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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS October 2011, Page 4 of 5  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Mon Sep 19 17:40:47 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron, Module SPRAY-2, , , , ,  
Sensor: B2Micron_2825_05_Baby4
p-stop: p-spray WITHOUT intermediate strips
Hybrid p-side: H44 (reused from last year)
Entry  Mon Sep 19 17:41:27 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron, Module SPRAY-I-2, , , , ,  
Sensor: B2Micron_2825_15_Baby3
p-stop: p-spray WITH intermediate strips
Hybrid p-side: H43 (reused from last year)
Entry  Mon Sep 19 17:42:01 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron, Module SPRAY-1, , , , ,  
Sensor: B2Micron_2825_05_Baby3
p-stop: p-spray WITHOUT intermediate strips
Hybrid p-side: H32 (reused from last year)
Entry  Mon Sep 19 17:42:39 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron, Module SPRAY-I-1, , , , ,  
Sensor: B2Micron_2825_15_Baby2
p-stop: p-spray WITH intermediate strips
Hybrid p-side: MB1
Entry  Mon Sep 19 17:44:00 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron, Module COMM-1, , , , ,  
Sensor: B2Micron_2826_19_Baby2 (reused from last year, was TRK7)
p-stop: Common, with intermediate strips
Hybrid p-side: H46
Entry  Mon Sep 19 17:44:39 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron, Module COMB-1, , , , ,  
Sensor: B2Micron_2826_01_Baby4 (reused from last year, was TRK6)
p-stop: Combined, with intermediate strips
Hybrid p-side: H45
Entry  Mon Sep 19 17:46:07 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron, Module ATOLL-1, , , , ,  
Sensor: B2Micron_2826_07_Baby3 (reused from last year, but was not used in beam test SPS2010) 
p-stop: Atoll, with intermediate strips
Hybrid p-side: H40
Entry  Mon Sep 19 17:47:11 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron, Module COMB-IRRAD, , , , ,  
Sensor: B2Micron_2826_19_Baby4 (reused from last year, was DUT4, module is irradiated to 700 kGy)
p-stop: Combined, with intermediate strips, irradiated
Hybrid p-side: H48
Entry  Mon Sep 19 17:47:50 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron, Module COMM-IRRAD, , , , ,  
Sensor: B2Micron_2826_07_Baby2 (reused from last year, was DUT3, module is irradiated to 700 kGy)
p-stop: Common, with intermediate strips, irradiated
Hybrid p-side: H41
Entry  Mon Oct 3 20:30:14 2011, Thomas Bergauer, common, XY Tisch, , , , ,  xy-tisch-control.JPGdesy_xy_table.jpg
Grosser (DESY) Tisch:  x = -342.0    y = 343.0  (Einheiten unbekannt, möglicherweise mm)
Raten-Scan siehe gescannter Zettel im Attachment.
Entry  Mon Oct 3 21:08:27 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron, Micron-Baby-Stack p-stop, configuration, , , , ,  Micron-Baby-Stack_p-stop.pngcern11_micronbaby_pstop_single.cfgcern11_micronbaby_pstop_multi6.cfg
Photo of hand-drawn stack configuration, config files
Entry  Wed Oct 5 17:54:09 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Origami stack cooled, cal007, 83800, 05.10.2011 17:51:57 , , Good 
I2C setting modified to improve the shape of the p-side signal --> shaping time reduced, pulse height still low
Entry  Wed Oct 5 19:33:40 2011, Markus Friedl, common, Trigger condition, , , 4.10.2011 15:00, ,  trigger_path_with_veto.png
Changed trigger such that off-spill scintillator triggers are vetoed.
Inserted Flip-Flop which is set by begin of spill (WWE) and reset by end of spill signal (EE). Out-bar is put in coincidence with the scintillator
Entry  Fri Oct 7 18:28:53 2011, Christian Irmler, common, run schedule, , , , , Unknown run_schedule.pdfrun_schedule.xlsx
Entry  Sat Oct 8 09:30:44 2011, Christian Irmler, BELLE, Cooling plant tests, , , 08.10.2011 09:30, , Unknown biascurrent_cooling_test1.jpgtemp_cooling_test1.jpg
Software run with 6 samples to ensure that APV chips dissipate full power.
DAQ data not saved, bias current monitored
new longterm files:
Entry  Sat Oct 8 14:33:25 2011, Thomas Bergauer, HPK, baby_std, run016, 250k, 08.10.2011 14:31:40, , Crap 
falsches config file (single statt multi6)
no cooling
Entry  Sat Oct 8 16:35:04 2011, Thomas Bergauer, HPK, baby_std, run017, , 08.10.2011 16:26:10, , Crap 
wrong timing
no cooling
Entry  Sun Oct 9 10:13:11 2011, Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, HPK, baby_add, cal011, 83800, 09.10.2011 10:05:01, , Good 
no cooling
beam on; xy table position x=  y=
HV=200V Istart_P=1.5uA;  Istart_N=0.22uA
Entry  Sun Oct 9 11:28:30 2011, Manfred Valentan, HPK, HPK BSTD stack configuration, , , , , Unknown IMG_5058.JPGIMG_5069.JPG
Module order:
Entry  Sun Oct 9 11:31:43 2011, Manfred Valentan, HPK, HPK BADD stack configuration, , , , , Unknown IMG_5097.JPG
Module order:
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b