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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS October 2012 and Irradiation Mol, Page 3 of 4  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Project Subject Run Number Events StartTime EndTime Datadown
  79   Tue Oct 30 22:15:41 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grossrunrun041100k30.10.2012 22:09:13 Unknown

Cooling for 2DSSD established after some struggle.

2DSSD fully read out with cooling
HV= +40 V -40 V    I =  1.84 uA

Beam position: 
Origami ce:
   p-side:  APV #10  (= pos 4)
   n-side:  APV #19  (= pos 3)

Positions of thermal sensors:

11   Kapillare Anfang

12   Kapillare Ende

13   ---

14   unmittelbar nach Kapillare

15   Origami in

16   Origami out

17   Origami -z

18   Origami CE


Strip order:

n-Seite: rechts (Salev) nach links (Jura)

p-Seite: oben nach unten


APV chips with lower noise:

                          -z                                   ce
p-side             #5                                #10 (= pos 4)
n-side             #13 (= pos1)             #19 (= pos 3)




  80   Wed Oct 31 15:54:59 2012 Christian IrmlercommonEthernetkabel zu H6A    Unknown

Ethernetkabel HNA447 -> H6A:

Das obere Ende im Counting Hut liegt im Zwischenboden unterhalb der orangenen Steckdose beim Eingang mit dem elektronischen Zahlenschloß.

Das untere Ende in der Zone hängt aufgerollt an einem Pfeiler der Kabeltasse, unweit der Stelle an der das Kabel von oben hinunter gelassen wurden. Das ist ewta dort wo die Stiege zu PPE146 endet.

siehe Fotos :)

  3   Fri Oct 12 22:00:52 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronBabycalcal0018380012.10.2012 21:16:3312.10.2012 21:59:02Good

