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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS June 2009, Page 3 of 6  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Authordown Project Subject Run Number Events StartTime EndTime
  32   Thu Aug 20 15:50:58 2009 Manfred Valentanalignment_laserslow control: HV graphall alignemnt_laser runs 20.08.09 10:364h 43m 52s later

blue graph: h03

white graph: h04

Attachment 1: slow_control_alignment_sensors.gif
  33   Thu Aug 20 15:54:45 2009 Manfred ValentanBELLEtemp/humidty logger data    

position: underneath telescope. dewpoint ~ 15 degree

test with chiller: running 4 hours at 15 degress: NO condensation on alu pipe

Attachment 1: easylog_under_telescope.gif
  35   Thu Aug 20 19:12:23 2009 Manfred Valentanalignment_laserbackground mesurement with laser OFFlaser0021000020.08.2009 19:10:0920.08.2009 19:11:57
  36   Thu Aug 20 19:15:29 2009 Manfred Valentanalignment_laserlaser onlaser0031000020.08.2009 19:13:0420.08.2009 19:14:49

HV=70V, 40MHz, 6 samples, beam off
5ns trigger pulse width, 1 kHz trigger,
Photodiode: pulse_width=15ns, amplitude=7mV

same settings as run laser001

  37   Thu Aug 20 19:35:06 2009 Manfred Valentanalignment_laserlaser at high intensity (saturation on near sensor, good signal on far sensor)laser00410000020.08.2009 19:18:4720.08.2009 19:35:05

HV=70V, 40MHz, 6 samples, beam off
5ns trigger pulse width, 1 kHz trigger,
Photodiode: pulse_width=50ns, amplitude=45mV

laser at high intensity (saturation on near sensor, good signal on far sensor)

attached picture shows profile of laser on far sensor creating interferences

Attachment 1: laser_interference.png
  38   Thu Aug 20 19:46:02 2009 Manfred Valentanalignment_laserlaser at high intensity, far sensor in 2nd positionlaser0055000020.08.2009 19:45:1620.08.2009 19:53:01

far sensor in 2nd position; laser at high intensity (saturation on near sensor, good signal on far sensor)

HV=70V, 40MHz, 6 samples, beam off, far sensor in 2nd position
5ns trigger pulse width, 1 kHz trigger,
Photodiode: pulse_width=50ns, amplitude=45mV


  39   Thu Aug 20 19:56:21 2009 Manfred Valentanalignment_laserbackground mesurement with laser OFFlaser00610k20.08.2009 19:54:0420.08.2009 19:55:38
  40   Thu Aug 20 20:06:06 2009 Manfred Valentanalignment_laserlow intensity (like laser001), but far sensor in 2nd positionlaser00750k20.08.2009 19:57:5220.08.2009 20:05:34

HV=70V, 40MHz, 6 samples, beam off, far sensor in 2nd position
5ns trigger pulse width, 1 kHz trigger,
Photodiode: pulse_width=15ns, amplitude=7mV

  81   Sun Aug 23 14:03:14 2009 Manfred ValentanPt_ITE512Pt & ITE512 center position, 1 degrun0242000023.08.2009 13:59:06 

Pt: 1 Grad, HV=200V, 0% RH
ITE512: HV=70V
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
Telescope: run7316

  102   Tue Aug 25 18:22:25 2009 Manfred ValentanPt_ITE512Pt_ITE512 40deg NO air! (for calibration)run04110k25.08.2009 18:20:3025.08.2009

Pt: 40 Grad, HV=200V, 36.9% (start run) to xx% (end run) RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V, I=51muA
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
  84   Sun Aug 23 23:38:27 2009 Georg Auzinger Phone numbers    

 Georg #70

Wolfgang - Building: 41, Room: 204, Tel: ?

Manfred: Building 38, Room 522, Tel: 70522

Chrisu: B39, room 309, Tel: 79309

Bergi: Tel Zimmer: 79112, Handy: 16-2471

Maks: Tel Zimmer: 79117

  85   Mon Aug 24 11:58:23 2009 Georg AuzingerPt_ITE512Pt_ITE512 1deg airrun02520k24.08.09 11:24:3324.08.09 12:40:25

Pt: 1 Grad, HV=200V, 0% RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
  86   Mon Aug 24 13:01:14 2009 Georg AuzingerPt_ITE512Pt_ITE512 3deg airrun02620k24.08.09 11:24:3324.08.2009 14:11:45

Pt: 3 Grad, HV=200V, 0% RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
  87   Mon Aug 24 14:23:01 2009 Georg AuzingerPt_ITE512Pt_ITE512 5deg airrun02720k24.08.2009 14:27:0724.08.2009 15:26:20

Pt: 5 Grad, HV=200V, 0% RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
  88   Mon Aug 24 15:28:49 2009 Georg AuzingerPt_ITE512Pt_ITE512 7deg airrun02820k24.08.09 15:39:5024.08.09 16:40:54

Pt: 7 Grad, HV=200V, 0% RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
  89   Mon Aug 24 16:44:36 2009 Georg AuzingerPt_ITE512Pt_ITE512 9deg airrun02920k24.08.09 17:03:2124.08.09 18:20:55

Pt: 9 Grad, HV=200V, 0% RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
  90   Mon Aug 24 18:30:07 2009 Georg AuzingerPt_ITE512Pt_ITE512 11deg airrun03020k24.08.09 18:45:0924.08.09 20:37:04

Pt: 11 Grad, HV=200V, 0% RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
  91   Mon Aug 24 22:04:56 2009 Georg AuzingerPt_ITE512Pt_ITE512 13deg airrun03120k24.08.09 20:53:5024.08.09 22:00:49

Pt: 13 Grad, HV=200V, 0% RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
  92   Mon Aug 24 22:12:22 2009 Georg AuzingerPt_ITE512Pt_ITE512 15deg airrun0321945624.08.09 22:18:0824.08.09 23:25:52

Pt: 15 Grad, HV=200V, 0% RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
no beam
--> run stopped after 19456 events
  93   Tue Aug 25 01:33:18 2009 Georg AuzingerPt_ITE512Pt_ITE512 0deg airrun03315172425.08.09 01:35:1825.08.2009 08:44:27

Pt: 0 Grad, HV=200V, 0% RH, beam on, 120GeV

ITE512: HV=70V,
X-Y-Table: x=99.6, y=36
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b