ID |
Date |
Author |
Project |
Measurement Type |
Object ID |
Subject |
Wed Apr 23 13:05:05 2008 |
Christian Irmler | SPS Testbeam June08 | source | hybrid 01 | time correlation between TDC and sensor measurement -> 3.1 ns RMS |
Attachment 1: vie_run001_tpeak_vs_TDC.gif
Wed Apr 23 13:37:18 2008 |
Markus Friedl | SPS Testbeam June08 | source | hybrid 01 | analysis results of source test |
Ignore the "KEK November 2007" title - that's a legacy and is already changed :-)
As of now, there is no distinction in 16 separate zones. However, the gaps between the the zones are clearly visible in the Hit Profile, as the edge strips on both sides have a larger sensitive area and thus collect more hits than other strips; hence the spikes in the (otherwise pretty gaussian) beam profile. There is a single strip with no entries in the center - that's the one that suffered from the bias bond repair action.
SNR=21 (peak mode) is pretty healthy and fits to similar detectors operated with APV25.
All data was taken in multi-peak mode with subsequent hit fitting to obtain amplitude and timing (see separate posting for timing precision).
The verbose output of the analysis is pasted below.
Analysis of vie_run001
Peak Mode, 3 x 200 initevents (first 10 skipped) + 99400 events
Number hybrids: 1 number zones: 2 number sensors: 1
Using calibration file vie_cal001
No pedestal correction file
Seed/Neighbor/Cluster/Noisy Strips Cuts [RMS noise]: 5.0/3.0/5.0
Min. hitlength: 3
SILC module 01
HV=100V, 40MHz, Tp=50ns, 30ns
Sr90 1mCi , black cloth cover
Analysis date: 23.04.2008 13:25:09
Analysis settings:
runname: vie_run001_cluster
clock: 40.00 MHz
datafilepath: data/
outputpath: output/
subevents: 6
fitmode: 2 (cal. fit)
options: h
ModuleName ZoneType Ch OKCh OK% Entries MClW MPSignal Noise MPSNR HpSE Occup
p_side JP single sensor 256 256 100.0 90385 2.53 21546.1 729.4 20.68 0.53 1.81 |
Attachment 1: vie_run001_cluster_sig_0.gif
Attachment 2: vie_run001_cluster_noi_0.gif
Attachment 3: vie_run001_cluster_hit_0.gif
Attachment 4: vie_run001_cluster_clw_0.gif
Tue May 20 14:27:50 2008 |
Markus Friedl | BELLE Upgrade | source | micron | analysis results of source test |
(in fact it is surprising that they are not worse) ***
Please find the results of the lab source test on the new Micron module here.
It is read out with 3 + 3 APV chips on either side.
Results table of the source measurement:
p-side n-side
Cluster signal [e] 18361 19434
Strip noise [e] 1142 1193
Avg cluster width 1.91 1.30
Single strip SNR 16.1 16.3
Cluster SNR 11.6 14.3
Strip pitch [um] 50.0 153.5
Apparently, the double metal capacitance is not so bad as expected, even though the Micron sensor does not use
the hourglass crossing scheme. Presumably the dielectric between metal 1 and 2 is rather thick (several um).
Strip noise is roughly the same on both p and n side, so the difference in Cluster SNR (*) only stems from the
unequal cluster width (which is a result of the different pitches).
Peak time precision vs SNR (last plot below) is worse compared to the values obtained with various HPK sensors
in the November 2007 beam test at KEK. However, this is a comparison of source and beam and thus might not be
significant. Let's see what we will get in the SPS beam test next week.
