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  Belle/Infineon/AIDA testbeam at SPS in Nov 2014, Page 5 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Authordown Project Subject Run Number Events StartTime EndTime Data
  38   Wed Nov 19 09:26:39 2014 Axel KönigInfineonhardware runInfineon_run0061500  Unknown

Infineon new stack - batch 4

multi hit
HV=300V, total I = 4.0200 µA
strips vertical
Table Position: H: 96mm V: 91mm
data file in L:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run vert
config file l:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run horiz\cern14_infineon_multi6.cfg
-- stopped --
1500 Events only --> no trigger signals from TU (01:30 Uhr)
  39   Wed Nov 19 16:24:25 2014 Axel KönigcommonRunning EUDAQ    Unknown

Windows PC at Telescope:

0.) JTAG Programming: Chose a threshold file (recommended threshold 5) File: M26TB_Cern_2011.thresh5.mcf--> press start

1.) C:\Users\telescope\Desktop\users\BelleII --> start Mimosa 26 Telescope --> select all six Mimosa's

2.) C:\Users\telescope\Desktop\users\BelleII --> start startEudaq_fullWindows.bat

3.) Use configuration file hephy1 (location: C:\eudaq\conf). Change it according to your TLU settings (DUT mask, AND mask, etc.)

4.) configure

5.) start

x) Online monitor in preparation

Files: Are saved in C:\eudaq\data with internal numbering "run000000xxx.raw" (look at the date and time). [You can connect locally to this folder at HEPHY-SVD PC]

  40   Wed Nov 19 18:20:29 2014 Axel KönigInfineoncalibration runInfineon_run007_cal   Unknown
  44   Wed Nov 19 21:56:44 2014 Axel KönigInfineonhardware runInfineon_run008244167  Unknown

Infineon new stack - batch 4 

single hit
HV=300V, total I = 4.0758 µA
strips vertical
Table Position: H: 92.5mm V: 81mm
data file in L:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run vert
config file l:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run horiz\cern14_infineon_single.cfg
--stopped 19.11 // 21:53 --
Reason: Want to run the eudaq for the next run
Events: 244167
  45   Wed Nov 19 22:15:41 2014 Axel KönigInfineonhardware runInfineon_run0101498709  Unknown

Infineon new stack - batch 4 

single hit
HV=300V, total I = 4.0200 µA
strips vertical
Table Position: H: 92.5mm V: 81mm
EUDAQ data: Run951 and Run952
data file in L:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run vert
config file l:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run horiz\cern14_infineon_multi6.cfg
-- stopped 20.11 / 09:35-- 
SVD3DAQ Events: 1498709
EUDAQ Events: 2777
EUDAQ stopped counting events --> log entry: "01:38 6-ERROR unexpected trigger number 277714 (expecting 277713)" (TLU Producer)
  61   Thu Nov 20 15:46:21 2014 Axel KönigInfineonhardware runInfineon_run012263470  Unknown

Infineon new stack - batch 4 

single hit
HV=300V, total I = ? µA
strips vertical
Table Position: H: 89mm V: 81mm
data file in L:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run vert
config file l:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run horiz\cern14_infineon_single.cfg
--stopped 20.11 // 15:30 --
Eudaq: No Events build --> searching for failure
Events: 263470
  62   Thu Nov 20 15:47:56 2014 Axel KönigInfineonhardware runInfineon_run011   Unknown

 Infineon new stack - batch 4 

  64   Thu Nov 20 17:16:56 2014 Axel Königcommonhow to run the EUDAQ offline monitor    Unknown

YOU need

1.) Folder EUDAQ OFFLINE Monitor

2.) ROOT



1.) open command line and chose the path where OfflineMonitor is

2.)Type -i "patch of raw file" -o test.root 100

3.) helpfile typing -h

  65   Thu Nov 20 18:15:48 2014 Axel KönigInfineonhardware runInfineon_run013_voltage51273  Unknown

Infineon new stack - batch 4 

single hit + eudaq
HV=100V, total I = 3.0326 µA
strips vertical
Table Position: H: 89mm V: 81mm
data file in L:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run vert
config file l:\cern14\infineon\Infineon Run horiz\cern14_infineon_single.cfg
eudaq file: run000959.raw
--stopped 20.11 // 18:10 --
Eudaq: 54928
Events: 51273
  67   Thu Nov 20 22:12:21 2014 Axel KönigcommonSPS Logbook / SPS Online Monitor    Unknown

