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  Testbeam at DESY in October 2024, Page 18 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Author Subject Run Number DUT Biasing Beam Energy thr HV scan-val Data t-Start t-Stopdown Duration_min
  203   Thu Oct 3 17:13:03 2024 tb-crewinceasing bias182V W8-1E15Topside4.20.97-300 Unknown03.10.2024 17:12:0403.10.2024 17:13:291
automatic log for run 182
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
00 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -300
max_current = 300e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 0.97
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  202   Thu Oct 3 17:11:01 2024 tb-crewinceasing bias181V W8-1E15Topside4.20.97-250 Unknown03.10.2024 17:11:2003.10.2024 17:11:280
automatic log for run 181
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
00 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -250
max_current = 300e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 0.97
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  201   Thu Oct 3 17:10:09 2024 tb-crewinceasing bias180V W8-1E15Topside4.20.97-190 Unknown03.10.2024 17:10:0003.10.2024 17:10:360
automatic log for run 180
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
00 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -190
max_current = 300e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 0.97
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  198   Thu Oct 3 16:51:59 2024 tb-crewminimizing Thr179V W8-1E15Topside4.20.97-190 Unknown03.10.2024 16:30:4403.10.2024 16:52:2621
automatic log for run 179
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
00 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -190
max_current = 300e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 0.97
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  197   Thu Oct 3 16:28:44 2024 tb-crewminimizing Thr178V W8-1E15Topside4.20.95-190 Unknown03.10.2024 16:29:0603.10.2024 16:29:110
automatic log for run 178
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
00 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -190
max_current = 300e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 0.95
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  196   Thu Oct 3 16:27:58 2024 tb-crewminimizing Thr177V W8-1E15Topside4.21.0-190 Unknown03.10.2024 16:28:1503.10.2024 16:28:250
automatic log for run 177
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
00 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -190
max_current = 300e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.0
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  195   Thu Oct 3 16:26:59 2024 tb-crewstd settings176V W8-1E15Topside4.21.10-190 Unknown03.10.2024 15:36:4303.10.2024 16:27:2550
automatic log for run 176
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
00 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -190
max_current = 300e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.10
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  192   Thu Oct 3 15:34:27 2024 tb-crew1st tests175V W8-1E15Topside4.21.10-190 Unknown03.10.2024 14:48:3203.10.2024 15:34:5346
automatic log for run 175
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt

Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -190
max_current = 300e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.10
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  191   Thu Oct 3 14:41:37 2024 tb-crew1st tests174V W8-1E15Topside4.21.10-190 Unknown03.10.2024 14:40:4103.10.2024 14:42:031
automatic log for run 174
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0 
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt

Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -190
max_current = 300e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.10
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  190   Thu Oct 3 14:40:03 2024 tb-crew1st tests173V W8-1E15Topside4.21.10-190 Unknown03.10.2024 14:40:1803.10.2024 14:40:300
automatic log for run 173
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0 
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt

Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -190
max_current = 300e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.10
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  189   Thu Oct 3 14:39:09 2024 tb-crew1st tests172V W8-1E15Topside4.21.10-189 Unknown03.10.2024 14:36:1703.10.2024 14:39:363
automatic log for run 172
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0 
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt

Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -189
max_current = 300e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.10
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  188   Thu Oct 3 14:23:55 2024 tb-crew1st tests171V W8-1E15Topside4.21.10-190 Unknown03.10.2024 14:24:1703.10.2024 14:24:210
automatic log for run 171
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0 
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt

Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -190
max_current = 50e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.10
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  187   Thu Oct 3 14:19:23 2024 tb-crew1st tests170V W8-1E15Topside4.21.10-410 Unknown03.10.2024 14:19:4603.10.2024 14:19:490
automatic log for run 170
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0 
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
00 00 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 01 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 02 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 05 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 06 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 07 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 08 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 09 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 10 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 11 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 12 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 13 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 14 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 15 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 16 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 17 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 18 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 19 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 20 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 21 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 22 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 23 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 24 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 25 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 26 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 27 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 28 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 29 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 35 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 36 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 37 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 38 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 39 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 40 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 41 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 42 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 43 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 44 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 45 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 46 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 47 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 48 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 49 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 50 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 51 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 52 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 53 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 54 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 55 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 56 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 57 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 58 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 59 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 60 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 61 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 62 1 0 0 0 -1 
00 63 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 00 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 01 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 02 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 05 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 06 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 07 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 08 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 09 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 10 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 11 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 12 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 13 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 14 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 15 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 16 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 17 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 18 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 19 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 20 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 21 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 22 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 23 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 24 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 25 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 26 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 27 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 28 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 29 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 35 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 36 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 37 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 38 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 39 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 40 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 41 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 42 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 43 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 44 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 45 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 46 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 47 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 48 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 49 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 50 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 51 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 52 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 53 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 54 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 55 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 56 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 57 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 58 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 59 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 60 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 61 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 62 1 0 0 0 -1 
01 63 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 00 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 01 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 02 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 05 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 06 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 07 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 08 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 09 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 10 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 11 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 12 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 13 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 14 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 15 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 16 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 17 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 18 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 19 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 20 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 21 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 22 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 23 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 24 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 25 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 26 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 27 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 28 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 29 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 35 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 36 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 37 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 38 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 39 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 40 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 41 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 42 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 43 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 44 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 45 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 46 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 47 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 48 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 49 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 50 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 51 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 52 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 53 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 54 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 55 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 56 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 57 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 58 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 59 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 60 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 61 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 62 1 0 0 0 -1 
02 63 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 00 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 01 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 02 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 05 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 06 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 07 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 08 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 09 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 10 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 11 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 12 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 13 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 14 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 15 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 16 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 17 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 18 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 19 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 20 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 21 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 22 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 23 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 24 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 25 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 26 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 27 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 28 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 29 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 35 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 36 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 37 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 38 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 39 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 40 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 41 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 42 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 43 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 44 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 45 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 46 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 47 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 48 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 49 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 50 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 51 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 52 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 53 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 54 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 55 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 56 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 57 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 58 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 59 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 60 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 61 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 62 1 0 0 0 -1 
03 63 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 00 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 01 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 02 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 05 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 06 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 07 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 08 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 09 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 10 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 11 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 12 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 13 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 14 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 15 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 16 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 17 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 18 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 19 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 20 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 21 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 22 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 23 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 24 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 25 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 26 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 27 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 28 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 29 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 30 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 31 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 32 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 33 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 34 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 35 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 36 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 37 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 38 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 39 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 40 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 41 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 42 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 43 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 44 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 45 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 46 1 0 0 0 -1 
04 47 1 0 0 0 -1 
... 3674 more lines ...
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -410
max_current = 1e-3
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.10
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  183   Thu Oct 3 12:42:48 2024 tb-crewtrying for data169V W3-1W16Topside4.21.10-410 Unknown03.10.2024 12:43:0403.10.2024 12:43:140
automatic log for run 169
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0  
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -410
max_current = 1e-3
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.10
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  182   Thu Oct 3 12:39:49 2024 tb-crewtrying for data168V W3-1W16Topside4.21.10-410 Unknown03.10.2024 12:32:2503.10.2024 12:40:157
automatic log for run 168
adjusted bias and several DACs
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -410
max_current = 1e-3
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.10
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  181   Thu Oct 3 12:31:16 2024 tb-crewtrying for data167V W3-1W16Topside4.21.10-400 Unknown03.10.2024 12:31:3203.10.2024 12:31:430
automatic log for run 167
adjusted bias and several DACs
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -400
max_current = 600e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.10
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  180   Thu Oct 3 12:30:28 2024 tb-crewtrying for data166V W3-1W16Topside4.21.10-350 Unknown03.10.2024 12:28:4203.10.2024 12:30:552
automatic log for run 166
adjusted bias and several DACs
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -350
max_current = 600e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.10
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  179   Thu Oct 3 12:27:34 2024 tb-crewtrying for data165V W3-1W16Topside4.21.07-350 Unknown03.10.2024 12:27:4603.10.2024 12:28:010
automatic log for run 165
adjusted bias and several DACs
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -350
max_current = 600e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.07
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  178   Thu Oct 3 12:26:44 2024 tb-crewtrying for data164V W3-1W16Topside4.21.07-350 Unknown03.10.2024 12:26:2103.10.2024 12:27:110
automatic log for run 164
adjusted bias and several DACs
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -350
max_current = 600e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.07
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
  177   Thu Oct 3 12:25:11 2024 tb-crewtrying for data163V W3-1W16Topside4.21.05-350 Unknown03.10.2024 12:25:2003.10.2024 12:25:370
automatic log for run 163
adjusted bias and several DACs
Attachment 1: peary_config.cfg
#This config file was generated with the "MPW3_gui - Config Creator"
#Do not change comment lines like "SEC::xxx" !
#They are needed for parsing

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_base.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 1
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x41
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_base.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 4
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 50
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
bl__u = 0.9
bl__i = 3
del_hi__u = 0.7
del_hi__i = 3
del_lo__u = 0.9
del_lo__i = 3
inj__u = 0
inj__i = 3
p1v3_vssa__u = 1.3
p1v3_vssa__i = 3
p1v8_nw_ring__u = 1.8
p1v8_nw_ring__i = 3
p1v8_vdd!__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdd!__i = 3
p1v8_vdda__u = 1.8
p1v8_vdda__i = 3
p1v8_vddc__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddc__i = 3
p1v8_vddp__u = 1.8
p1v8_vddp__i = 3
p1v8_vsensbus__u = 1.8
p1v8_vsensbus__i = 3
p2v5d__u = 2.5
p2v5d__i = 3
th__u = 1
th__i = 3

this_config_file = config.cfg
calib_file = calib_piggy.txt
config_si5345 = clock_config_mpw4.txt
en_freeze = 1
en_hitbus_dcols = 
en_sfout_dcol = 0
en_tb_mode = 0
execute_file = execute.txt
i2c_addr = 0x47
i2c_dev = /dev/i2c-9
inj_t0 = 0
matrix_config = matrix_mpw4_piggy.txt

conf_reg_ts_ctrl = 2
conf_reg_ts_ini = 0
cu_ctrl = 0
en_ext_ctrl = 0
en_ser_out_dcol = 0
en_sfout_dcol = 0
fei3_pulldn = 0
fei3_read = 3
idle0 = 251
idle1 = 247
idle2 = 247
idle3 = 247
tx_ctrl = 0
vbfb = 38
vblr = 38
vn = 21
vnfb = 18
vnsensbias = 50
vnsf = 45
vpbias = 37
vpcomp = 19
vptrim = 36

