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  MedAustron 2019, Page 7 of 7  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Subjectdown DUT Beam Energy Beam Setting Run Number Events PhantomType PhantomAngle Text Attachments
  77   Fri Oct 25 18:56:11 2019 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f proton CTSketch    none Spot sizes table: SpotsForBeamSettings.csv

Empirics, such as P2, P25, Median,
P75 and P98 were obtained directly from the
  127   Fri Jan 24 09:33:12 2020 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f MaltaPixMALTA800EFE 1us , Degrader20, changed gain orb, no betatron, chopper 601017 none Corresponds to DSSD tracker Run
8 (https://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-MA2019/10)
  128   Fri Jan 24 09:39:08 2020 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f MaltaPixMALTA145.4EFE, QuadScan SID21018 Alu0Corresponds to DSSD tracker Run
9 (https://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-MA2019/11)
  129   Fri Jan 24 09:40:11 2020 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f MaltaPixMALTA145.4EFE, QuadScan SID21019 Alu20Corresponds to DSSD tracker Run 10 (https://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-MA2019/14)

Trigger: Coincidence using
  130   Fri Jan 24 09:42:59 2020 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f MaltaPixMALTA145.4EFE, QuadScan SID21020 Alu20Corresponds to DSSD tracker Run 11
  131   Fri Jan 24 09:44:49 2020 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f MaltaPixMALTA145.4EFE, QuadScan SID21022 Alu20Corresponds to DSSD tracker Run 12
  132   Fri Jan 24 09:45:52 2020 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f MaltaPixMALTA145.4EFE, QuadScan SID21023 Alu40Corresponds to DSSD tracker Run 13
  99   Tue Oct 29 14:13:20 2019 Alexander Burker 2019-10-25 Low Flux   36656none    00-000003-debug.root-ghostLocations_4.1.1.0-Empirics.png00-000003-debug.root-ghostLocations_4.1.1.1-Empirics.png 
  1   Sat Jul 13 12:14:55 2019 Thomas Bergauer Drehtisch      Settings   Bildschirmfoto_2019-07-13_um_12.13.24.pngBildschirmfoto_2019-07-13_um_12.13.35.png 
  Draft   Sat Jul 13 13:34:40 2019 Thomas Bergauer DSSD-Tracker800EFE_quad22 nonealignment run    
  16   Sat Jul 13 20:17:38 2019 Felix Ulrich-Pur TERA-Cal800   none Calibrated Voltage settings

P Voltage: 69V

Q Voltage: 76,8V
  46   Tue Sep 24 11:12:45 2019 Alexander Burker Sketch      Notes of the planned order of modules within
beam (and reserve modules), before switching
out the first one
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