(*) Cluster SNR := sum(signal) / (strip_noise * sqrt(cluster_width) ) |
Attachment 1: vie_micron_run002_signal.gif
Attachment 2: vie_micron_run002_noise.gif
Attachment 3: vie_micron_run002_hit.gif
Attachment 4: vie_micron_run002_clw.gif
Attachment 5: vie_micron_p_run002_tres.gif
Attachment 6: vie_micron_n_run002_tres.gif
Attachment 7: vie_micron_p_run002_ressnr.gif
Attachment 8: vie_micron_n_run002_ressnr.gif
Attachment 9: trms_vs_snr_micron_src.gif
Sun Jul 4 05:48:36 2010 |
Christian Irmler | BELLE Upgrade | source | Origami 6 - module 1 | run002: first analysis results |
Run name: run002
Run type: 0 (Hardware (Normal Run))
After ~40min warmup
90Sr 1mCi source - moved compared to run001
Max. Events=100000 Trg delay=25
Origami 6 module #1
w/o cooling
sensor: B2HPK_10938-9239_8
n-side: all 4 APVs read out
p-side: APV #0 to #3 read out, analog output of #4 and #5 were not connected to FADC board
Attachment 1: run002_cluster_sum.txt
Analysis of run002
Peak Mode, 3 x 200 initevents (first 10 skipped) + 99400 events
Number hybrids: 2 number zones: 2 number sensors: 1
Using calibration file intcal001
No pedestal correction file
Seed/Neighbor/Cluster/Noisy Strips Cuts [RMS noise]: 5.0/3.0/5.0
Min. hitlength: 3
After ~40min warmup
90Sr 1mCi source - moved compared to run001
Analysis date: 04.07.2010 05:40:47
Analysis settings:
runname: run002_cluster
clock: 40.00 MHz
datafilepath: ./
outputpath: ./
subevents: 6
fitmode: 2 (cal. fit)
options: hr
ModuleName ZoneType Ch OKCh OK% Entries MClW MPSignal Noise MPSNR HpSE Occup SigSlop SigInt SigRes PtiSlop PtiInt PtiRes ClwSlop ClwInt ClwRes
Origami6_mod1_p Orgami 6" 512 512 100.0 34659 1.87 24436.5 3330.4 6.74 0.25 0.80 0.95 0.00 6651.0 1.00 -17.63 7.47 1.00 0.21 0.86
Origami6_mod1_n Orgami 6" 512 508 99.2 95601 1.93 23801.7 962.7 17.08 1.02 0.79 0.95 0.00 6651.0 1.00 -17.63 7.47 1.00 0.21 0.86
Attachment 2:
Attachment 3:
Attachment 4:
Attachment 5:
Attachment 6:
Attachment 7:
Wed May 7 14:36:29 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | L3 module | No 1 of 6 room temperature measurements using Sr90 Source (multi6) |
Sr90 Radioactive Source
No cooling
Module position: -5:-20(top left)
HV Turned to +40,-40V with currents. +1.2 and -1.2 µA
N+1.25V current: 0.22A
N+2.5 V current: 0.56A
P+1.25V current: 0.26A
P+2.50V current: 0.70A
Events: 200000 |
Attachment 1: run01_all_hits_apv0.png
Attachment 2: run01_all_hits_apv1.png
Attachment 3: run01_all_hits_apv2.png
Attachment 4: run01_all_hits_apv3.png
Attachment 5: run01_all_hits_apv4.png
Attachment 6: run01_all_hits_apv5.png
Attachment 7: run01_all_hits_apv6.png
Attachment 8: run01_all_hits_apv7.png
Attachment 9: run01_all_hits_apv8.png
Attachment 10: run01_all_hits_apv9.png
Wed May 7 15:04:32 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | L3 module | No 2 of 6 room temperature measurements using Sr90 Source (multi6) |
Sr90 Radioactive Source
No cooling
Module position: -32:-20(top center)
HV Turned to +40,-40V with currents. +1.23 and -1.25 µA
N+1.25V current: 0.22A
N+2.50V current: 0.56A
P+1.25V current: 0.26A
P+2.50V current: 0.71A
Events: 200000 |
Attachment 1: run02_all_hits_apv0.png
Attachment 2: run02_all_hits_apv1.png
Attachment 3: run02_all_hits_apv2.png
