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  Belle/Infineon/AIDA testbeam at SPS in Nov 2014, Page 5 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
Entry  Sat Nov 22 11:16:26 2014, Markus Friedl, Belle SVD, cooling, , , , , Unknown 

Cooling box plant hung up (I2C error on Alix, persistent after reboot)

Power-cycled cooling plant, now working

Slowly cooling down again

Entry  Sat Nov 22 11:37:16 2014, Benedikt Würkner, Belle SVD, HardwareRun, 036, 450378, 2014-11-22 1:00:00, 2014-11-22 10:27:54, Unknown SPS_Testbeam-Temp.xlsxScreen_Shot_2014-11-22_at_12.41.44.png

 Not completely cooled since cooling failed at 1:42 in the night

Bias voltage set to +-60V

Some error with event no17 or 18 leading to the data not being easily analysable requiring a hack in TuxOA

Pedestal_013 (cooled)

Noisefile: HardwareRun_036.noi

Entry  Sat Nov 22 15:31:49 2014, Hao Yin, Belle SVD, HardwareRun, 038, 43788, 2014-11-22 15:18:40, , Unknown 

Cooled down to -20

Bias voltage set to +-60V

Pedestal_013 (cooled)

Noisefile: HardwareRun_036.noi

Zero suppressed

Entry  Sat Nov 22 16:04:05 2014, Axel König, Infineon, Infineon old calibration, Infineon_old_calibration, , , , Unknown 

Calibration run 


Entry  Sat Nov 22 16:43:18 2014, Axel König, common, table, telescope and dut geometry , , , , , Unknown geometry_table.pdfgeometry_DUT.pdfgeometry_infineon_batch4.pdfgeometry_infineon_old.pdf

geometry files

Entry  Sat Nov 22 16:53:39 2014, Axel König, Infineon, Infineon old, Infineon_old_run001, 55000 , , , Unknown 

Infineon old

multi hit

Voltage=300V, I=10.9797uA

(new table calibration): V:81mm, H:97mm

config: L:\cern14\AIDA

data: L:\cern14\AIDA

EUDAQ File: run000992

DaqEvents: 55000 (-600 ped)

EUDAQ EVENTS: daq events - 600 (+2 offset) 

Entry  Sat Nov 22 17:00:43 2014, Axel König, Infineon, Infineon old, damaged strixel sensors, strange IV behaviour, , , , Unknown 

1.) No events recorded for strixel sensors (run001). They seem to be damaged like they were at DESY.

2.) Very strange IV behaviour for every old Infineon module (especially TB12_baby1). 

Entry  Sat Nov 22 18:08:03 2014, Axel König, Infineon, hardware run, Infineon_old_run002, 55000, , , Unknown 

Infineon old

multi hit

Voltage=300V, I=10.9797uA

(new table calibration): V:81mm, H:102mm

config: L:\cern14\AIDA

data: L:\cern14\AIDA

EUDAQ File: run000993

DaqEvents: 55000 (-600 ped)

EUDAQ EVENTS: daq events - 600 (+2 offset) 

Entry  Sat Nov 22 19:29:40 2014, Axel König, AIDA, DUT Position, , , , , Unknown AIDA_DUT_Position.JPG
Entry  Sun Nov 23 00:20:41 2014, Axel König, Infineon, hardware run, Infineon_old_run003, 30000, , , Unknown 

Infineon old

multi hit

Voltage=300V, I=10.9797uA

(new table calibration): V:?, H:?

config: L:\cern14\AIDA

data: L:\cern14\AIDA

EUDAQ File: run000994

DaqEvents: 30000 (-600 ped)

EUDAQ EVENTS: daq events - 600 (+2 offset) 

Entry  Sun Nov 23 00:24:15 2014, Axel König, Infineon, hardware run, Infineon_old_run004, 168725, , , Unknown 

Infineon old

multi hit

Voltage=300V, I=10.6529uA

(new table calibration): V:81, H:88

config: L:\cern14\AIDA

data: L:\cern14\AIDA

EUDAQ File: run000996

DaqEvents: 168725 (-600 ped)

