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  MedAustron 2019, Page 3 of 7  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Subject DUT Beam Energy Beam Setting Run Number Events PhantomType PhantomAngledown
  14   Sat Jul 13 19:09:24 2019 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f proton CTDrehtisch145.4EFE, QuadScan SID210403192Alu20

Trigger: Coincidence using Scintillators


timing setting 41



  15   Sat Jul 13 19:54:19 2019 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f proton CTDrehtisch145.4EFE, QuadScan SID211402830Alu20

Trigger: Coincidence using Scintillators


timing setting 41



  17   Sat Jul 13 20:31:25 2019 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f proton CTDrehtisch145.4EFE, QuadScan SID212420714Alu20

Trigger: Coincidence using Scintillators


timing setting 41



  129   Fri Jan 24 09:40:11 2020 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f MaltaPixMALTA145.4EFE, QuadScan SID21019 Alu20

Corresponds to DSSD tracker Run 10 (https://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-MA2019/14)

Trigger: Coincidence using Scintillators

  130   Fri Jan 24 09:42:59 2020 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f MaltaPixMALTA145.4EFE, QuadScan SID21020 Alu20

Corresponds to DSSD tracker Run 11 (https://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-MA2019/15)

Trigger: Coincidence using Scintillators

  131   Fri Jan 24 09:44:49 2020 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f MaltaPixMALTA145.4EFE, QuadScan SID21022 Alu20

Corresponds to DSSD tracker Run 12 (https://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-MA2019/17)

Trigger: Coincidence using Scintillators


  11   Sat Jul 13 17:30:56 2019 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f proton CTDrehtisch145.4EFE, QuadScan SID291202312Alu0

Trigger: Coincidence using Scintillators


timing setting 41



  45   Sun Jul 14 21:51:01 2019 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f proton CTDrehtisch252.7EFE, QuadScan SID04043679Alu0

Trigger: Coincidence using MaltaPix, planes 1 and 3


timing setting 43



  120   Tue Nov 26 13:39:51 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDrehtisch100.4 42 Alu0

2019-11-24 17:21

TERA DAQ failed

  121   Tue Nov 26 13:40:21 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDrehtisch100.4 43313433Alu0

2019-11-24 17:21

Run was interrupted to re-load config. A regular pattern in the hit maps suggested a problem with FIR, however the data looks good and a projection could be reconstructed

  122   Tue Nov 26 13:46:13 2019 Alexander Burker2019-11-23f proton CTDrehtisch100.4 44687822Alu0

2019-11-24 17:54

I've forgotten to increment run number before pressing start. Run 43 was likely renamed to oldName_2019-11-24….xml and .dat

To correctly filter the issues due to FIR, Hao suggested using a neighbor cut of 15 to 20.

  128   Fri Jan 24 09:39:08 2020 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f MaltaPixMALTA145.4EFE, QuadScan SID21018 Alu0

Corresponds to DSSD tracker Run 9 (https://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-MA2019/11)

Trigger: Coincidence using Scintillators

  1   Sat Jul 13 12:14:55 2019 Thomas Bergauer Drehtisch      


Attachment 1: Bildschirmfoto_2019-07-13_um_12.13.24.png
Attachment 2: Bildschirmfoto_2019-07-13_um_12.13.35.png
  2   Sat Jul 13 13:32:30 2019 Thomas Bergauer2019-07-13f proton CTDSSD-Tracker EFE, QuadScan SID21 none 

Trigger: Coincidence using Scintillators

timing setting 41 (*32ns)

using 16ns cables from our scintialltors to TLU

  12   Sat Jul 13 18:42:24 2019 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f proton CTSketch pCT Setup    

Big Line: DSSD
Small Line: Malta
Small Square: Phantom
Small Rectangle: Trigger Scintillator
Big Rectangle: TERA

Beam is coming in from Left to Right

Attachment 1: image.png
Attachment 2: Shift_13_(2).png
  13   Sat Jul 13 18:52:33 2019 Alexander Burker2019-07-13f proton CTSketch TERA Calibration Setup    
Attachment 1: Image.png
  16   Sat Jul 13 20:17:38 2019 Felix Ulrich-Pur TERA-Cal800   none 

Calibrated Voltage settings

P Voltage: 69V

Q Voltage: 76,8V

R Voltage: 68,65V

S Voltage: 68,9 V

Attachment 1: DACsettings_after_calibration.txt
1    P    1    1,000000
2    R    1    1,650000
3    P    2    1,500000
4    R    2    2,000000
5    P    3    1,600000
6    R    3    0,900000
7    P    4    1,500000
8    R    4    0,700000
9    P    5    1,200000
10    R    5    0,200000
11    P    6    1,500000
12    R    6    0,900000
13    P    7    1,400000
14    R    7    1,100000
15    P    8    1,000000
16    R    8    1,500000
17    P    9    1,800000
18    R    9    1,300000
19    P    10    1,500000
20    R    10    0,700000
21    P    11    1,300000
22    R    11    1,000000
23    P    12    1,500000
24    R    12    1,500000
25    Q    1    0,000000
26    S    1    0,900000
27    Q    2    0,400000
28    S    2    1,300000
29    Q    3    0,700000
30    S    3    2,100000
31    Q    4    0,000000
32    S    4    0,800000
33    Q    5    0,400000
34    S    5    1,300000
35    Q    6    0,400000
36    S    6    1,100000
37    Q    7    0,500000
38    S    7    0,800000
39    Q    8    1,000000
40    S    8    1,300000
41    Q    9    1,000000
42    S    9    1,300000
43    Q    10    0,900000
44    S    10    1,300000
45    Q    11    0,300000
46    S    11    1,500000
47    Q    12    1,000000
48     S    12    1,500000
  46   Tue Sep 24 11:12:45 2019 Alexander Burker Sketch      

Notes of the planned order of modules within beam (and reserve modules), before switching out the first one

Attachment 1: Modules.jpg
  47   Fri Oct 25 18:09:21 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 800EFE 1us, Degrader10, changed gain orb, gain 6, betatron10, no chopper122743none 



tracker was not properly configured at the beginning, but now is working
many empty spills

  48   Fri Oct 25 18:21:58 2019 Alexander Burker2019-10-20 Low Flux 800EFE 1us, Degrader20, changed gain orb, gain 6, no betatron, chopper 60222841none 



lots of empty spills

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