Attachment 4: run02_all_hits_apv3.png
Attachment 5: run02_all_hits_apv4.png
Attachment 6: run02_all_hits_apv5.png
Attachment 7: run02_all_hits_apv6.png
Attachment 8: run02_all_hits_apv7.png
Attachment 9: run02_all_hits_apv8.png
Attachment 10: run02_all_hits_apv9.png
Wed May 7 15:53:38 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | L3 module | No 3 of 6 room temperature measurements using Sr90 Source (multi6) |
Sr90 Radioactive Source
No cooling
Module position: -59:-20(top right)
HV Turned to +40,-40V with currents. +1.25 and -1.26 µA
N+1.25V current: 0.22A
N+2.50V current: 0.56A
P+1.25V current: 0.26A
P+2.50V current: 0.71A
Events: 200000 |
Attachment 1: run03_all_hits_apv0.png
Attachment 2: run03_all_hits_apv1.png
Attachment 3: run03_all_hits_apv2.png
Attachment 4: run03_all_hits_apv3.png
Attachment 5: run03_all_hits_apv4.png
Attachment 6: run03_all_hits_apv5.png
Attachment 7: run03_all_hits_apv6.png
Attachment 8: run03_all_hits_apv7.png
Attachment 9: run03_all_hits_apv8.png
Attachment 10: run03_all_hits_apv9.png
Wed May 7 16:43:37 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | L3 module | No 4 of 6 room temperature measurements using Sr90 Source (multi6) |
Sr90 Radioactive Source
No cooling
Module position: -5:-30(bottom left)
HV Turned to +40,-40V with currents. +1.25 and -1.26 µA
N+1.25V current: 0.22A
N+2.50V current: 0.57A
P+1.25V current: 0.26A
P+2.50V current: 0.72A
Events: 200000 |
Attachment 1: run04_all_hits_apv0.png
Attachment 2: run04_all_hits_apv1.png
Attachment 3: run04_all_hits_apv2.png
Attachment 4: run04_all_hits_apv3.png
Attachment 5: run04_all_hits_apv4.png
Attachment 6: run04_all_hits_apv5.png
Attachment 7: run04_all_hits_apv6.png
Attachment 8: run04_all_hits_apv7.png
Attachment 9: run04_all_hits_apv8.png
Attachment 10: run04_all_hits_apv9.png
Wed May 7 17:33:21 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | L3 module | No 5 of 6 room temperature measurements using Sr90 Source (multi6) |
Sr90 Radioactive Source
No cooling
Module position: -32:-30(bottom center)
HV Turned to +40,-40V with currents. +1.22 and -1.24 µA
N+1.25V current: 0.22A
N+2.50V current: 0.56A
P+1.25V current: 0.26A
P+2.50V current: 0.70A
Events: 200000 |
Attachment 1: run05_all_hits_apv0.png
Attachment 2: run05_all_hits_apv1.png
Attachment 3: run05_all_hits_apv2.png
Attachment 4: run05_all_hits_apv3.png
Attachment 5: run05_all_hits_apv4.png
Attachment 6: run05_all_hits_apv5.png
Attachment 7: run05_all_hits_apv6.png
Attachment 8: run05_all_hits_apv7.png
Attachment 9: run05_all_hits_apv8.png
Attachment 10: run05_all_hits_apv9.png
Wed May 7 18:20:36 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | L3 module | No 6 of 6 room temperature measurements using Sr90 Source (multi6) |
Sr90 Radioactive Source
No cooling
Module position: -57:-30(bottom right)
HV Turned to +40,-40V with currents. +1.2 and -1.22 µA
N+1.25V current: 0.22A
N+2.50V current: 0.56A
P+1.25V current: 0.26A
P+2.50V current: 0.70A
Events: 200000 |
Attachment 1: run06_all_hits_apv0.png
Attachment 2: run06_all_hits_apv1.png
Attachment 3: run06_all_hits_apv2.png
Attachment 4: run06_all_hits_apv3.png
Attachment 5: run06_all_hits_apv4.png
Attachment 6: run06_all_hits_apv5.png
Attachment 7: run06_all_hits_apv6.png
