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  Belle/Infineon/AIDA testbeam at SPS in Nov 2014, Page 1 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Project Subject Run Number Events StartTimeup EndTime Data
  1   Fri Nov 14 19:01:27 2014 Thomas BergauercommonAdministrative Procedures for Departure    Unknown


* Transport request starten (I do not need any transport service) von 887 nach Wien. Das triggert automatisch die Radio Protection Leute. Der EDH Request hängt dann bei irgend einem Franzosen. Den bitte anrufen und für Montag mittags einen Termin ausmachen. Es muss alles geschnüffelt werden, was in der Zone war (also nicht im Counting room)

Merchandise-Bestätigung für die Anreise ist im attachment!


Anreise: https://edh.cern.ch/Document/SupplyChain/SHIP/5855845

Abreise: https://edh.cern.ch/Document/SupplyChain/SHIP/5863835

  2   Fri Nov 14 19:22:40 2014 Martin Kurzcommonip addresses, portforwarding, wlan    Unknown

WLAN Router:

SSID: Hephy

password: 20supersecret14

DHCP Range: to 239

Netmask: /24

DNS Server:


external IP: (für diverse Port Forwardings)


Manuell vergebene IP Adressen bitte unbedingt Martin Kurz mitteilen oder/und in der folgenden Tabelle eintragen! 

IP/MAC Zuweisung:

IP Machine/Name intern Port Forwarding (aussen) SVD Kenwood  VNC(5900)  VNC(9000) AIDA DAQ  VNC(5900)  VNC(9001) TUX DAQ  VNC(5900), VNC(5901), SSH(22)  VNC(9009), VNC(9002), SSH(9003), Belle XY Tisch TUXOA  SSH(22)  SSH(9004) JTAG Server alixcool slowcontrol  VNC(5900)  VNC(9005) CAEN Power supply zenpixelwiki  SSH(22), VNC(5900)  SSH(9006), VNC(9008) TLU (pcx25042, XY)  VNC(5900)  VNC(9007) NI GPIB - ENET / 1000 Printserver  VNC(5900)  VNC(9010)


Admin Zugang Wlan Router:


Username: admin

password: Hephy2014


  3   Fri Nov 14 19:47:25 2014 Thomas Bergauer Telefonnummern    Unknown

* CCC (zentraler Beschleuniger-Kontrollraum): 77500

* H6A Controlroom: 76755

* HEPHY-Handy: 16-2471 or +41 76 487 2471 from outside of CERN

* Office in Meyrin: 12-R11: 74592



* Bergi: 79326

* Benni: 60232

* Hao: 70408


Andere Wichtige Leute:

* Beam-Dame: Edda Gschwendner 16-5080

* NA Hallen Verantwortlicher: Michael Jeckel

Lookup Telefonnummern: http://phonebook.cern.ch

  4   Fri Nov 14 19:49:04 2014 Florian BuchsteinercommonBelle Setup    Unknown
  5   Fri Nov 14 19:52:12 2014 Thomas Bergauer important web pages    Unknown

SPS Accelerator status:  http://op-webtools.web.cern.ch/op-webtools/vistar/vistars.php?usr=SPS1

general Information about the Beam line(s): http://sba.web.cern.ch/sba/

  6   Sat Nov 15 11:36:41 2014 Thomas BergauercommonChecklist for North Area access    Unknown


Checklist for North Area access: 

  • Dosimeter (http://dosimetry.web.cern.ch/en)
  • Helmet and safety shoes (http://gs-dep.web.cern.ch/en/content/stores_hours)
  • Access right to H6A control room (request via EDH): Control Room HNA-447 (0887-1-Q45). Activate access right on your CERN access card at one of the validation stations (https://espace.cern.ch/service-access-control/default.aspx)
  • For using CERN rental car, request "CERN vehicle driving license (V)" via EDH
  • Park in front of bldg. 890. Walk to North Hall (bldg. 887) through bldg. 907. Swipe dosimeter in front of electronic lock next to the entrance door. Turn left inside bldg. 887. Control room Q45 is on the left-hand side of the upper level. Swipe CERN access card in front of electronic lock.
  7   Sat Nov 15 11:37:19 2014 Thomas BergauerAIDAList of EUDET Telescope PCs in H6b    Unknown


  8   Sat Nov 15 12:41:50 2014 Benedikt WürknerBelle SVDDiscoveries during preliminary sensor tests    Unknown

L5_p_side APV #3 faulty signal

L4_n_side APV #2 and #3 faulty signal

  9   Sun Nov 16 14:22:51 2014 Thomas BergauerAIDAPC Configuration EUDET Telescope in H6b    Unknown

PC (gehört AIDA) in H6b control room:  ssh telescope@pcaidatb.cern.ch



  10   Sun Nov 16 21:37:56 2014 Hao YincommonAIM    Unknown

fachi:  aimhephy@antispam.e4ward.com

chrisu:  gargamel0971

flo: flo.bux@sbg.at

shorty: martin@kurznet.net

markus; mueffi1040

hao: hao.yin@gmx.at

benni: benedikt.wuerkner@assoc.oeaw.ac.at

juan: juan.garcia.ferrero@cern.ch

axel: ???

bergi: callmebergi

  11   Mon Nov 17 19:23:57 2014 Thomas BergauerInfineonPI XY table initial position    Unknown

initial position of Infineon Stack (PI Micromove):
(guess center position by eye)


* vertical axis: M511.DD: Zero position 81.0mm / higher values correspond to lowering the table

* vertical axis: M521.DD: Zero position 96.0mm / higher values correspond to move the table to the table mounting

  12   Mon Nov 17 22:03:02 2014 Martin KurzcommonDrucker    Unknown

Drucken über den Printserver (



direkt über den universellen AirPrint Treiber oder mittels Treiber vom Gerätehersteller drucken.

