FEI4 which inverts the signal of the FEI4, this signal is then very noisy and would generate false positive triggers. -> Discriminate -> Long cables and latencies
### Other
* NI-Crate was broken (replaced by DESY) |