# Testbeam Packliste
### Alibava stuff
* Alibava Mainboard
* Alibava power supply
* Alibava Modules: IFX_CenterBias, HPK_CenterBias, IFX_baby
* Flatband cable 2x
* Alibava resetbox + Cable
* USB AtoB 2x
* BIAS Cable for BeetleChip
* 2410 SMU + Power + USBtoRS232
* Alibava mounting stuff
### Tools and Stuff
* Labeling machine
* Duct tape
* 2 pairs of wool gloves
* Seitenschneider klein
* USBtoRS232 2x
* Lan cable
* Schiebelehre
* Imbuschlüssel
* Screwdriver set
* Special screwdriver set
* Cutter 2x
* labeling cartridge
* Lemo 16 ns
* Lemo 8 ns 2x
* Lemo 4 ns
* Lemo 2 ns
### PC and stuff
* DAQ PC + Cables
* Monitor + Cables
* Mouse
* Keyboard
### Data Storage
* Toshiba 1TB USB3
* Maxtor 4TB USB3 |