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  Silicon Envelope for the Large Protoype TPC, Page 1 of 2  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Thu Oct 22 08:04:51 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Setup, geometry - silicon envelope SiLC_in_front_of_TPC.jpg

distance si-sledge-front to silicon-Z-center = 23 cm

-> silicon sledge front 35 cm inside from front of TPC-support at a beam position 58 cm from front of TPC-support

CCU119 = 0x77

  • position 7 = I2C16 = SiLC12 -> front X
  • position 1 = I2C17 = SiLC11 -> front Z

CCU123 = 0x7b

  • position 7 = I2C16 = SiLC01 -> back Z
  • position 1 = I2C17 = SiLC02 -> back X
Entry  Mon Nov 2 13:59:09 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Setup, ToDo before data-taking 

in hut:

  • plug twisted pair cable from CCUM into PC (Attention - connector contains more pins, look at marks - use the most right pins when you look from the back of the PC))
  • power on CCUM in spacing behind electronic hut
  • switch on opto-electrical converter for FED (on top of PC (switch in the back) and switch on power supply (front))
  • LV on -> 01,30 and 02,60 (two times)
  • HV on -> 200V


  • power the scintillators for triggering
  • move envelope into beamline - sledge front to sensor center is 220,5mm

-> switch on the beam

Entry  Fri Feb 27 14:03:53 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Setup, Setup 3D 090227_TPCEnvelope-3D_copy.png
Entry  Wed Feb 25 09:57:15 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Sensor IV-Kurven + CV-Messungen (vor Modulbau) IV-Kurven_Sensors.png


Object ID Vdepl I bei 300V I bei 450V
ILC-6684-01 53 1,96E-07 2,10E-07
ILC-6684-05 53 1,95E-07 2,16E-07
ILC-6684-19 50 1,98E-07 2,21E-07
ILC-6684-23 50 1,74E-07 1,93E-07
ILC-6684-27 55 2,62E-07 2,77E-07
ILC-6684-34 58 2,30E-07 2,56E-07
Entry  Fri Nov 27 12:23:25 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20077 - Pedestal 

16196 events

with 2 Micromegas modules

Beam: 5,6 GeV

silicon sledge 35cm inside from TPC-support-front and 36mm above center position

  • -> front Z: 5mm too far inside the gap
  • -> back Z: 5mm too far outside the gap


HV: 200V -> 1,2µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,632 / 1,739   //   0,622 / 1,752




Entry  Fri Nov 27 12:22:19 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20075 - Micromegas 817 20075_HitProfile.jpgOneTrackEvents_020075.txtTwoTrackEvents_020075.txt

46196 events (usable: 42433 events)

with 2 Micromegas modules (TPCDAQ stopped at 46195 events)

Beam: 5,6 GeV

silicon sledge 35cm inside from TPC-support-front and 36mm above center position

  • -> front Z: 5mm too far inside the gap
  • -> back Z: 5mm too far outside the gap

rate: 4,1 Hz

HV: 200V -> 1,2µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,632 / 1,739   //   0,622 / 1,752




Entry  Fri Nov 27 12:21:00 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20074 - Micromegas 816 OneTrackEvents_020074.txtTwoTrackEvents_020074.txt

10010 events

with 2 Micromegas modules (TPCDAQ stopped at 10003 events)

Beam: 5,6 GeV

silicon sledge 35cm inside from TPC-support-front and 36mm above center position

  • -> front Z: 5mm too far inside the gap
  • -> back Z: 5mm too far outside the gap

rate: 4,1 Hz

HV: 200V -> 1,2µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,632 / 1,739   //   0,622 / 1,752




Entry  Thu Nov 5 19:46:15 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20073 - Micromegas 815 OneTrackEvents_020073.txtTwoTrackEvents_020073.txt

10070 events

with 2 Micromegas modules (TPCDAQ stopped at 9864 events)

Beam: 5,6 GeV

silicon sledge 35cm inside from TPC-support-front and 36mm above center position

  • -> front Z: 5mm too far inside the gap
  • -> back Z: 5mm too far outside the gap


HV: 200V -> 1,2µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,632 / 1,739   //   0,622 / 1,752




Entry  Thu Nov 5 19:44:28 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20070 - positionrun 

2257 events without Micromegas

Beam: 5,6 GeV

silicon sledge 35cm inside from TPC-support-front and 36mm above center position

  • -> front Z: 5mm too far inside the gap
  • -> back Z: 5mm too far outside the gap



HV: 200V -> 1,2µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,632 / 1,739   //   0,622 / 1,752




Entry  Thu Nov 5 19:36:48 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20069 - pedestal 

13600 events without Micromegas

Beam: 5,6 GeV

silicon sledge 35cm inside from TPC-support-front

HV: 200V -> 1,2µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,632 / 1,739   //   0,622 / 1,752




Entry  Thu Nov 5 19:34:58 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20065 - pedestal 

18400 events without Micromegas

Beam: 5,6 GeV

silicon sledge 35cm inside from TPC-support-front

HV: 200V -> 1,2µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,632 / 1,739   //   0,622 / 1,752




Entry  Thu Nov 5 19:33:53 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20064 - pedestal 

12199 events without Micromegas

Beam: 5,6 GeV

silicon sledge 35cm inside from TPC-support-front

HV: 100V -> 1µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,648 / 1,760   //   0,638 / 1,774




Entry  Wed Nov 4 18:24:48 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20063 - Micromegas #808 

crashed at 18577 events - TPC 19220 events

Beam: 5,6 GeV

one Micromegas module in center position

silicon sledge 35cm inside from TPC-support-front



HV: 200V -> 2µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,627 / 1,605   //   0,618 / 1,617




Entry  Wed Nov 4 18:19:44 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20062 - data 

6493 events without Micromegas

Beam: 5,6 GeV

silicon sledge 35cm inside from TPC-support-front

HV: 200V -> 2µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,621 / 1,722   //   0,610 / 1,734




Entry  Wed Nov 4 17:12:47 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20061 - Latency Scan -> 70 


spillsize = 500




Beam: 5,6 GeV

silicon sledge 35cm inside from TPC-support-front

HV: 200V -> 2µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,621 / 1,722   //   0,610 / 1,734




Entry  Wed Nov 4 16:31:42 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20059 - Micromegas #807 

crashed at 3648 events -> TPC got much more events

Beam: 5,6 GeV

one Micromegas module in center position

silicon sledge 35cm inside from TPC-support-front

HV: 200V -> 2µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,621 / 1,722   //   0,610 / 1,734




Entry  Wed Nov 4 16:12:33 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20057 - Micromegas #806 

1076 events

trigger rate 7,25Hz

bx = real trigger number



HV: 200V -> 2µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,621 / 1,722   //   0,610 / 1,734



Entry  Wed Nov 4 16:10:24 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20056 - Micromegas #805 

10989 events

HV: 200V -> 2µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,621 / 1,722   //   0,610 / 1,734

trigger rate 7,25Hz

!!!!! in eventfile: time-stamp instead of real trigger number !!!!!



Entry  Wed Nov 4 15:29:00 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20055 - Pedestal 
Entry  Wed Nov 4 15:31:39 2009, Stephan Hänsel, Measurements, Run 20055 - Pedestal 

15399 triggers

HV: 200V -> 2µA


  • 01,30 / 02,60   //   01.30 / 02.60
  • 0,621 / 1,722   //   0,610 / 1,734



ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b