12.10.2012  21:16:33  event=0  Disk space: Needed=0.00 GB, Available=206.59 GB, Total=931.51 GB
12.10.2012  21:16:33  event=0  DAQ start (mode: Calibration Scan)
12.10.2012  21:16:33  event=0  Init NECO... done
12.10.2012  21:16:34  event=0  Init APVs... done
12.10.2012  21:16:37  event=0  Send 10 dummy triggers to initialize APV pedestals... done
12.10.2012  21:16:37  event=0  Init FADCs... done
12.10.2012  21:16:37  event=0  Taking 600 pedestal events
12.10.2012  21:16:45  event=599  Pedestal and Noise evaluation done - switching to Calibration Scan
12.10.2012  21:17:39  event=2459  rate=8events/s temp/curr=32.7/097.5 32.7/-08.2 32.7/-08.3 32.8/-08.3 31.2/001.6 31.2/001.7 31.2/001.6 31.2/001.4
12.10.2012  21:18:43  event=4023  rate=8events/s temp/curr=32.6/097.3 32.7/-08.2 32.7/-08.5 32.7/-08.3 31.1/001.6 31.1/001.6 31.1/001.6 31.1/001.6
12.10.2012  21:19:49  event=5600  rate=50events/s temp/curr=32.7/097.5 32.6/-08.3 32.6/-08.3 32.6/-08.3 31.1/001.6 31.1/001.6 31.1/001.6 31.1/001.6
12.10.2012  21:20:53  event=7990  rate=7events/s temp/curr=32.6/097.5 32.6/-08.2 32.6/-08.5 32.6/-08.3 31.1/001.6 31.0/001.6 31.1/001.6 31.0/001.6
12.10.2012  21:21:59  event=8694  rate=6events/s temp/curr=32.5/097.3 32.6/-08.2 32.6/-08.5 32.6/-08.3 31.1/001.6 31.0/001.6 31.0/001.6 31.0/001.6
12.10.2012  21:23:02  event=11116  rate=66events/s temp/curr=32.5/097.3 32.6/-08.3 32.5/-08.3 32.5/-08.3 31.0/001.4 31.0/001.7 31.0/001.6 31.0/001.6
12.10.2012  21:24:06  event=13095  rate=7events/s temp/curr=32.5/097.3 32.5/-08.3 32.5/-08.3 32.5/-08.3 31.0/001.6 30.9/001.6 31.0/001.6 31.0/001.6
12.10.2012  21:25:08  event=15105  rate=5events/s temp/curr=32.4/097.5 32.5/-08.3 32.5/-08.3 32.5/-08.3 31.0/001.6 30.9/001.6 30.9/001.6 31.0/001.6
12.10.2012  21:26:13  event=16444  rate=7events/s temp/curr=32.5/097.3 32.4/-08.3 32.4/-08.3 32.5/-08.3 30.9/001.6 30.9/001.6 31.0/001.6 31.0/001.6
12.10.2012  21:27:22  event=18050  rate=6events/s temp/curr=32.4/097.5 32.4/-08.3 32.4/-08.5 32.4/-08.5 30.9/001.6 30.9/001.6 30.9/001.6 30.9/001.6
12.10.2012  21:28:25  event=19878  rate=8events/s temp/curr=32.4/097.3 32.4/-08.3 32.4/-08.3 32.4/-08.3 30.7/001.6 30.9/001.6 30.9/001.6 30.7/001.6
12.10.2012  21:29:26  event=21875  rate=7events/s temp/curr=32.3/097.3 32.3/-08.2 32.4/-08.3 32.3/-08.3 30.7/001.4 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.6
12.10.2012  21:30:28  event=24200  rate=50events/s temp/curr=32.3/097.3 32.3/-08.2 32.3/-08.3 32.3/-08.5 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.7 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.6
12.10.2012  21:31:33  event=26300  rate=50events/s temp/curr=32.4/097.5 32.3/-08.2 32.4/-08.3 32.3/-08.3 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.7 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.6
12.10.2012  21:32:41  event=28400  rate=9events/s temp/curr=32.3/097.3 32.3/-08.3 32.2/-08.3 32.3/-08.3 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.6 30.6/001.6
12.10.2012  21:33:43  event=30300  rate=50events/s temp/curr=32.3/097.5 32.3/-08.3 32.3/-08.3 32.3/-08.3 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.6
12.10.2012  21:34:46  event=32242  rate=42events/s temp/curr=32.2/097.5 32.3/-08.3 32.2/-08.5 32.3/-08.3 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.7 30.7/001.6 30.6/001.4
12.10.2012  21:35:50  event=34167  rate=67events/s temp/curr=32.2/097.3 32.3/-08.3 32.2/-08.3 32.2/-08.3 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.4
12.10.2012  21:36:54  event=35928  rate=7events/s temp/curr=32.2/097.3 32.2/-08.3 32.0/-08.3 32.2/-08.3 30.6/001.4 30.7/001.6 30.7/001.6 30.6/001.4
