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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS June 2009, Page 6 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sat Aug 22 13:28:53 2009, Wolfgang Kiesenhofer, Pt_ITE512, runlist for pt-module angle-scan, , , ,  

Preliminary run list for pt-modules + ite512 + silc1, silc2, silc5, silc6

run angle[deg] pos height (xy-table) importance events
1 1 center module   + 10k
2 2 center module   + 10k
3 3 center module   + 10k
4 4 center module   + 10k 
5 5 center module   + 10k 
6 6 center module   + 10k 
7 7 center module   + 10k 
8 8 center module   +  10k
9 9 center module   +  10k
10 10 center module   +  10k
11 12 center module   + 10k 
12 14 center module   - 10k 
13 16 center module   - 10k
14 0 center module   + ? depends on ite512
15 0 upper pos   + 10k
16 0 lower pos   + 10k


Entry  Sat Aug 22 15:12:44 2009, Thomas Bergauer, common, beam profile, , , ,  20090822_1511_beam_conditions.jpg

playing with TRIM4 in vertical plane (setting to 20A current) shifted beamspot back to center position

Beam configuration:
Beam configuration file: H6b.802 (FM HAD (P0 off, H8=+180) PARLALLEL IN H6B SILC 2008

Rate: 3.35E5 particles/spill (measured with SCINT8 in beamline)

Particle Production Applet
Calculator applet

For +120 Gev/c beam:

Pi+ 55.67 %
p 38.95 %
K+ 5.38 %

Entry  Sun Aug 23 13:15:42 2009, Marko Dragicevic, Pt_ITE512, Current and Humindity during first Run, , , ,  IandRH_first_Pt_run.pngPicture_1.png

Current of Pt modules during first run

Data of the run was dicarded.

Compressed air flow was at ~2 bars during run. Graph shows RH rise after switching of CA flow. Restarted at around 7% with very low pressure.

Timescales for RH and I graph are different!!!

after 3 hours first bottle of compressed air (dewpoint -170 degree C) is gone and sensor Pt-h01 starts to fluctuate again


Current of ITE512 plus 2 SiLC08 modules

HV=70V, Current: 25uA first, 29uA then, 35uA latest. now stable


Entry  Sun Aug 23 23:38:27 2009, Georg Auzinger, , Phone numbers, , , ,  

 Georg #70

Wolfgang - Building: 41, Room: 204, Tel: ?

Manfred: Building 38, Room 522, Tel: 70522

Chrisu: B39, room 309, Tel: 79309

Bergi: Tel Zimmer: 79112, Handy: 16-2471

Maks: Tel Zimmer: 79117

Entry  Tue Aug 25 09:00:51 2009, Thomas Bergauer, , beam conditions, , , ,  magnet_settings_withH6B.802.jpg20090825_0859_beam_conditions.jpg

manually changed TRIM3, TRIM4 and TRIM6

Entry  Fri Dec 4 12:21:56 2009, Wolfgang Kiesenhofer, , ITE128 strip correlation kendall tau (preliminary result), , , ,  stripcorr_mod1_thrs5_ktau_ev100000_run002_strip.pdfstripcorr_mod2_thrs5_ktau_ev100000_run002_strip.pdfstripcorr_mod6_thrs5_ktau_ev100000_run002_strip.pdf

Kendall tau (rank correlation) for module 1 (single layer 1 / h13), module 2 (single layer 2 / h14),  module 6 (standard sensor 2 / h12)



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