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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS September/October 2010, Page 4 of 8  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Wed May 11 16:28:20 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, DUT5, source run, post irrad, post zupf, cal106, 100k, 11.05.2011 16:00, 11.05.2011 16:25 

DUT5 (atoll)
config file: D:/cern10/micronbaby/data_lab/DUT5/micronbaby_multi6_irrrad.cfg

90Sr 1mCi ~centered

 DAQ modified so that only strips marked as good are considered when calculating the common mode correction.

Entry  Mon Apr 11 18:37:28 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, DUT5, source run, post irrad, pre zupf, run104, 100k, 11.04.2011 18:25:28, 11.04.2011 18:32:11 

DUT5 (atoll)
config file: D:/cern10/micronbaby/data_lab/DUT5/micronbaby_multi6_irrrad.cfg

90Sr 1mCi ~centered


Entry  Mon Apr 11 18:25:35 2011, Manfred Valentan, Micron Baby, DUT5, source run, post irrad, pre zupf, cal104, 83800, 11.04.2011 18:12:38, 11.04.2011 18:20:50 

DUT5 (atoll)
config file: D:/cern10/micronbaby/data_lab/DUT5/micronbaby_single_irrrad.cfg

90Sr 1mCi ~centered


Entry  Sat Oct 9 19:44:36 2010, Markus Friedl, common, end of success, , , 09.10.2010 19:44:23, NaN 
    Reply  Sun Oct 10 15:45:04 2010, Thomas Bergauer, common, end of success, , , 09.10.2010 19:44:23, NaN 


genau das gleiche wollte ich auch gerade schreiben!

    Reply  Mon Oct 11 11:18:17 2010, Christian Irmler, common, end of success, , , 09.10.2010 19:44:23, NaN IMG_9033.JPG

der Beiweis  :-)

Entry  Sat Oct 9 15:29:09 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, run, run058, 30000, 09.10.2010 15:26:50, 09.10.2010 16:21:37 

Origami1 (n-side only) + Micron1 (non-irrad)
angle scan: 73 - now with multi6 (previous run was single)
HV=100V / 35uA (beginning of run) 34uA (end of run)
cooling: chiller set to 15C

telescope run 20201

Origami p-side does not receive triggers -> disabled

origami flex straight part needed to be folded due to severe rotation angle -> nanonics connector problem...


Entry  Sat Oct 9 12:25:36 2010, Thomas Bergauer, BELLE, run, run057, 276475, 09.10.2010 12:22:21, 09.10.2010 15:08:46 


Origami1 (n-side only) + Micron1 (non-irrad)

angle scan: 73 degree

HV=100V / 36 uA  (beginning), 35uA (end of run)

cooling: chiller set to 15C

 PROBLEM: wrong config file (single hit, not multi6)

telescope run 20200

Origami p-side does not receive triggers -> disabled

origami flex straight part needed to be folded due to severe rotation angle -> nanonics connector problem...


Entry  Sat Oct 9 12:00:55 2010, Christian Irmler, BELLE, cal, cal017, 83800, 09.10.2010 11:59:37,  

Origami1 (n-side only) + Micron1 (non-irrad)
angle scan: 73°
HV=100V / 40 µA
cooling: chiller set to 15°C

Origami p-side does not receive triggers -> disabled

origami flex straight part needed to be folded due to severe rotation angle -> nanonics connector problem...

Entry  Sat Oct 9 00:17:02 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, run, run056, 225k, 09.10.2010 00:15:53, 09.10.2010 09:54:28 

Belle stack w/o Origami2 after irradiation
HV=80V / I_start=255 µA, I_stop=243 µA  

cooling: Origami only, chiller set to -25°C,
2 suspicious APVs on n side of Micron (possibly due to burnt strip)

same position as in previous run

telescope run 20198 - now with correct telescope threshold settings

a lot of "Error detected in APV 21, subevent 2. Event discarded, reset sent." errors started at 09.10.2010 09:00:25 (after whole night without any error)