12.10.2012  21:37:54  event=38470  rate=8events/s temp/curr=32.0/097.5 32.2/-08.3 32.2/-08.3 32.2/-08.3 30.6/001.6 30.6/001.6 30.6/001.6 30.6/001.6
12.10.2012  21:39:00  event=40751  rate=1events/s temp/curr=32.2/097.5 32.2/-08.2 32.2/-08.3 32.2/-08.3 30.6/001.6 30.6/001.6 30.6/001.6 30.6/001.6
12.10.2012  21:40:04  event=42861  rate=7events/s temp/curr=32.2/097.5 32.2/-08.3 32.2/-08.3 32.2/-08.3 30.6/001.6 30.6/001.6 30.6/001.6 30.6/001.6
12.10.2012  21:41:05  event=44950  rate=50events/s temp/curr=32.2/097.5 32.2/-08.2 32.0/-08.3 32.2/-08.3 30.5/001.6 30.6/001.6 30.6/001.6 30.6/001.6
12.10.2012  21:42:10  event=47954  rate=4events/s temp/curr=32.2/097.5 32.2/-08.2 32.2/-08.5 32.2/-08.3 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6
12.10.2012  21:43:18  event=49909  rate=7events/s temp/curr=32.2/097.3 32.0/-08.3 32.2/-08.3 32.2/-08.3 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.6/001.6 30.5/001.6
12.10.2012  21:44:17  event=52950  rate=68events/s temp/curr=32.0/097.3 32.2/-08.3 32.0/-08.3 32.0/-08.3 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6
12.10.2012  21:45:17  event=55800  rate=50events/s temp/curr=32.2/097.3 32.2/-08.2 32.2/-08.3 32.2/-08.3 30.4/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6
12.10.2012  21:46:18  event=59281  rate=31events/s temp/curr=32.2/097.5 32.2/-08.2 32.2/-08.5 32.0/-08.3 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6
12.10.2012  21:47:19  event=61723  rate=73events/s temp/curr=32.0/097.5 32.0/-08.2 32.2/-08.5 32.0/-08.3 30.4/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.4/001.6
12.10.2012  21:48:20  event=64750  rate=60events/s temp/curr=32.0/097.3 32.2/-08.2 32.0/-08.5 32.0/-08.5 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.4/001.6
12.10.2012  21:49:21  event=66450  rate=50events/s temp/curr=32.0/097.3 32.2/-08.3 32.0/-08.3 32.0/-08.3 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.7 30.4/001.6 30.5/001.6
12.10.2012  21:50:23  event=69850  rate=2events/s temp/curr=32.0/097.5 32.0/-08.3 32.0/-08.5 32.0/-08.3 30.5/001.6 30.4/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.5/001.6
12.10.2012  21:51:23  event=73142  rate=7events/s temp/curr=32.0/097.3 32.2/-08.3 32.0/-08.3 32.0/-08.3 30.4/001.6 30.5/001.6 30.4/001.6 30.4/001.4
12.10.2012  21:52:33  event=74250  rate=5events/s temp/curr=32.0/097.3 31.9/-08.2 32.0/-08.3 32.0/-08.3 30.4/001.6 30.4/001.6 30.4/001.6 30.4/001.6
12.10.2012  21:53:43  event=75006  rate=30events/s temp/curr=32.0/097.3 32.0/-08.3 32.0/-08.3 32.0/-08.3 30.4/001.6 30.4/001.6 30.4/001.6 30.4/001.4
12.10.2012  21:54:45  event=76973  rate=6events/s temp/curr=32.0/097.3 32.0/-08.3 32.0/-08.5 32.0/-08.3 30.4/001.6 30.4/001.6 30.3/001.6 30.4/001.6
12.10.2012  21:55:49  event=78788  rate=6events/s temp/curr=32.0/097.5 31.9/-08.2 31.9/-08.3 32.0/-08.3 30.4/001.6 30.4/001.6 30.3/001.6 30.4/001.6
12.10.2012  21:56:57  event=80261  rate=7events/s temp/curr=32.0/097.5 31.9/-08.2 31.9/-08.3 32.0/-08.3 30.4/001.4 30.4/001.6 30.4/001.6 30.4/001.6
12.10.2012  21:57:58  event=82550  rate=64events/s temp/curr=31.9/097.3 32.0/-08.3 31.9/-08.3 31.9/-08.3 30.4/001.6 30.4/001.6 30.4/001.6 30.3/001.6
12.10.2012  21:58:54  event=83800  Processing calibration data... done
12.10.2012  21:58:55  event=83800  Writing calibration file D:\cern12\micronbaby\data\cal001.cal...done
12.10.2012  21:59:02  event=83800  DAQ stop (mode: Calibration Scan)
12.10.2012  21:59:02  event=83800  Writing properties file D:\cern12\micronbaby\data\cal001.pro...done

