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  MedAustron 2021, Page 5 of 18  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Subject Run Number DUT Beam Energy Rate Setting Particle Type Events Data Beam Betatron Beam Chopper Beam Degraderdown Beam EFE Beam Orb Beam QuadScan PhantomType PhantomAngle
  97   Sat Feb 27 19:01:26 2021 Felix Ulrich-PurWaveforms SiC+Si23SiC+Si+RaMon400.8nominalCarbon Good  10     

Start 14:18 

14:30 enter room request: abbau and shielding was activated, called RP, removed SiC+Si Setup+Al shielding of DSSDs

Degrader 10, Carbon
Messung bis 14:24

danach neue Aufzeichnung (Hintergrundstrahlung) Start ca 14:25

channel 1 : Si upstream
channel 2: SiC downstream

400 V Bias

Referenz: 2.100 V channel 2, 0-Level: 2.310V channel 2
Referenz: 2.477V channel 1, 0-Level: 2.315V channel 1


x = 8
y = 68

  169   Tue Mar 16 15:10:11 2021 Patrick SiebererPad Sensoren24 252.7nominalProton Good  10   none 

Start: 13:57
Range Shifter Out, Filter 1 IN, Filter 2 IN

  236   Sun Jun 20 19:40:12 2021 Felix Ulrich-PurHADES increased rate 10HADES-LGADs800nominalProton Good  10   none0

TB 19.6.21

Start 21:50

Nominal flux degrader 10: mean rate O(200MHz)

  244   Sun Jun 20 20:05:38 2021 Felix Ulrich-PurHADES testrun with increased rate 800MeV17HADES-LGADs800nominalProton Good  10   none0

TB 20.6.21

Start 20:10
Mean rate O(200MHz)

  261   Thu Oct 7 11:03:37 2021 Philipp GagglPad Sensoren27SiC+Si120 Carbon Unknown  10     

beamtime on 18.09.2021
CH1: SiC
CH3: Si
Bias_Si: -100 V
Bias_SiC: 1100 V

  262   Thu Oct 7 11:07:08 2021 Philipp GagglPad Sensoren28SiC+Si402.8 Carbon Unknown  10     

beamtime on 18.09.2021
CH1: SiC
CH3: Si
Bias_Si: -100 V
Bias_SiC: 1100 V

  263   Thu Oct 7 11:08:16 2021 Philipp GagglPad Sensoren29SiC+Si213.4 Carbon Unknown  10     

beamtime on 18.09.2021
CH1: SiC
CH3: Si
Bias_Si: -100 V
Bias_SiC: 1100 V

  264   Thu Oct 7 11:08:51 2021 Philipp GagglPad Sensoren30SiC+Si306.2 Carbon Unknown  10     

beamtime on 18.09.2021
CH1: SiC
CH3: Si
Bias_Si: -100 V
Bias_SiC: 1100 V

  265   Thu Oct 7 11:10:54 2021 Philipp GagglPad Sensoren31SiC+Si120 Carbon Unknown  10     

beamtime on 18.09.2021
CH1: SiC
CH3: Si
Bias_Si: -100 V
Bias_SiC: 800 V

  266   Thu Oct 7 11:11:19 2021 Philipp GagglPad Sensoren32SiC+Si120 Carbon Unknown  10     

beamtime on 18.09.2021
CH1: SiC
CH3: Si
Bias_Si: -100 V
Bias_SiC: 600 V

  267   Thu Oct 7 11:11:42 2021 Philipp GagglPad Sensoren33SiC+Si120 Carbon Unknown  10     

beamtime on 18.09.2021
CH1: SiC
CH3: Si
Bias_Si: -100 V
Bias_SiC: 400 V

  268   Thu Oct 7 11:12:10 2021 Philipp GagglPad Sensoren34SiC+Si62.4 Proton Unknown  10     

beamtime on 18.09.2021
CH1: SiC
CH3: Si
Bias_Si: -100 V
Bias_SiC: 400 V

  269   Thu Oct 7 11:12:44 2021 Philipp GagglPad Sensoren35SiC+Si62.4 Proton Unknown  10     

beamtime on 18.09.2021
CH1: SiC
CH3: Si
Bias_Si: -100 V
Bias_SiC: 600 V

  270   Thu Oct 7 11:13:05 2021 Philipp GagglPad Sensoren36SiC+Si62.4 Proton Unknown  10     

beamtime on 18.09.2021
CH1: SiC
CH3: Si
Bias_Si: -100 V
Bias_SiC: 800 V

  271   Thu Oct 7 11:13:21 2021 Philipp GagglPad Sensoren37SiC+Si62.4 Proton Unknown  10     

beamtime on 18.09.2021
CH1: SiC
CH3: Si
Bias_Si: -100 V
Bias_SiC: 1100 V

  285   Sun Nov 7 19:00:54 2021 Felix Ulrich-PurPeakfinder WET meas 7.11.2113 175.3nominal  Good  10   none 

Start: 08:30
WET measurement of PMMA slabs also used for TOF-CT (GSI)

coarse run (to find Bragg range

  286   Sun Nov 7 19:02:25 2021 Felix Ulrich-PurPeakfinder WET meas 7.11.2114 175.3nominal  Good  10   none 

Start: 08:55
WET measurement of PMMA slabs also used for TOF-CT (GSI)

reference run (with Arduino Spill Start/Stop logic)
fringes in Bragg peak (trigger not optimal (maybe too much latency with Arduino))--> next measurement with "Accumalte Charge" instead of "Spill Start/Stop"

  287   Sun Nov 7 19:04:10 2021 Felix Ulrich-PurPeakfinder WET meas 7.11.2115 175.3nominal  Good  10   none 

Start: 09:14
WET measurement of PMMA slabs also used for TOF-CT (GSI)

reference run
"Accumalte Charge"

  288   Sun Nov 7 19:05:15 2021 Felix Ulrich-PurPeakfinder WET meas 7.11.2116 175.3nominal  Good  10   none 

Start: 09:38
WET measurement of PMMA slabs also used for TOF-CT (GSI)

1cm PMMA
"Accumalte Charge"

PMMA was activated. Had to wait ~10-15min after measurement

  289   Sun Nov 7 19:06:06 2021 Felix Ulrich-PurPeakfinder WET meas 7.11.2117 175.3nominal  Good  10   none 

Start: 10:06
WET measurement of PMMA slabs also used for TOF-CT (GSI)

2cm PMMA
"Accumalte Charge"

PMMA was activated. Had to wait ~10-15min after measurement

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b