Attachment 8: run06_all_hits_apv7.png
Attachment 9: run06_all_hits_apv8.png
Attachment 10: run06_all_hits_apv9.png
Thu May 8 16:51:03 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | L3 module | No 1 of 6 room temperature measurements using Sr90 Source (single) |
Sr90 Radioactive Source
No cooling
Module position: 0:0(top left)
HV Turned to +40,-40V with currents. +1.0 and -1.0 µA
N+1.25V current: 0.22A
N+2.50V current: 0.57A
P+1.25V current: 0.26A
P+2.50V current: 0.72A
Events: 200000 |
Attachment 1: run07_all_hits_apv0.png
Attachment 2: run07_all_hits_apv1.png
Attachment 3: run07_all_hits_apv2.png
Attachment 4: run07_all_hits_apv3.png
Attachment 5: run07_all_hits_apv4.png
Attachment 6: run07_all_hits_apv5.png
Attachment 7: run07_all_hits_apv6.png
Attachment 8: run07_all_hits_apv7.png
Attachment 9: run07_all_hits_apv8.png
Attachment 10: run07_all_hits_apv9.png
Thu May 8 16:51:57 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | L3 module | No 2 of 6 room temperature measurements using Sr90 Source (single) |
Failed with Error: "***ERROR*** Init NECO failed, Return code: -32761"
Restarted and it works again
Sr90 Radioactive Source
No cooling
Module position: -27:0(top center)
HV Turned to +40,-40V with currents. +0.97 and -1.0 µA
N+1.25V current: 0.22A
N+2.50V current: 0.57A
P+1.25V current: 0.26A
P+2.50V current: 0.73A
Events: 200000 |
Fri May 9 15:12:44 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | L3 module | No 2 of 6 room temperature measurements using Sr90 Source (single) |
Sr90 Radioactive Source
No cooling
Module position: -27:0(top center)
HV Turned to +40,-40V with currents. +0.95 and -0.98 µA
N+1.25V current: 0.22A
N+2.50V current: 0.57A
P+1.25V current: 0.26A
P+2.50V current: 0.72A
Events: 200000 |
Attachment 1: run08_3rd_all_hits_apv0.png
Attachment 2: run08_3rd_all_hits_apv1.png
Attachment 3: run08_3rd_all_hits_apv2.png
Attachment 4: run08_3rd_all_hits_apv3.png
Attachment 5: run08_3rd_all_hits_apv4.png
Attachment 6: run08_3rd_all_hits_apv5.png
Attachment 7: run08_3rd_all_hits_apv6.png
Attachment 8: run08_3rd_all_hits_apv7.png
Attachment 9: run08_3rd_all_hits_apv8.png
Attachment 10: run08_3rd_all_hits_apv9.png
Fri May 9 16:44:41 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | L3 module | No 3 of 6 room temperature measurements using Sr90 Source (single) |
Sr90 Radioactive Source
No cooling
Module position: -54:0(top center)
HV Turned to +40,-40V with currents. +1.2 and -1.22 µA
N+1.25V current: 0.22A
N+2.50V current: 0.54A
P+1.25V current: 0.26A
P+2.50V current: 0.68A
Events: 200000 |
Attachment 1: run09_all_hits_apv0.png
Attachment 2: run09_all_hits_apv1.png
Attachment 3: run09_all_hits_apv2.png
Attachment 4: run09_all_hits_apv3.png
Attachment 5: run09_all_hits_apv4.png
Attachment 6: run09_all_hits_apv5.png
Attachment 7: run09_all_hits_apv6.png
Attachment 8: run09_all_hits_apv7.png
Attachment 9: run09_all_hits_apv8.png
Attachment 10: run09_all_hits_apv9.png
Fri May 16 11:37:05 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | L3 module | No 4 of 6 room temperature measurements using Sr90 Source (single) |
Sr90 Radioactive Source
No cooling
Module position: 0:-10(bottom left)
HV Turned to +40,-40V with currents. +0.85 and -0-9 µA