Entry  Fri Oct 8 23:43:07 2010, Christian Irmler, BELLE, run, run055, 12316, 08.10.2010 23:42:51, 09.10.2010 00:14:56  

Belle stack w/o Origami2 after irradiation
HV=80V / 255 µA
cooling: Origami only, chiller set to -25°C,
2 suspicious APVs on n side of Micron due to burnt strip

same position as in previous run

telescope run 20197  - wrong config file @ telescope -> new run with correct settings

Entry  Fri Oct 8 23:05:03 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, cal, cal016, 83800, 08.10.2010 23:03:16,  

Belle stack w/o Origami2 after irradiation
HV=80V / 258 µA
cooling: Origami only, chiller set to -25°C,
2 suspicious APVs on n side of Micron due to burnt strip

Bias connection of Origami repaired --> lower noise on p-side

Entry  Fri Oct 8 18:12:43 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, run, run054, 90000, 08.10.2010 18:08:48, 08.10.2010 21:49:36  

Belle stack w/o Origami2 after irradiation

HV=80V I=224uA (beginning of run)

2 suspicious APVs on Micron n side

xy-table position 7 / 30 / 277.5 (shoots at the smaller edge of the trapezoidal sensor)


telescope run 20195

Entry  Fri Oct 8 17:26:36 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, cal, cal015, 83800, 08.10.2010 17:22:44,  

Belle stack without Origami2
HV=11V I=32uA

beam on

2 suspicious APVs on n side of Micron due to burnt strip

trying to identify problematic Micron n side channels with low bias voltage (APV22 baseline saturates at higher bias)

Entry  Fri Oct 8 18:12:15 2010, Christian Irmler, BELLE, run, run053, 98000, 08.10.2010 00:33:14, 08.10.2010 13:36:57 

Belle stack w/o Origami2 after irradiation
Telescope position 55/30/277.5
NIM trigger

temperature of chiller set to 15°C

Analog signal of APVs #22 and #23 has been bound to ground after 1200 events.

Entry  Wed Oct 6 23:48:49 2010, Markus Friedl, BELLE, run, run052, 165789, 06.10.2010 23:47:12, 07.10.2010 08:43:42 

Belle stack without Origami2
HV=80V I=217uA
telescope setting 103 / 30 / 277.5
telescope run 20184

temperature of chiller set to 15°C

beam stopped at 7.10. 08:00 sharp, no beam until 8.10 - 8:00 according to SPS Page 1. We keep DAQ and telescope running and cross our fingers for at least some spills of particles.


Irradiated micron module 2, n-side: excessive hit count on channels at the edges of the APV chips - no such thing on the p-side

Entry  Wed Oct 6 23:03:15 2010, Marko Dragicevic, BELLE, cal, cal014, 83800, 06.10.2010 23:01:56, 06.10.2010 23:34:07 

Belle stack without Origami2
HV=80V I=227uA

beam on

Entry  Wed Oct 6 16:33:55 2010, Markus Friedl, Micron Baby, run, run051, 90000, 06.10.2010 16:32:03, 06.10.2010 20:59:58 

8 x Micron Baby (3 irradiated), no cooling
HV=100V I=209uA (start of run, still rising); 203uA (end of run)
beam on, NIM trigger from TLU (no handshake)
telescope position 131 / 53.5 / 7.5

no telescope run - being tuned (some intervals during data taking are possible)


Entry  Wed Oct 6 11:59:29 2010, Markus Friedl, Micron Baby, run, run050, 90000, 06.10.2010 11:57:55, 06.10.2010 15:30:37 

8 x Micron Baby (3 irradiated), no cooling
HV=100V I=141uA (start of run)
beam on
telescope position 118 / 41.1 / 7.5


no telescope run

Entry  Wed Oct 6 11:51:25 2010, Thomas Bergauer, Micron Baby, run, run049, 4489, 06.10.2010 11:38:21, 06.10.2010 11:49:23 
8 x Micron Baby (3 irradiated), no cooling
HV=100V I=141uA (start of run)

beam on 

not yet optimized XY-table positions (111/43.5/7.5)

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b