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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS June 2008, Page 4 of 4  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Project Subject Run Numberdown Events StartTime EndTime
  19   Sat May 31 18:33:50 2008 Thomas Bergauerotherbeam profile    
Beam configuration
Beam configuration file: H6b.802 (FM HAD (P0 off, H8=+180) PARLALLEL IN H6B SILC 2008

Rate: 5.7E5 particles/spill (measured with SCINT8 in beamline)

Particle Production Applet
Calculator applet

For +120 Gev/c beam:

Pi+55.67 %
p38.95 %
K+ 5.38 %
Attachment 1: Picture_1.png
Attachment 2: beamline_settings.png
  29   Sun Jun 1 17:01:12 2008 Thomas BergauerSiLCpath do data    
The data of all runs are stored on eudetmac001.cern.ch:

APVDAQ: /Volumes/Data/eudet/APVDAQ/silc/data

Telescope data: /Volumes/Data/eudet/Data/testing

all data will be saved to an external Firewire disk (Vienna Backup) and to CASTOR
  31   Sun Jun 1 20:13:37 2008 Eudet TelescopeSiLCBZIP2 compressed APVDAQ data    
Processed APVDAQ data_cluster - in tar.bzip2 format:

- on machine: eudetmac001.cern.ch
- in directory: /Volumes/Data/eudet/APVDAQ/silc/data_bz2
- size reduction by factor 6
- in order to extract files, write: tar -xjf name.tar.bz2

  34   Sun Jun 1 23:36:21 2008 Christian IrmlerSiLCHowTo analyse data    
The analysis consists of two stages:
  • The first is zero supression an cluster finding done with "apvdaq_analysis_fadc" (Labwindows/CVI application)
  • The second stage is hit time reconstruction done with ROOT. (hitfit)
Both are installed on EUDETMAC.

  • start apvdaq_analysis_fadc within the virtal Windows XP machine (parallels).
  • select a runfile, e.g. run0001.dat
  • select a propper calibration file, default is "cal002.out"
  • select pedestal correction file, default is "pedcorr001.ped"
  • enable "generate hit file and save results"
  • click "Start"

  • The result of the analyis is a file containing all hits above threshold, the filename is "xxxxxxx_cluster.hit", where xxxxxxx is the run name
  • The data structure of the file is described at http://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-SPS08/04
  • The file is located in the same folder as the raw data file (= data)

  • Once apvdaq_analysis_fadc is finished, start a console window and change into the directory /Volumes/Data/eudet/APVDAQ
  • execute ./hitfitrun nnnn, where nnnn is the run number

  • results: file with fitted hits (data structure see http://elog.hephy.at/testbeam-SPS08/04) as well as several plots.
  • file name: xxxxxxx_cluster.hit.fit, the file is located in the subdirectory output.
Attachment 1: analysis_howto.jpg
  67   Wed Jun 4 15:41:04 2008 Thomas Bergauer end.    
testbeam is over. DUTs and APVDAQ have been dismounted and will be shipped back to Vienna. EUDET telescope is still in H6B and taking data for alignment and pedestal during the night.
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b