  4   Fri Oct 12 23:10:14 2012 Christian IrmlerMicronBabyrunrun00133300012.10.2012 23:05:1913.10.2012 06:29:00Good

Micron baby stack
HV = -100V   I=5.8uA
beam on


Final DESY position (center of vertical beam profile)

Module position: 0 / +5.0 -- hitting the upper half of the sensor (centered on odd APVs)

  34   Wed Oct 17 14:06:24 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grossStack für stealth parasitic mode    Good

Dieser Stack wird jetzt quasi als Pausenkasperl eingebaut und läuft im "stealth parasitic" mode während der Irradiation-Woche. Gut, dass wir alles auch von Wien aus fernsteuern können :-)



  35   Wed Oct 17 21:30:39 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0088380017.10.2012 17:15:1317.10.2012 18:08:11Good

Internal calibration for "stealth parasitic" mode Belle stack; taken without beam


Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-50V, Ibias=80A
Position: approx. centered
no beam


Total bias current history:


At the beginning, the system was already running for a few hours and the APV25 chips were initialized before, so thermal equilibrium was reached.

The actual calibration run happened during the first ~250 measurement points (~1 hour). It seems like the APVs draw a bit more current during internal calibration. The overall decay is supposedly due to a temperature decrease towards night.


Now tried the same thing with a short software run - same effect:


Need to investigate supply currents while data taking - they should actually go up a bit - and their dependency on the trigger rate.


  38   Fri Oct 19 00:56:16 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grossrunrun01719789919.10.2012 00:54:2119.10.2012 14:10:02 Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-50V, Ibias=76A
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1

Same as run016, but timing shifted by 1 CLK to better center the peak of the shaped wafeforms for subsequent fitting during analysis.


Beam was turned off around here:

19.10.2012  08:56:12  event=193394

So better ignore the last ~5000 events for analysis.


  39   Fri Oct 19 19:25:29 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grossrunrun01831875619.10.2012 19:23:5520.10.2012 10:27:11Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-50V, Ibias=77A
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1


beam went off (LINAC problem) around

20.10.2012  07:00:39  event=315937

So better ignore the last 3000 events during analysis.

  40   Sat Oct 20 10:49:03 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0198380020.10.2012 10:46:3620.10.2012 11:32:57Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-45V, Ibias=70A
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1


no beam at beginning (LINAC problem)

  41   Sat Oct 20 11:40:13 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grossrunrun01910000020.10.2012 11:38:1920.10.2012 19:20:51Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-45V, Ibias=72A
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1

Several periods without beam during this run.

  42   Sat Oct 20 19:35:30 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grossrunrun02030000020.10.2012 19:34:1921.10.2012 08:55:28Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-40V, Ibias=73A
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1


  43   Sun Oct 21 09:01:04 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0208380021.10.2012 08:59:2121.10.2012 09:45:03Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-40V, Ibias=72uA
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1

  44   Sun Oct 21 09:50:00 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0218380021.10.2012 09:50:07 21.10.2012 10:35:40Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-35V, Ibias=69uA
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1

  45   Sun Oct 21 10:39:15 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grossrunrun02110000021.10.2012 10:37:2621.10.2012 15:04:49Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-35V, Ibias=69uA
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1


  46   Sun Oct 21 15:15:45 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0228380021.10.2012 15:13:4721.10.2012 16:00:25Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-30V, Ibias=70uA
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1

  47   Sun Oct 21 16:04:06 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grossrunrun02215128221.10.2012 18:16:5322.10.2012 00:04:42Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-30V, Ibias=70uA
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1

  48   Mon Oct 22 00:08:39 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0238380022.10.2012 00:07:3422.10.2012 00:53:02Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-25V, Ibias=65uA
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1

  49   Mon Oct 22 00:57:05 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grossrunrun02317662922.10.2012 00:55:5922.10.2012 10:04:38Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-25V, Ibias=65uA
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1

No more events since 22.10.2012  07:09:53  event=176629 - spill signals removed?


  50   Mon Oct 22 10:10:16 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grosscalcal0248380022.10.2012 10:08:5322.10.2012 10:54:18Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-20V, Ibias=53uA
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1

  51   Mon Oct 22 19:19:53 2012 Markus FriedlMicronOrigami_grossrunrun02426000022.10.2012 19:18:1623.10.2012 08:17:20 Good

Belle Stack 4: 2 DSSD -z, Origami #3, #1, wedge new #2
HV = +-20V, Ibias=57uA
Position: APVs #2, 7, 11, 15 | # 17/18, 21, 25, 29
= p: 2DSSD #2, Origami3 #3, Origami1 #3, wedgenew #3
= n: 2DSSD #1/2, Origami3 #1, Origami1 #1, wedgenew #1


Beam shape on n side (horizontally) different than in previous runs. Number of triggers per spill is reduced to ~60k (was 200..250k before). Reason unknown.

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b