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  Alibava/Mapsa testbeam at DESY in April 2017 (Axel, Grossi), Page 1 of 7  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Projectdown Subject Run Number Events XYPosition Cooling Data Text Attachments
  2   Wed Apr 12 21:55:13 2017 Axel Königcommonpulse shape    NoUnknownpulse shape looks good for latency 132.
This value is now taken by default for all
runs unless otherwise stated.
  3   Wed Apr 12 21:56:48 2017 Axel KönigcommonKazu beetle settings   NoUnknownBeetle setting for a better defined pulse
shape. These parameters were found by kazu,
a beetle developer at lhcb.
  67   Fri Apr 14 14:21:35 2017 Axel KoenigcommonRun summary IFX_CB    NoUnknown

  76   Sat Apr 15 16:55:19 2017 Axel KoenigcommonChiller turned off!   NoUnknownThe chiller has been turned off beginning
of run_30_IFX_CB_100V.dat.

Set temperature was 15 C. Now it
  98   Mon Apr 17 10:14:15 2017 Axel KoenigcommonRun summary Baby   NoUnknown

  108   Mon Apr 17 17:25:24 2017 Axel KoenigcommonTelescope geometry ALiBaVa   NoUnknownThe plane distances are measured at the
center of the planes.

The distance of the DUT to the
  Draft   Tue Apr 18 17:55:19 2017 Axel KoenigcommonRun summary HPK_CB   NoUnknown

  122   Tue Apr 18 17:56:37 2017 Axel KoenigcommonRun summary HPK_CB   NoUnknown

  14   Thu Apr 13 13:07:17 2017 Johannes GrossmannMaPSATeleskope Correlation110000000NoUnknownTelescope 1209   
  16   Thu Apr 13 14:54:15 2017 Johannes GrossmannMaPSATeleskope Correlation410000000NoUnknownTelescope 1209

threshold 90 

  19   Thu Apr 13 16:23:35 2017 Johannes GrossmannMaPSATeleskope Correlation710000000NoUnknownTelescope 1236

threshold 90 

  20   Thu Apr 13 16:31:55 2017 Johannes GrossmannMaPSATeleskope Correlation910000000NoUnknownTelescope 1237   
  22   Thu Apr 13 16:47:40 2017 Johannes GrossmannMaPSATeleskope Correlation1010000000NoUnknownTelescope 1241

Threshold 90
  23   Thu Apr 13 17:04:52 2017 Johannes GrossmannMaPSATeleskope Correlation111000000NoUnknownTelescope 1241

Threshold 90
  24   Thu Apr 13 17:08:11 2017 Johannes GrossmannMaPSATeleskope Correlation121000000NoUnknownTelescope 1241

Threshold 110
  26   Thu Apr 13 17:29:09 2017 Johannes GrossmannMaPSATeleskope Correlation131000000NoUnknownTelescope 1241

Threshold 110
  27   Thu Apr 13 17:38:40 2017 Johannes GrossmannMaPSATeleskope Correlation141000000NoUnknownTelescope 1241

Threshold 110
  29   Thu Apr 13 17:51:44 2017 Johannes GrossmannMaPSATeleskope Correlation161000000NoUnknownTelescope 1241

Threshold 200
  30   Thu Apr 13 18:03:02 2017 Johannes GrossmannMaPSATeleskope Correlation171000000NoUnknownTelescope 1241

Threshold 240
  31   Thu Apr 13 18:14:00 2017 Johannes GrossmannMaPSATeleskope Correlation181000000NoUnknownTelescope 1250

Threshold 130

Sample 46_4
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b