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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS June 2009, Page 6 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sun Aug 23 13:15:42 2009, Marko Dragicevic, Pt_ITE512, Current and Humindity during first Run, , , ,  IandRH_first_Pt_run.pngPicture_1.png
Entry  Sun Aug 23 23:38:27 2009, Georg Auzinger, , Phone numbers, , , ,  
Entry  Tue Aug 25 09:00:51 2009, Thomas Bergauer, , beam conditions, , , ,  magnet_settings_withH6B.802.jpg20090825_0859_beam_conditions.jpg
Entry  Wed Aug 26 14:26:13 2009, Wolfgang Kiesenhofer, ITE128, S/N final Single-Metal, run001 & run002, , ,  sn-pos_h13-h14_strips_pa_5bins.pdf
Entry  Wed Sep 2 14:15:17 2009, Wolfgang Kiesenhofer, ITE128, ITE 128 Cross-Talk, run002, , ,  stripcorr_modall_thrs3_ktau.pdf
Entry  Fri Dec 4 12:21:56 2009, Wolfgang Kiesenhofer, , ITE128 strip correlation kendall tau (preliminary result), , , ,  stripcorr_mod1_thrs5_ktau_ev100000_run002_strip.pdfstripcorr_mod2_thrs5_ktau_ev100000_run002_strip.pdfstripcorr_mod6_thrs5_ktau_ev100000_run002_strip.pdf
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