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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS October 2011, Page 5 of 5  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Authorup Project Subject Run Number Events StartTime EndTime Data
  55   Sun Oct 9 10:05:34 2011 Markus FriedlHPKbaby_stdcal0108380008.10.2011 13:36:2508.10.2011 13:54:07Good

no cooling
beam off; xy table position x=  y=
HV= Istart=uA;
std. I2C settings

  71   Thu Oct 20 11:49:14 2011 Markus FriedlcommonScintillator dimensions    Good
Attachment 1: bhihagag.jpg
Attachment 2: bdgaegba.jpg
  21   Mon Oct 3 20:30:14 2011 Thomas BergauercommonXY Tisch     

Grosser (DESY) Tisch:  x = -342.0    y = 343.0  (Einheiten unbekannt, möglicherweise mm)

Raten-Scan siehe gescannter Zettel im Attachment.


erster Wert: X, also horizontal (positive Zahlen: Saleve side = Restaurant Nr. 3)

zweiter Wert: Z, also Höhe (positive Zahlen nach unten)

Micron DUT: X:324, Z:103 [Einheiten in mm]


configuration: IP-Address; 2 Achsen

Attachment 1: xy-tisch-control.JPG
Attachment 2: desy_xy_table.jpg
  50   Sat Oct 8 14:33:25 2011 Thomas BergauerHPKbaby_stdrun016250k08.10.2011 14:31:40 Crap

falsches config file (single statt multi6)


no cooling
beam on; xy table position x=322  y=80
HV=200V Istart_PY=7.6uA;  Istart_N=0.42
std. I2C settings

  51   Sat Oct 8 16:35:04 2011 Thomas BergauerHPKbaby_stdrun017 08.10.2011 16:26:10 Crap

wrong timing


no cooling
beam on; xy table position x=322  y=80
HV=200V Istart_PY=7.6uA;  Istart_N=0.42
std. I2C settings

  52   Sat Oct 8 16:45:14 2011 Thomas BergauerHPKbaby_stdrun01815000008.10.2011 16:44:1308.10.2011 19:33:33Good

no cooling
beam on; xy table position x=322  y=80
HV=200V Istart_PY=8.2uA;  Istart_N=0.45uA
std. I2C settings, now with correct timing

  70   Thu Oct 13 13:08:38 2011 Thomas Bergauercommonend of success    Unknown
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