Remarks: Telescope run 545. Bias voltage 100 V. Beam position on only one chip.
Telescope 1316
Threshold 80
Mapsa CLK Delay 0
Reference Plane Lost aber Anfang Gut
Telescope 1314
Telescope 1312
Carbon fiber broken at 2:20 AM. Alignement check.
3Remarks: Telescope run 547. Bias scan 140 V.
240 deg (parallel to tele. planes)
Remarks: Telescope run 535. Bias scan 100 V. Run crashed over night. Telescope sync only up to event 190000 (planned 2500000 events).
Telescope 1296
Threshold 90
Telescope 1294
Mapsa CLK Delay 24 ns
Telescope 1292
Mapsa CLK Delay 22 ns
Mapsa CLK Delay 20 ns
Telescope 1288
Mapsa CLK Delay 18 ns
Telescope 1286
Mapsa CLK Delay 16 ns
Telescope 1284
Mapsa CLK Delay 14 ns
Telescope 1282
Mapsa CLK Delay 12 ns
Telescope 1280
Mapsa CLK Delay 10 ns
Telescope 1278
Reference out of sync
Mapsa CLK Delay 8 ns
Telescope 1276
Telescope 1274
Mapsa CLK Delay 6 ns