EUDAQ EVENTS: daq events - 600 (+2 offset) 

Entry  Sun Nov 23 00:51:07 2014, Axel König, Infineon, hardware run, Infineon_old_run005, 26569, , , Unknown 

Infineon old

multi hit

Voltage=300V, I=10.4609uA

(new table calibration): V:75, H:94.5

config: L:\cern14\AIDA

data: L:\cern14\AIDA

EUDAQ File: run000997

DaqEvents: 26569 (-600 ped)

EUDAQ EVENTS: daq events - 600 (+2 offset) 

Entry  Sun Nov 23 01:37:42 2014, Hao Yin, Belle SVD, HardwareRun, 040, 20000, 2014-11-23 01:37:00, , Unknown 

Bias voltage set to +-80V

Pedestal_015 (cooled)

"New" layout with no cooling (CO2 is no more)

Newly set values for APC Delay

New FIR Run 005

Temperature around 30 C

Bias: +-80V

Entry  Sun Nov 23 09:32:48 2014, Axel König, Infineon, hardware run, Infineon_old_run007, 63913, , , Unknown 

Infineon old

multi hit

Voltage=300V, I=10.4028uA

(new table calibration): V:75, H:96.5

config: L:\cern14\AIDA

data: L:\cern14\AIDA

EUDAQ File: run000999

DaqEvents: 63913 (-600 ped)

EUDAQ EVENTS: daq events - 600 (+2 offset)  

Entry  Sun Nov 23 09:36:27 2014, Axel König, Infineon, hardware run, Infineon_old_run006, 526562, , , Unknown 

Infineon old

multi hit

Voltage=300V, I=10.4028uA

(new table calibration): V:75, H:95

config: L:\cern14\AIDA

data: L:\cern14\AIDA

EUDAQ File: run000998

DaqEvents: 526562 (-600 ped)

EUDAQ EVENTS: daq events - 600 (+2 offset)  

Entry  Sun Nov 23 09:49:00 2014, Markus Friedl, Belle SVD, cooling, , , , , Unknown temp_last_night.png

Saturday evening, the cooling became unstable which indicates the end of the CO2 supply, possibly having a mixture of liquid and gas phases.

Strange oscillations observed for the DUT temperatures until the MF valve was finally turned off close to midnight.


Entry  Sun Nov 23 10:32:41 2014, Hao Yin, Belle SVD, PedestalRun, 016, 10000, , , Unknown 

Pedestal Run

room temperature (30C)

Bias scans planned

Entry  Sun Nov 23 10:51:49 2014, Hao Yin, Belle SVD, HardwareRun, 042, 76863, , , Unknown Temp_23-11-14.PNG

Hardware Run +-40V Bias

Room Temperature

Pedestal 016

Zero Suppressed

Entry  Sun Nov 23 12:17:59 2014, Benedikt Würkner, Belle SVD, HardwareRun, 044, 20000, , , Unknown 

Hardware Run +-30V Bias

Room Temperature

Pedestal 017 (again marked all the bad strips)

Zero Suppressed

Entry  Sun Nov 23 12:39:45 2014, Axel König, common, PMT's of EUDET (Igor Rubinsky), , , , , Unknown 

Der zweite PM (entsprechend der Beamrichtung) war von Anfang an nicht angeschlossen an die TLU! Stattdessen war ein Atlas pixel sensor, welcher als 4ter PM fungiert angeschlossen. Genau dieser "PM" hatte 0 counts bei der TLU --> Igor sagt, dass dieser Sensor ("PM") anscheinend keine Versorgungsspannung hatte (~400V). Jetzt baut Igor diesen Atlas Sensor wieder aus und hat bereits den nicht angeschlossenen PM wieder angeschlossen an die TLU. DIeser PM zeigt aber nun zu viele counts. Deshalb behalten wir die AND mask 11 (auch jetzt bei den Belle Modulen).

ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b