# voltages with suffix "__u", currents with "__i"
Attachment 2: matrix_mpw4_base.txt
# Config-File of the Pixel-Matrix; generated by MPW3-Config-Creator
# each line represents the configuration of an individual pixel
# format: {row} {col} {masked} {en_inj} {en_hb} {en_sfout} {trimDAC} 

# default values (which are not printed) are:
# {row} {col} 0 0 0 0 -1 
Attachment 3: mpw4.conf


verbose= 1
skipconf= 0
confid= 20201311
delayStart= 200  

#  4-bits to determine direction of HDMI pins
HDMI1_set= 0x7 #1= output (driven by TLU), 0 = input. bit 0=CONT, 1=SPARE, 2=TRIG, 3=BUSY for eudet, Busy needs to be 0. (0b0111 = 0x7)
HDMI2_set= 0x7
HDMI3_set= 0x7
HDMI4_set= 0x7
#  Clock source (0= no clock, 1= Si5345, 2= FPGA)
HDMI1_clk = 1
HDMI2_clk = 1
HDMI3_clk = 1
HDMI4_clk = 1
#  Enable/Disable clock on differential LEMO
LEMOclk = 0

#PMT1_V = 0.8
#PMT2_V = 0.85
#PMT3_V = 0.8
#PMT4_V = 0.0

#trigMaskHi = 0x00000000
#trigMaskLo = 0x00000002

trigMaskHi = 0x00000001
trigMaskLo = 0x00000000

in0_DEL = 0
in0_STR = 0x3F
in1_DEL = 0
in1_STR = 1
in2_DEL = 0
in2_STR = 0x3F
in3_DEL = 0
in3_STR = 1
in4_DEL = 0
in4_STR = 0
in5_DEL = 0
in5_STR = 0

# Generate internal triggers (in Hz, 0= no triggers)
InternalTriggerFreq= 0 #4000 #00

DACThreshold0 = +0.3
DACThreshold1 = -0.04
DACThreshold2 = -0.04
DACThreshold3 = -1.2
DACThreshold4 = -1.2
DACThreshold5 = +0.3

 # DUTMask Which DUTs are on
#DUTMask= 0x3 #6 bit 0= DUT1, bit 1= DUT2, bit 2= DUT3, bit 3= DUT4
DUTMask = 0xD

 # DUTMaskMode Define AIDA (11) or EUDET (00) mode (2 bits per DUT)
DUTMaskMode = 0xF1

 # In EUDET mode: 0 = standard trigger/busy mode, 1 = raising BUSY outside handshake vetoes triggers (2 bits per DUT, 0x3= DUT 4! -backwards!)
DUTMaskModeModifier= 0x30 #0x30 #0xC0 PS: Check what this does! 0x0 würde ich hier eingeben

 # Ignore the BUSY signal for a DUT (0xF)
DUTIgnoreBusy= 0x0 #ignores triggers
DUTIgnoreShutterVeto= 0x0
EnableRecordData= 1

# EnableShutterMode: 0x0. If 1, shutter mode is enabled. If 0, shutter mode is disabled.
EnableShutterMode= 0x0
# Define which input is used for shutter source [0 - 5]
ShutterSource = 5
# 32-bit counter of clocks. Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.
InternalShutterInterval = 0
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOnTime = 0 #start of shutter after trigger
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterVetoOffTime = 0 #time after input-trigger, until first trigger is sent to output
# 32-bit counter of clocks
ShutterOffTime = 200000000 #end of shutter after trigger #200000000 = 5s (multiples of 25ns)

EUDAQ_DC= tlu_dc

EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc

files2log = "peary_config.cfg, matrix_mpw4_base.txt"
start_cmd = "./get_mpw4_configs.sh"

voltage = -350
max_current = 600e-6
ramp_step = 5
ramp_speed = 100

#EUDAQ_DC = tel_dc
#lazyFrog = -25
#register_value = 0
ThPix = 144

voltage_key = th
voltage_value = 1.05
#register_key = vnfb
#register_value = 18

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /home/silicon/external-hd/desy2410/mpw4/mpw4_run$6R$X
EUDAQ_MN = mpw4_mon

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/adenium/adenium_run$6R$X

EUDAQ_FW = native
EUDAQ_FW_PATTERN = /data1/rd50-mpw4/oct24/tlu/tlu_run$6R$X

buffer_size = 50000
update_thr = 50
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b