Logbook: https://ab-dep-op-elogbook.web.cern.ch/ab-dep-op-elogbook/elogbook/secure/eLogbook.php?shiftId=1059325


Monitor:  http://op-webtools.web.cern.ch/op-webtools/vistar/vistars.php?usr=SPS1

  68   Fri Nov 21 01:43:54 2014 Axel KönigAIDAcalibration runAIDA_run001_calibration   Unknown

Calibration run with AIDA DUT.

Single hit

  69   Fri Nov 21 11:10:08 2014 Axel KönigAIDAhardware runAIDA_run002211362  Unknown


multi hit
Voltage=100V, I=4.1688uA
(new table calibration): V:56mm, H:96mm
EUDAQ File: Run000962, Run000963, Run000964
config: L:\cern14\AIDA
data: L:\cern14\AIDA
--Stopped 21.11 / 10:30--
DaqEvents: 211362
EUDAQ EVENTS: ca. 41000
  70   Fri Nov 21 12:14:46 2014 Axel KönigAIDAhardware runAIDA_run00320617  Unknown



single hit

Voltage=100V, I=5.4240uA

(new table calibration): V:66mm, H:74mm

EUDAQ file:  Run000965

config: L:\cern14\AIDA

data: L:\cern14\AIDA


--Stopped 21.11 / 12:12--

DaqEvents: 20617 (-600 ped)

EUDAQ EVENTS: 20019 (2 more than DAQ [+2 offset]) 

  75   Fri Nov 21 15:37:30 2014 Axel KönigAIDAhardware runAIDA_run0047057  Unknown



single hit

Voltage=100V, I=5.4357uA

(new table calibration): V:71mm, H:80mm


config: L:\cern14\AIDA

data: L:\cern14\AIDA

EUDAQ File: Run000977

--Stopped 21.11 / 12:12--

DaqEvents: 7057 (-600 ped)

EUDAQ EVENTS: 4658 (less than Daq) 

  76   Fri Nov 21 18:20:47 2014 Axel KönigAIDAhardware runAIDA_run00520045  Unknown


single hit

Voltage=100V, I=5.4357uA

(new table calibration): V:71mm, H:80mm

config: L:\cern14\AIDA

data: L:\cern14\AIDA

EUDAQ File: Run000979

--Stopped 21.11 / 12:12--

DaqEvents: 20045 (-600 ped)


  77   Fri Nov 21 18:21:45 2014 Axel KönigAIDAhardware runAIDA_run006~1k  Unknown


  78   Fri Nov 21 18:23:05 2014 Axel KönigcommonNew Table Calibration    Unknown

 Nach powercut musste der Tisch neu kalibriert werden. Diese Neukalibration betrifft alle Messungen ab den ersten Messungen vom AIDA Stack.

  79   Fri Nov 21 18:35:17 2014 Axel KönigAIDAImportant: Dockbox Inverter!    Unknown

Alle AIDA runs vor run_007 hatten kein Signal auf den Sensoren 5 und 6.

Grund: Inverter auf N Seite war im config file noch an (von Markus behoben). 

Runs vor 007 können noch verwendet werden obwohl sensoren 5 und 6 negative Events lieferten (kommt aber auf das negative Limit an). 

  82   Fri Nov 21 19:25:57 2014 Axel KönigAIDAhardware runAIDA_run00726770  Unknown


multi hit

Voltage=100V, I=5.4357uA

(new table calibration): V:71mm, H:65mm

config: L:\cern14\AIDA

data: L:\cern14\AIDA

EUDAQ File: Run000983

--Stopped 21.11 / 19:20--

DaqEvents: 26770 (-600 ped)

EUDAQ EVENTS: 26171 (+1 trigger offset)

  85   Fri Nov 21 23:33:54 2014 Axel KönigAIDAhardware run (PC crashed)AIDA_run008---  Unknown

22:00 SVD3 PC crashed!!! data will be collected. 

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b