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  Belle/Infineon/AIDA testbeam at SPS in Nov 2014, Page 6 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Project Subject Run Numberdown Events StartTime EndTime Data
  52   Thu Nov 20 00:55:14 2014 Hao YinBelle SVDHardwareRun_007    Unknown

temp cooled see attachment

last noise run(007)



new cal run Raw, test with put fifo full flags

  53   Thu Nov 20 10:22:17 2014 Markus FriedlBelle SVDcommon    Unknown
  1. Some VME errors occured over night
  2. Optical fiber changed
  3. Situation improved


  1. L3n hybrid could not be configured by I2C
  2. Plugged cable into the former FWDn slot
  3. Fully working


  55   Thu Nov 20 10:39:11 2014 Benedikt WürknerBelle SVDPedestalRun_009    Unknown

cooled see appendix (FIRRun003)

MaxEvents 10000


  56   Thu Nov 20 10:39:13 2014 Benedikt WürknerBelle SVDPedestalRun_009    Unknown

cooled see appendix (FIRRun003)

MaxEvents 10000


  57   Thu Nov 20 10:41:54 2014 Benedikt WürknerBelle SVDCalibrationRun_005    Unknown

 cooled see appendix (FIRRun_003)


  64   Thu Nov 20 17:16:56 2014 Axel Königcommonhow to run the EUDAQ offline monitor    Unknown

YOU need

1.) Folder EUDAQ OFFLINE Monitor

2.) ROOT



1.) open command line and chose the path where OfflineMonitor is

2.)Type -i "patch of raw file" -o test.root 100

3.) helpfile typing -h

  67   Thu Nov 20 22:12:21 2014 Axel KönigcommonSPS Logbook / SPS Online Monitor    Unknown

Logbook: https://ab-dep-op-elogbook.web.cern.ch/ab-dep-op-elogbook/elogbook/secure/eLogbook.php?shiftId=1059325


Monitor:  http://op-webtools.web.cern.ch/op-webtools/vistar/vistars.php?usr=SPS1

  78   Fri Nov 21 18:23:05 2014 Axel KönigcommonNew Table Calibration    Unknown

 Nach powercut musste der Tisch neu kalibriert werden. Diese Neukalibration betrifft alle Messungen ab den ersten Messungen vom AIDA Stack.

  79   Fri Nov 21 18:35:17 2014 Axel KönigAIDAImportant: Dockbox Inverter!    Unknown

Alle AIDA runs vor run_007 hatten kein Signal auf den Sensoren 5 und 6.

Grund: Inverter auf N Seite war im config file noch an (von Markus behoben). 

Runs vor 007 können noch verwendet werden obwohl sensoren 5 und 6 negative Events lieferten (kommt aber auf das negative Limit an). 

  80   Fri Nov 21 19:05:27 2014 Hao YinBelle SVDFIRRun_004  Fri Nov 21 19:05:23 CET 2014 Unknown

New ADC delay scan. cooled, -25 temperature


  81   Fri Nov 21 19:10:09 2014 Hao YinBelle SVDCalibrationRun_006    Unknown

cooled, latest ADC delay scan and FIRRun. 

  83   Fri Nov 21 19:42:36 2014 Hao Yin HardwareRun_033    Good

L6 are swapped, needs to be corrected later in the offline analysis.

cooled at -25

latest ADC delay and FIRRun



100k trigger dead time


Need to change L6n apv definition to:

mod = 9,0,1,1,1,m,29,0,0,0,0,0,0,L6_n_side

apv = 9,1,34,3,30,x,0,0,5,1,7,0,0,x
apv = 9,0,36,3,50,x,0,0,5,1,6,0,0,x
apv = 9,3,38,3,30,x,0,0,5,1,9,0,0,x
apv = 9,2,40,3,30,x,0,0,5,1,8,0,0,x

to  get the right mapping of the sensor.

Attachment 1: Temp_21-11-14.PNG
  92   Sat Nov 22 11:16:26 2014 Markus FriedlBelle SVDcooling    Unknown

Cooling box plant hung up (I2C error on Alix, persistent after reboot)

Power-cycled cooling plant, now working

Slowly cooling down again

  96   Sat Nov 22 16:43:18 2014 Axel Königcommontable, telescope and dut geometry     Unknown

geometry files

Attachment 1: geometry_table.pdf
Attachment 2: geometry_DUT.pdf
Attachment 3: geometry_infineon_batch4.pdf
Attachment 4: geometry_infineon_old.pdf
  100   Sat Nov 22 19:29:40 2014 Axel KönigAIDADUT Position    Unknown
Attachment 1: AIDA_DUT_Position.JPG
  109   Sun Nov 23 09:49:00 2014 Markus FriedlBelle SVDcooling    Unknown

Saturday evening, the cooling became unstable which indicates the end of the CO2 supply, possibly having a mixture of liquid and gas phases.

Strange oscillations observed for the DUT temperatures until the MF valve was finally turned off close to midnight.


Attachment 1: temp_last_night.png
  113   Sun Nov 23 12:39:45 2014 Axel KönigcommonPMT's of EUDET (Igor Rubinsky)    Unknown

Der zweite PM (entsprechend der Beamrichtung) war von Anfang an nicht angeschlossen an die TLU! Stattdessen war ein Atlas pixel sensor, welcher als 4ter PM fungiert angeschlossen. Genau dieser "PM" hatte 0 counts bei der TLU --> Igor sagt, dass dieser Sensor ("PM") anscheinend keine Versorgungsspannung hatte (~400V). Jetzt baut Igor diesen Atlas Sensor wieder aus und hat bereits den nicht angeschlossenen PM wieder angeschlossen an die TLU. DIeser PM zeigt aber nun zu viele counts. Deshalb behalten wir die AND mask 11 (auch jetzt bei den Belle Modulen).

  115   Sun Nov 23 15:07:54 2014 Markus FriedlBelle SVDcommon    Unknown

Geometry setup of FW/BW:

(all dimensions are in mm and refer to the sensor planes)

Attachment 1: fwbw_setup.png
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b