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  HEPHY logbook for testbeam at SPS June 2008, Page 4 of 4  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Sun Jun 1 20:13:37 2008, Eudet Telescope, SiLC, BZIP2 compressed APVDAQ data, , , ,  
[b]Processed APVDAQ data_cluster - in tar.bzip2 format:[/b]

- on machine: eudetmac001.cern.ch
Entry  Sun Jun 1 23:36:21 2008, Christian Irmler, SiLC, HowTo analyse data, , , ,  analysis_howto.jpg
The analysis consists of two stages: 
[*] The first is zero supression an cluster finding done with "apvdaq_analysis_fadc" (Labwindows/CVI application)
Entry  Tue Jun 3 12:41:22 2008, Eudet Telescope, , useful eudaq software commands, (work in progress), , ,  
[b]to show information about a run (number of events, start and end timestamp,....:[/b]
./TestReader.exe -b -e 2828
Entry  Wed Jun 4 15:41:04 2008, Thomas Bergauer, , end., , , ,  
testbeam is over. DUTs and APVDAQ have been dismounted and will be shipped back to Vienna. EUDET telescope is still in H6B and taking data for alignment
and pedestal during the night. 
Entry  Tue Jun 17 09:43:07 2008, Thomas Bergauer, , Data analysis progress, overview (in progress), , ,  Testbeam_CERN_08.xls
[TABLE border="1"]
run number|What?|APVDAQ mode|Telescope mode|#events|hit data processed|hitfit processed
ELOG V3.1.5-fc6679b