Einfach nach Druckern suchen. Druckername: CanonMP630 @ higgscms


Eine Datei Names (/etc/cups/client.conf) mit dem Inhalt folgenden Inhalt -ohne Anführungszeichen- erstellen: "ServerName"

--> sofort steht der Drucker mit allen richtigen Einstellungen zur Verfügung

Drucken mittels Treiber vom Gerätehersteller ist weiterhin möglich. (wird von CUPS automatisch zur Verfügung gestellt) CUPS URL: ""



1.) Unter Start->Einstellungen->Drucker und Faxgeräte links den Punkt “neuen Drucker hinzufügen” auswählen.

2.) In dem sich öffnenden Assistenten die Option “Netzwerkdrucker hinzufügen” auswählen und auf “weiter” klicken.

3.) Zunächst den Punkt “Verbindung mit einem Drucker im Internet herstellen” auswählen und dann die "URL" zum Drucker einfügen.




  28   Tue Nov 18 12:35:32 2014 Axel KönigcommonInfineon (4 modules) TLU Settings    Unknown
  1.  VNC to
  2. In command line: cd C:\Users\telescope\eudaq\bin
  3. TLUControl.exe.exe -d 2 -a 11 - i RJ45

Operating with AIDA telescope: TLUControl.exe.exe -d 3 -a 11 - i RJ45

Dut Position (left to right):  11, 06, 05, 07

  29   Tue Nov 18 13:13:53 2014 Thomas BergauerInfineonhardware runinfineon_run001225508  Unknown

Infineon new stack - batch 4

single hit
HV=300V, total I = 4.2475 µA
strips horizontal
data file in L:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run horiz
config file l:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run horiz\cern14_infineon_single.cfg
STOPPED by main User in H6B (18:11, 15:00)
Events: 225508
Next step: rearange modules vertically
  30   Tue Nov 18 18:29:55 2014 Axel KönigInfineoncalibration runInfineon_run002   Unknown

Infineon_run002 is just a calibration run for the vertical positioned sensors. 

data file in L:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run vert
config file l:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run horiz\cern14_infineon_single.cfg
  31   Tue Nov 18 18:33:31 2014 Axel KönigInfineonhardware runInfineon_run003300000  Unknown

Infineon new stack - batch 4

single hit

HV=300V, total I = 4.0044 µA

strips vertical

Table Position: H: 96mm V: 101mm

data file in L:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run vert

config file l:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run horiz\cern14_infineon_single.cfg


--Stopped 18.11 / 20:20---

Reason: Enough events, adjusting new DUT position for next run

Events: 300000

  35   Tue Nov 18 20:42:18 2014 Benedikt WürknerBelle SVDCoordinates of the DUT    Unknown

We set the coordinates trying to put the beam in an area with well working APVs

Peak of course differs for n and p sensors due to their different pitch.

L4-6 n-side Peak around strip 180

L4&6 p-side mean value around strip 380

L5 p-side moved by 4.8mm due to reasons (APV misalignment I think) therefore the peak of the same measurements is moved by 4.8/75µm = 64 strips therefore centered around strip 320

The coordinates of the x-y table were set to 0:0 at this point. Refer to Run Alignment2 for reference data.

  36   Tue Nov 18 23:04:34 2014 Axel KönigInfineonhardware runInfineon_run004400000  Unknown

Infineon new stack - batch 4 

single hit
HV=300V, total I = 4.0044 µA
strips vertical
Table Position: H: 96mm V: 81mm
data file in L:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run vert
config file l:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run horiz\cern14_infineon_single.cfg
--stopped 18.11 // 23:05---
Reason: Enough events, next run with the same position but now multi six
Events: 400000
  37   Wed Nov 19 00:58:27 2014 Axel KönigInfineonhardware runInfineon_run00587000  Unknown

Infineon new stack - batch 4 

multi hit
HV=300V, total I = 4.0200 µA
strips vertical
Table Position: H: 96mm V: 81mm
data file in L:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run vert
config file l:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run horiz\cern14_infineon_multi6.cfg
--stopped 19.11 // 01:00 --
Reason: Enough events, new dut postion for next multi run
Events: 87000
  38   Wed Nov 19 09:26:39 2014 Axel KönigInfineonhardware runInfineon_run0061500  Unknown

Infineon new stack - batch 4

multi hit
HV=300V, total I = 4.0200 µA
strips vertical
Table Position: H: 96mm V: 91mm
data file in L:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run vert
config file l:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run horiz\cern14_infineon_multi6.cfg
-- stopped --
1500 Events only --> no trigger signals from TU (01:30 Uhr)
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b