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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS June 2008, Page 4 of 4  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Project Subjectdown Run Number Events StartTime EndTime
  18   Sat May 31 17:36:14 2008 Markus FriedlSiLCAPVDAQ + telescope (0-sup)run271810000031.05.2008 16:21:5731.05.2008 21:08:32
SiLC beam test - CERN SPS June 2008
8 modules, HV=100V, 40MHz, 6 samples, hor stage :=+2 mm
trigger: 9 mm opening, TLUControl.exe -d 10 -a 12 (now for real)
telescope: zero supressed, new firmware

- long break in the middle due to power outage after thunderstorm

horizontal position ("target") = +2.0mm - after we decided to scan the whole area in 3 steps
this is RIGHT position

all 3 positions are:
RIGHT: +2.00 mm    <--- this run
MID:   -2.75 mm
LEFT:  -7.50 mm
  20   Sat May 31 22:54:29 2008 Markus FriedlSiLCAPVDAQ + telescope (0-sup)run271910000031.05.2008 22:34:3801.06.2008 01:49:30
SiLC beam test - CERN SPS June 2008
8 modules, HV=100V, 40MHz, 6 samples, hor stage :=-2.75 mm
trigger: 9 mm opening, TLUControl.exe -d 10 -a 12 (now for real)
telescope: zero supressed, new firmware

horizontal position ("target") = -2.75mm
this is MID position
  21   Sun Jun 1 01:56:47 2008 Markus FriedlSiLCAPVDAQ + telescope (0-sup)run272010000001.06.2008 01:51:4501.06.2008 07:48:09
SiLC beam test - CERN SPS June 2008
8 modules, HV=100V, 40MHz, 6 samples, hor stage :=-7.5 mm
trigger: 9 mm opening, TLUControl.exe -d 10 -a 12
telescope: zero supressed, new firmware

horizontal position ("target") = -7.5mm
this is LEFT position
  52   Tue Jun 3 02:38:21 2008 Markus FriedlBELLEAPVDAQ + telescope (0-sup)run282910500003.06.2008 02:29:5103.06.2008 09:08:58
SiLC beam test - CERN SPS June 2008
4 Belle modules, 40MHz, HV=80V, 6 samples
trigger: 9 mm opening, TLUControl.exe -d 10 -a 12
telescope: 0sup., new firmware

Flex_Module has only 1 working APV - control bonds suffered during transportation

Position is approximately similar to KEK Nov 2007, however it appears like JP_module is flipped (up-down) w.r.t.
to other modules
  66   Tue Jun 3 18:17:47 2008 Markus FriedlSiLCAPVDAQ + telescope (0-sup)run283847815903.06.2008 18:38:0704.06.2008 10:41:51
SiLC beam test - CERN SPS June 2008
HV=100V, xy "telescope"
8 modules, 40MHz, 6 samples, position centered
trigger: 9 mm opening, TLUControl.exe -d 10 -a 12
telescope: 0sup., new firmware

this is a run where modules 0,2,4,6 are in normal position, while modules 1,3,5,7 are rotated by 90 deg
(counterclockwise as seen by the beam) and flipped (back<->forth) in order to achieve the minimum spacing
(~10.3mm) between "corresponding" x and y planes.
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b