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  Belle/Infineon/AIDA testbeam at SPS in Nov 2014, Page 4 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Project Subject Run Number Eventsdown StartTime EndTime Data
  10   Sun Nov 16 21:37:56 2014 Hao YincommonAIM    Unknown

fachi:  aimhephy@antispam.e4ward.com

chrisu:  gargamel0971

flo: flo.bux@sbg.at

shorty: martin@kurznet.net

markus; mueffi1040

hao: hao.yin@gmx.at

benni: benedikt.wuerkner@assoc.oeaw.ac.at

juan: juan.garcia.ferrero@cern.ch

axel: ???

bergi: callmebergi

  11   Mon Nov 17 19:23:57 2014 Thomas BergauerInfineonPI XY table initial position    Unknown

initial position of Infineon Stack (PI Micromove):
(guess center position by eye)


* vertical axis: M511.DD: Zero position 81.0mm / higher values correspond to lowering the table

* vertical axis: M521.DD: Zero position 96.0mm / higher values correspond to move the table to the table mounting

  12   Mon Nov 17 22:03:02 2014 Martin KurzcommonDrucker    Unknown

Drucken über den Printserver (



direkt über den universellen AirPrint Treiber oder mittels Treiber vom Gerätehersteller drucken.

Einfach nach Druckern suchen. Druckername: CanonMP630 @ higgscms


Eine Datei Names (/etc/cups/client.conf) mit dem Inhalt folgenden Inhalt -ohne Anführungszeichen- erstellen: "ServerName"

--> sofort steht der Drucker mit allen richtigen Einstellungen zur Verfügung

Drucken mittels Treiber vom Gerätehersteller ist weiterhin möglich. (wird von CUPS automatisch zur Verfügung gestellt) CUPS URL: ""



1.) Unter Start->Einstellungen->Drucker und Faxgeräte links den Punkt “neuen Drucker hinzufügen” auswählen.

2.) In dem sich öffnenden Assistenten die Option “Netzwerkdrucker hinzufügen” auswählen und auf “weiter” klicken.

3.) Zunächst den Punkt “Verbindung mit einem Drucker im Internet herstellen” auswählen und dann die "URL" zum Drucker einfügen.




  13   Mon Nov 17 22:18:27 2014 Hao YinBelle SVDADC delay scan  Mon Nov 17 22:08:29 Unknown

L3-p: 18

L4-p: 36

L5-p: 33

L6-p: 39


L3-n: 18

L4-n: 36

L5-n: 36

L6-n: 35

  14   Mon Nov 17 22:21:41 2014 Hao Yin FIR run001 Mon Nov 17 22:08:29 CET 2014 Good

Excellent, brilliant run. 

  15   Mon Nov 17 22:21:50 2014 Hao Yin Bad APVs  Mon Nov 17 22:08:29 CET 2014 Unknown

List with bad APVs:



 APV 5 L6-p Channel 23


Not working:

 L3-n APV 3


  17   Mon Nov 17 22:28:05 2014 Hao Yin CalibrationRun001 Mon Nov 17 22:27:07 CET 2014 Unknown

Noise file from run 001 



At room temperature

See DelayRun_001


  18   Mon Nov 17 22:28:07 2014 Hao Yin CalibrationRun001 Mon Nov 17 22:27:07 CET 2014 Unknown

Noise file from run 001 



At room temperature

See DelayRun_001


  19   Mon Nov 17 22:28:09 2014 Hao Yin CalibrationRun001 Mon Nov 17 22:27:07 CET 2014 Unknown

Noise file from run 001 



At room temperature

See DelayRun_001


  21   Tue Nov 18 01:03:18 2014 Hao YinBelle SVDRemapped FADC inputs  Tue Nov 18 01:03:32 CET 2014 Unknown

We moved the second cable to the third connector on the FADC to match DESY testbeam conditions. 

  22   Tue Nov 18 01:05:04 2014 Hao YinBelle SVDPedestalRun_003  Tue Nov 18 01:03:32 CET 2014 Unknown

New pedestal run after switching the connectors.

At room temperature 

  23   Tue Nov 18 09:45:59 2014 Hao Yin FIRRun_002002 Tue Nov 18 09:45:58 CET 2014 Unknown

New FIR run after reconecting to original setting. 

  25   Tue Nov 18 09:51:11 2014 Hao Yin CalibrationRun_002  Tue Nov 18 09:50:24 CET 2014 Unknown

At room temperature


Latest delay settings and FIRRun

  27   Tue Nov 18 10:26:56 2014 Hao YinBelle SVDCalibrationRun_003  Tue Nov 18 10:26:52 CET 2014 Unknown

At room temperature

Latest delay and FIRRun 

  28   Tue Nov 18 12:35:32 2014 Axel KönigcommonInfineon (4 modules) TLU Settings    Unknown
  1.  VNC to
  2. In command line: cd C:\Users\telescope\eudaq\bin
  3. TLUControl.exe.exe -d 2 -a 11 - i RJ45

Operating with AIDA telescope: TLUControl.exe.exe -d 3 -a 11 - i RJ45

Dut Position (left to right):  11, 06, 05, 07

  30   Tue Nov 18 18:29:55 2014 Axel KönigInfineoncalibration runInfineon_run002   Unknown

Infineon_run002 is just a calibration run for the vertical positioned sensors. 

data file in L:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run vert
config file l:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run horiz\cern14_infineon_single.cfg
  32   Tue Nov 18 18:45:01 2014 Hao YinBelle SVDTrigger Delay scan  Tue Nov 18 18:21:50 CET 2014 Unknown

At room temperature

First run was at: 23 (no track)



Trigger delay: 26



Trigger delay: 29



Trigger delay: 32



Trigger delay: 20



Trigger delay: 17



Trigger delay: 14
Trigger chip delay: 110




  33   Tue Nov 18 20:26:12 2014 Hao YinBelle SVDHardwareRun_001  Tue Nov 18 18:21:50 CET 2014 Unknown

At room temperature

Latest ADC scan and FIR run.

Latest CAL.


Position: 0.0, see elog entry.

  35   Tue Nov 18 20:42:18 2014 Benedikt WürknerBelle SVDCoordinates of the DUT    Unknown

We set the coordinates trying to put the beam in an area with well working APVs

Peak of course differs for n and p sensors due to their different pitch.

L4-6 n-side Peak around strip 180

L4&6 p-side mean value around strip 380

L5 p-side moved by 4.8mm due to reasons (APV misalignment I think) therefore the peak of the same measurements is moved by 4.8/75µm = 64 strips therefore centered around strip 320

The coordinates of the x-y table were set to 0:0 at this point. Refer to Run Alignment2 for reference data.

  39   Wed Nov 19 16:24:25 2014 Axel KönigcommonRunning EUDAQ    Unknown

Windows PC at Telescope:

0.) JTAG Programming: Chose a threshold file (recommended threshold 5) File: M26TB_Cern_2011.thresh5.mcf--> press start

1.) C:\Users\telescope\Desktop\users\BelleII --> start Mimosa 26 Telescope --> select all six Mimosa's

2.) C:\Users\telescope\Desktop\users\BelleII --> start startEudaq_fullWindows.bat

3.) Use configuration file hephy1 (location: C:\eudaq\conf). Change it according to your TLU settings (DUT mask, AND mask, etc.)

4.) configure

5.) start

x) Online monitor in preparation

Files: Are saved in C:\eudaq\data with internal numbering "run000000xxx.raw" (look at the date and time). [You can connect locally to this folder at HEPHY-SVD PC]

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b