N+1.25V current: 0.22A
N+2.50V current: 0.57A
P+1.25V current: 0.26A
P+2.50V current: 0.71A
Events: 200000 |
Attachment 1: run10_all_hits_apv0.png
Attachment 2: run10_all_hits_apv1.png
Attachment 3: run10_all_hits_apv2.png
Attachment 4: run10_all_hits_apv3.png
Attachment 5: run10_all_hits_apv4.png
Attachment 6: run10_all_hits_apv5.png
Attachment 7: run10_all_hits_apv6.png
Attachment 8: run10_all_hits_apv7.png
Attachment 9: run10_all_hits_apv8.png
Attachment 10: run10_all_hits_apv9.png
Fri May 16 11:38:44 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | L3 module | No 5 of 6 room temperature measurements using Sr90 Source (single) |
Sr90 Radioactive Source
No cooling
Module position: -27:-10(bottom center)
HV Turned to +40,-40V with currents. +1.05 and -1.1 µA
N+1.25V current: 0.22A
N+2.50V current: 0.55A
P+1.25V current: 0.26A
P+2.50V current: 0.67A
Events: 200000 |
Attachment 1: run11_all_hits_apv0.png
Attachment 2: run11_all_hits_apv1.png
Attachment 3: run11_all_hits_apv2.png
Attachment 4: run11_all_hits_apv3.png
Attachment 5: run11_all_hits_apv4.png
Attachment 6: run11_all_hits_apv5.png
Attachment 7: run11_all_hits_apv6.png
Attachment 8: run11_all_hits_apv7.png
Attachment 9: run11_all_hits_apv8.png
Attachment 10: run11_all_hits_apv9.png
Fri May 16 11:40:29 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | L3 module | No 6 of 6 room temperature measurements using Sr90 Source (single) |
Sr90 Radioactive Source
No cooling
Module position: -54:-10(bottom right)
HV Turned to +40,-40V with currents. +1.1 and -1.1 µA
N+1.25V current: 0.22A
N+2.50V current: 0.55A
P+1.25V current: 0.26A
P+2.50V current: 0.67A
Events: 200000
Attachment 1: run12_all_hits_apv0.png
Attachment 2: run12_all_hits_apv1.png
Attachment 3: run12_all_hits_apv2.png
Attachment 4: run12_all_hits_apv3.png
Attachment 5: run12_all_hits_apv4.png
Attachment 6: run12_all_hits_apv5.png
Attachment 7: run12_all_hits_apv6.png
Attachment 8: run12_all_hits_apv7.png
Attachment 9: run12_all_hits_apv8.png
Attachment 10: run12_all_hits_apv9.png
Thu Jun 5 10:33:46 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | Silc Module | Silc Angle Measurement 1° |
Measured the Silc 03/10 Module using the Sr90 Source to have a comparison for the Eta-Distribution at different angles.
Data can be found on heros in: /home/medialib/LAB_Silc_Angle.
Plots made with TuxOA for all different regions can be found in /home/users/bwuerkner/plots/.
Thu Jun 5 10:34:06 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | Silc Module | Silc Angle Measurement 4° |
Measured the Silc 03/10 Module using the Sr90 Source to have a comparison for the Eta-Distribution at different angles.
Data can be found on heros in: /home/medialib/LAB_Silc_Angle.
Plots made with TuxOA for all different regions can be found in /home/users/bwuerkner/plots/.
Thu Jun 5 10:34:29 2014 |
Benedikt Würkner | Belle II | source | Silc Module | Silc Angle Measurement 7° |
Measured the Silc 03/10 Module using the Sr90 Source to have a comparison for the Eta-Distribution at different angles.
Data can be found on heros in: /home/medialib/LAB_Silc_Angle.
Plots made with TuxOA for all different regions can be found in /home/users/bwuerkner/plots/.